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Count Rupert

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Posts posted by Count Rupert

  1. There is no longer the ability to show all the nations on a map. It proved to be too great a strain on the servers. You can see a map of the top 50 nations in the game. Additionally you can also see a map of the top 100 nations of any alliance.

  2. Did SOUL let you off for the last time you tried this? I don't think BANG will, seeing as you're establishing a clear pattern of trying to pay people to attack alliances. And what does the Aquatic Brotherhood (your listed AA) think of your shenanigans? If you're actually a member, why aren't you asking them for assistance?

    Do you have any idea what an alliance is? That pretty much describes all of them.

    The Aquatic Brotherhood doesn't think much of his shenanigans. He had applied for membership was declined. He is ghosting our aa and as such is open to attack by us. When we first were made aware of his ghosting he had full slots; but I see he has an open slot now, so we'll have to see about filling it. Anyone who can find him with an open war slot and wants to attack, can do so with our blessing.

  3. Well the conventional wisdom for nations in your position is to go for the schools/univerities before moving onto the clinics/hospital. The reason for that is the increase in income will bring in more money than the increase in citizens paying taxes will (a 5% boost to your current income (goes from $182.47 to $191.53) will bring in $2.54 more in taxes per citizen which equals to an extra $46,903.54, on the other hand, the clinic will increase your population by 382 who would pay your current taxes of $51.09 and that comes to $19,516.38). However, your situation because of the jump means you have an opportunity to make the most money waiting to cross the 2k jump by getting one clinic first enabling you to buy an extra improvement before you cross the 2k jump. If that extra improvement is a school, then you're in the same position the conventional wisdom tells you to be in with a bonus of 2% to your citizens. Only different is your closer to getting your second school if you got the school first since you're be at 18,811 citizens while the clinic/school combo leaves you at 19,193. Depends on how long you expect to sit at the 2k jump. If you're not going to really stop, then the school/university route is the best money maker. If you're going to sit for any length of time, go clinic school for the extra income. After you cross the jump, ditch the clinic in favor of the second school and complete out the schools/universities.

  4. Yes, if you bought a clinic it will allow you to buy another improvement before crossing the 2k jump. You're basically getting 9 citizens a point (9.4 but that would include gains from land), multiplying by the 39 points of infrastructure remaining before the jump will garner you 351 citizens added to your current total of 18,466 equals 18,811 adding 2% extra citizens from a clinic would bring you up to 19,193 as a rough approximation.

  5. Whenever the script is run. I've seen it happen a couple of hourse into the day, I've seen nations go to within a couple of hours of 21 days. There is not set time and it doesn't depend on the time the nation was created.

    I agree with TheDave, it can happen anytime on the 20th day. Though the old saying there is an exception to every rule seems to hold true on Planet Bob too since here is a nation 49 days inactive.


  6. While we're at it, how come, when I hit the 6th day of my peace mode also received the dramatic income reducement. I'm only 8days old.

    It says that new nations get a grace periode of 7days into peace mode, without any penalties. After that the peace mode penalties begin with the -3 happiness at 3days.

    Today I found out half of my taxes were gone. how's so?

    The grace period lasted seven days. However, on day eight, the penalties were imposed, not as if it was day one, but as day eight since you've been in peace mode that long.

  7. Hey,

    One of the nations I'm attacking recieved an in-game private message from my account. As follows:

    Now this player has replied claiming that I'm forging battle reports and have broken the game rules (which I haven't) and I certainly didn't send the pm. Is this a System Generated message? And what does it mean?

    Well, that is the standard battle report for a defeat alert and it means he's already in anarchy and does not have enough soldiers to give an attacker odds in a land battle. The only thing that has changed from before is the losses are higher now and they lose money in a defeat alert. Before they could sit without any soldiers and their money was protected; no longer.

  8. That completely sucks for me. But thanks.

    Moreso if you stay up late to be on at update and get a server busy message for 30 minutes plus due to the large numbers of others trying to be on an update due to the current war.

  9. one of you says that the military bonus max out at 300 tech, while the other says that it still have military purpose after 300.

    so, which is correct? :blink:

    As Rozalia stated it does not continue to give a combat bonus after 300. It's "military" bonus after 300 is the increase in NS and you need to have extra to keep the combat bonus you get up to 300 to cover losses. And given that the nuke line is up around 35,000 NS, if having nukes is a goal, that means tech. Also, you need 400 tech to max your literacy rate at 100%.

  10. Mine is based on a movie set in the post world war II timeframe of the growing cold war between the USA and USSR. It was a comedy starring Peter Sellers who played three different roles in the movie. The name of the fictional country was the Duchy of Grand Fenwick. I had to eliminate the spaces between the words to get it to fit in the space limitation for names in the game. The movie is called, The Mouse that Roared, which is based on a book of the same name by an Irish writer. Sadly I haven't read the book. Guess I should try to correct that oversight one of these days.

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