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The Trail

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Blog Comments posted by The Trail

  1. ODN's governance has been democratic for a long time; open though?No, not hardly.
    I don't know where you are pulling that out of (ass perhaps?). I was just regular member for a month and now got into gov and I can't say that much goes behind closed doors the GA has any need or interest to know. Of course there are certain matters that must be handled in private as anyone with half a brain understands though.
    A regular member that was a leader in INT a while ago. Thats the difference between someone who joined CN a month ago compared to you who has been in CN for uh well I assume years?
    I hardly see what that has to do with the openness of ODN governance though. I didn't have any special access to the gov sections in ODN boards before getting elected even if I am an ancient member of CN community.True enough that I might have easier time grasping matters than a new player but that doesn't mean the new player doesn't have the equal chance to put things together in his head as I did.

    It doesnt but where you have credentials new players have none. Since you have proven yourself to be a better canidate then someone who just recently joined you have more chance. As would anyone else who posts here. Hell if schattenman joined ODN he would have more chance. Its about experience and recognition versus none and a nobody

  2. ODN's governance has been democratic for a long time; open though?No, not hardly.
    I don't know where you are pulling that out of (ass perhaps?). I was just regular member for a month and now got into gov and I can't say that much goes behind closed doors the GA has any need or interest to know. Of course there are certain matters that must be handled in private as anyone with half a brain understands though.

    A regular member that was a leader in INT a while ago. Thats the difference between someone who joined CN a month ago compared to you who has been in CN for uh well I assume years?

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