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Posts posted by Anakey

  1. [quote name='JackSkellington' timestamp='1298418535' post='2642095']
    You mean the reps we waived?

    None the less, congratulations on the anniversary I suppose.

    nether OSA nor Genesis waivered any reps and we paid over half of Athen's so we still payed

    As for OSA, we has 100 tech outstanding before the current war to 1 member, and after discussions with both OSA and ASU it was agreed that the tech could be sent

  2. [center][img]http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/9253/flag3n.jpg[/img][/center]
    Whilst the formation of TSO was a very rushed and in some ways chaotic event we have stuck with the journey an alliance must take within planet bob, through the many highs and lows that we have battled with for the past 2 years. Today we make this announcement to bring to a close one of the darkest of chapters since this alliances formation and also start a new one for the upcoming year to come.

    We have finally finished paying repartitions to Athens, OSA, Ronin and Genesis for our part in the Bi-Polar war. The war itself was not the biggest casualty to our alliance, nor directly was the amount of reps that we owed but the severe drop in membership that occurred over the past 12 months. However now that the reps are finally paid off we can start to replace members lost to the natural disaster that is RL and become a small but strong alliance once again.

    We are also going to take on the small alliance of DDM as a protectorate. TSO would like to thank our good allies TFD for giving them protection during and immediately after the period of recent conflict they had been in and good luck with rebuilding.

    tldr TSO is 2, we paid last years reps and DDM is now a protectorate of TSO

    o/ TSO
    o/ DDM

  3. [quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1291930124' post='2535100']
    I don't believe anybody expected them to drag on for eight months. You'll recall that at the time of war and peace TSO was still a statistically impressive force. At about 60 members and 55k tech in reparations, TSO owed about 917 tech per member. At a payment rate of 50 tech per member per cycle they could have finished in a little over five months (and at perfect efficiency of 250 T/M/C, just over a month). It also wasn't a particularly auxiliary alliance--it was core member of TOP's preemptive strike against CnG and surrendered in the Easter Sunday Accords, fighting the full length of the war. As a result, TSO faced heavy reparations for its unprovoked attack. And finally--it was all indirect tech, a concoction at the time that was thought to be a good way to keep reparations sufficiently large without being excessively devastating to the surrendering party. As it turns out, tech-sellers are increasingly difficult to find, which prolonged reparations.

    In the end, TSO paid out (I think somebody mentioned earlier in the thread) about 24,000 tech before this waiving and will pay out a little bit more to the last concerned party. Had somebody proposed 25,000 in reparations at the time of peace (417 T/M; 9 cycles at 50 T/M/C and 2 cycles at 250 T/M/C), they'd have gotten funny looks for going so easy on a core opposition. Hindsight is 20/20, but I'd still rather secure reps that are too high and commute them later than secure reps that are too low and be S.O.L.

    Never in TSO's history as an alliance have we had as many as 60 nations, we had about 45 at the end of the war. Things could have perhaps turned out quite differently had we not lost half our membership over the past months, and of those that remain 3 or 4 haven't been active at all due to rl and so actually paid no reps at all I think if you look at the proportion of the tech that was paid off you will find that the vast majority of the tech came from our own nations some sending 2, maybe even 3k of the tech that they had from the war as direct due to the severe lack and also trustworthiness of sellers. Reps used to be given out as a proportion of damage done to the defending alliance, in this case even with 16k of reps waivered the 24k should be ample compensation seeing as 95% of our wars were against GATO who by contrast asked no reps of us at all

  4. [quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1291885380' post='2534768']
    Hang on a sec. Athens and CnG demand 55,000 tech in reparations after the war, and pretty much drive TSO into the ground. When it becomes apparent that TSO don't have the manpower or finance to pay up Athens cancels the remaining reps in a PR stunt. Better still, eight months later people congratulate them for being lenient?!?

    Am I missing something here? What about the rest of CnG reps from TSO? Did all the tech go to Athens, or is there most still to be collected?

    TSO had 55k tech as reps, the breakdown of this tech was as follows, 40k were to go to Athens, 5k to Open Source Alliance, 5k to Genesis, and 5k to Ronin.

    We had already managed to pay about 24k of the reps to athens by the time they decided to waiver the rest of the amount, the reps to Ronin were also waivered some time ago, Genesis has all being paid off leaving only OSA left, over half of which has been paid and hopefully the other half will be paid shortly.

    Although at the end of the war we still had 45 or so nations however due to many circumstances that number has sadly dropped to just 20 and out of those a good few are severely inactive. But TSO will rebuild now that the weight of the rep has mostly been lifted from its shoulders a new year is coming and a new year for TSO.

