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Lord Boris

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Everything posted by Lord Boris

  1. Trying to use anarchy stats as a benchmark of success is generally moronic and you should feel bad for using it. Since the paradigm shift in war to the stance of nuking all the time, every time, you're doing something pretty damn wrong if you're not putting people into anarchy.
  2. That would just be cruel, honestly. I'm sure NEW will get to blow up plenty of stuff before all this is over, though.
  3. From where we're sitting, it's a fantastic fight.
  4. See you on the field, Polar.
  5. In fact, if your pen writes for more than 4 hours, you should seek immediate help.
  6. I read the line about putting magicninja in charge and all I could think of was how hard the gears in OsRavan's head would start churning about how to crisis manage the situation. Twas a great good read and a great laugh. Maybe I'll have to drag my largely retired self off the couch stop on by TLR's forums sometime so you can get to know FTW a bit more.
  7. Bagged Milk should never be recognized, honestly.
  8. While I generally find perma-war distasteful, if a group brings it upon themselves, then there's no sympathy for them. It will be interesting how much ends up being left of Polar, should such a policy actually be acted upon.
  9. Clearly it's a ruse to distract from their next move: a triple break-off flanking attack.
  10. Obviously we should blame Deebo for this egregious oversight.
  11. The movie review may very well be the second best thing to come from this war. The first, of course, were the comics.
  12. Clearly the ones they were using were amino spiked, so they stopped.
  13. Admittedly, my first thought was mild surprise that certain signatories were on board with this, but surprise that USN was actually still a functioning alliance anymore was a very close second.
  14. I've always found that took some of the fun out of the act of insulting.
  15. And yet in either case, it should probably be expected when dealing with a bloc MADP.
  16. I'm not sure my memory back to 2007 or so is terribly clear anymore, actually.
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