    Big thankyou to Athens for doing this for us

  5. To: Anakey From: TigerCzar Date: 4/28/2009 8:13:00 PM

    Subject: Battle Report

    Message: You have been attacked by TigerCzar. You lost 13,667 soldiers and 504 tanks. You killed 6,074 soldiers and 909 tanks. Their forces razed 96.307 miles of your land, stole 6.420 technology, and destroyed 25.682 infrastructure. Their forces looted $1,000,000.00 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    To: Anakey From: TigerCzar Date: 4/28/2009 8:13:00 PM

    Subject: Battle Report

    Message: You have been attacked by TigerCzar. You lost 13,667 soldiers and 504 tanks. You killed 6,074 soldiers and 909 tanks. Their forces razed 96.307 miles of your land, stole 6.420 technology, and destroyed 25.682 infrastructure. Their forces looted $1,000,000.00 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    To: Anakey From: WildKat Date: 5/2/2009 12:35:58 AM

    Subject: Battle Report

    Message: You have been attacked by WildKat. You lost 3,959 soldiers and 83 tanks. You killed 1,131 soldiers and 0 tanks. Their forces razed 42.133 miles of your land, stole 2.809 technology, and destroyed 11.235 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $1,000,000.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    To: Anakey From: WildKat Date: 5/2/2009 12:36:09 AM

    Subject: Battle Report

    Message: You have been attacked by WildKat. You lost 2,179 soldiers and 50 tanks. You killed 623 soldiers and 0 tanks. Their forces razed 42.143 miles of your land, stole 2.810 technology, and destroyed 11.238 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $1,000,000.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    Is it just me or is the land lost in battle too high for my nation?

  6. He has no AADN no FAFB also no Navy but does have construction

    My Defcon 1 Him Defcon 4 (it was 4 when i made the attacks, now it is 1)

    My tech 1,652.96 His tech 1,573.64

  7. happened again today

    To: duramax From: Anakey Date: 8/20/2008 7:46:01 AM

    Subject: Escorted Bombing Attack Report

    Message: A fighter escorted bombing run has been launched against your nation by Anakey. In the attack you lost 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 0.00 infrastructure. You destroyed 10 attacking bombers. You lost 5 fighter aircraft and destroyed 29 fighter aircraft launched by Anakey. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    To: duramax From: Anakey Date: 8/20/2008 7:47:59 AM

    Subject: Escorted Bombing Attack Report

    Message: A fighter escorted bombing run has been launched against your nation by Anakey. In the attack you lost 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 0.00 infrastructure. You destroyed 10 attacking bombers. You lost 2 fighter aircraft and destroyed 6 fighter aircraft launched by Anakey. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    i am attacking with an extra 45 planes (assuming his are all fighters) so why am i loosing every time?

  8. To: duramax From: Anakey Date: 8/19/2008 3:27:45 AM

    Subject: Escorted Bombing Attack Report

    Message: A fighter escorted bombing run has been launched against your nation by Anakey. In the attack you lost 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 0.00 infrastructure. You destroyed 10 attacking bombers. You lost 1 fighter aircraft and destroyed 45 fighter aircraft launched by Anakey. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    I had batte support and attacked with 85 F22 and 10 TU 160

    making my total attack 95 planes against 50

    no way would i loose 55 planes and only kill 1

  9. Reduces infrastructure upkeep cost -3%. Allow nations to develop nuclear weapons only if that nations government preference supports nuclear weapons. If a nations government preference favors nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but does not support nuclear weapons then the nation will receive +$3.00 per citizen and +$0.15 for every level of tech purchased up to level 30 but loses -1 population happiness. If a nation owns nuclear weapons but does not have uranium the cost to maintain nukes is doubled. Lowers Submarine and Aircraft Carrier navy vessel purchase and upkeep cost -5%.

    when i changed my gov position to us nuclear power i got +1 environment added on to the penalty from trading uranium in the first place. no ware on the info index does it say that i loose another environment as well as a hapiness if i have nuclear power.

    In fact with this reduction in environment i actually loose more hapines and so more money then if i don't have nuclear power which sort of defeats the object of using nuclear power compared to other power such as oil or coal which harm the environment more then nuclear power stations.

  10. Anti-Air Defense Network - $50,000,000 - Reduces odds of incoming aircraft attacks against your nation -25%. Reduces aircraft attack damages against your nation -10%.

    What does it meen by reduces odds of incoming aircraft? does it like reduce the tech advantage they have, strength, does it destroy theenemy aircraft?

    also when it says damages against my nation does this meen only from bomber damage?

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