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Posts posted by seiferguy

  1. Dont speak unless you know what your saying. 1. They broke the protectorate by never giving us the money(they will tell you they were setting it up by they damn well knew they were gonna start this war) 2. Money by far isnt the only reason we broke it. You wanna know how often they came and posted on our forums? Uh....twice a month? WOW. I started 99% of all conversations with them. It's like a noob in your alliance. You dont sit back and wait for them to come to you with questions, you inform them on how to do things and direct them to guides.

    Yes we were FANpiled, but as far as "you guys" extorting...it was ONE, i repeat ONE, member that did this and he was expelled immediatly. It made perfect sense to drop the protectorate because...omg! it would of dropped anyway! Why? Well you cant have a protectorate with an alliance that dont exsist. We didnt backstab them, did we attack them? no, did we flame them? no, we broke a pact and attacked the GOONS, an alliance that didnt like talking to us in the first place. Thats why we didnt attack \m/, we had no problem with them, we talked a good amount. Guess what, I can go to NPO and NpO and talk to them on a regular basis, and they talk back!

    No one cares about you and your tiny alliance that did nothing to GOONS in this thread. Get out.

    That said, I can't stay in a place where Genmay doesn't exist on CN. It's been damn fun, and I just can't see it any other way.

  2. Whelp, I'll miss you guys. Sad to see the light-hearted fade away.

    As for everyone saying The Unjust Path was formed to take on the orders... well, Polaris declared on us, remember? The Unjust Path was founded on the basis that porn was created to be enjoyed. Never forget that.

  3. I never understood why you hated Sparta so much. I even outright asked. Because of this, I always got a bad vibe from you. Especially when you did a Callout on Sparta in the Pit and took great joy in trolling many of our threads.

    Either way, I'm sure your OOC personality is much better. Best of luck in the RL.

    I had no real reason to hate - trolling you guys was fun, that's pretty much it. I also hated 300 too, so... yeah.

  4. After 9 months of playing this game, I'm calling it quits. It's taken a lot out of me since the beginning and I'm just not going to go on now. After spending a whole day devoted to fixing an alliance problem and blowing friends off, I thought "okay, this is enough."

    I started when Genmay started at the very beginning when we joined the game to mess with Fark and SA (ironically, they fought on same side as us in this conflict), and basically have been in some sort of government since the beginning. I've always been doing foreign affairs, and yeah - I loved it, because it was the people I got to hang out with, not the game.

    I wanted to start the war with BOTS because hell, we were bored, and we wanted to have fun. Isn't that what playing a game is all about? So yeah, it ended badly for us, but in the end, Genmay will stick together, because there's more to them than the game. While I may not be a part of the alliance anymore, I'll always be in the Genmay community. It wasn't about honor or anything, it was just about playing a game. I stayed relatively quiet during the whole war announcements, just observing. It was insane to see what was said, the NPOers stating IC death threats to people they were allied with just weeks ago. I was nearly convinced that The White Delegation was an alliance for homophobic people due to their shouts of "death to gaymen" (No, seriously, guys! We're only homophobic IN-CHARACTER, OOC we love gays!) which frankly just scares me, but... anyways. I think everyone says this in good-bye threads, but people need to chill. I say this because people in the end go to war for fun, not for some IC crap.

    Anyways, here's my list of shout-outs, and I promise not to say anything mean, and I'll categorize them nicely for ya'all:

    - Those who ended up on the other side -

    Bilrow: Though everyone seems to hate you, I still think you're a good guy, and you have my respect. I had loads of fun with the VE elimination back in the day, and the other crap we used to talk about back in the WUT channels.

    Dilber: I'll say it again, had you been more active, I'm pretty sure you would have stopped this war from happening. You're cool in my book, so I dunno, stay chill, or something.

    Philosopher: You gave our alliance a chance to live, and I'll be forever grateful to you for that. I hope everything works out for you IRL, dude.

    Moo: I didn't really know you, but ya know... I feel sad that things turned out the way they did.

    JB: I think we agreed on a lot of issues minus that one thing, but other than that, you were another cool WUT leader.

    Griswalds: Approaching NpO for surrender, I'm thinking "gah, this will suck" but you were pleasant about it. I guess NpO may have some decent dudes.

    Doctor Fresh: I'm not sure about you... I guess you were decent, but ya know, I'm sure you're a decent person IRL, or something.

    - To my allies -

    TPF -

    Slayer99: You were pretty loyal back in the day. To see you pull out meant you seriously saw something wrong. Anyways, it's always been an honor to be around you, and I think you're a good guy, and you should already know that.

    TheBigBad: Never talked to you, but you're probably one of the smartest posters on CN.

    MK -

    Archon: I've always hated things with a trace of LUE in them. I was probably one of the biggest "MK = LUE 2.0" people until recently. You did pull your crap around, and yeah - you finally got my respect. Good job on that.

    \m/ -

    Liberal_Extinction: Another cool guy that's been cool to chill with. You taught me that people who hate liberals are people too!

    Jason8: Never really talked, but another cool guy.

    WC: You're always a guy who's wanted the best for his alliance. I still think you need to grow up and be a bit more calm, heh.

    HRT: I really hated your think gimmick, and seriously considered declaring war on you for that. You cleaned your act up a bit, so I'm not as mad now, heh.

    General Gabriel: You still around? You were the dude that got Genmay and \m/ our second MDP. That was cool.

    GS -

    Kimber and UZIgirl: Sorry things got screwed up. I guess we're all partially to blame, but yeah... I think you're all pretty cool.

    GOONS -

    Helsbecter: heh, I remember reading through some old posts on the WUT forums, and seeing you post way back when that Genmay had a 95% chance of failing. WHAT NOW, HUH? WHAT NOW? Other than that, you pretty much said "yeah well, you can be another SA hater, but what's the point?" and yeah, no one really saw one.


    bigwoody: If you do come by the Pacific Northwest, you're obliged to buy me a drink. You said so, k?

    404: Being that GOONS was always Genmay's best ally, I'm surprised I talked to you so little. Heh, you made this game interesting by making everyone hate you. God bless!

    Sarafina: Everytime I see :3 I'll always think of you. I wish you the best for you and your Isajeep boyfriend.

    DumbWhiteGuy: you aided me tech back in the day. Thanks.

    Daemon_Vower: If there's one person that made my Cybernations experience much more awesome, it was you, mangs. I still remember you coming into the genmay channel and announcing my real-life "accomplishment" heh. Yeah, I'll probably chill on IRC just to hang out with you guys, and you're pretty much the reason why. I meant to call you and say I was from the internet, but yeah... guess that won't happen now, huh :(

    Anyways, that's all, I didn't include any Genmay members (I got sum forams for that), but yeah... I'm outta here. Good luck to you all.

    EDIT: a few final callouts - to those in Fark: I was harsh on you guys, but yeah - you're alright too. You know how to have fun despite the 'worst' of times.

    Also, to lifeless, of Darkfall - you guys were awesome. Thanks.

  5. Slayer, while it sucks you had to pull out of the war, I have to say good job on sticking up for your beliefs, etc.

    While I don't speak for all of the Genmay council, you do have my support personally. While I know Genmay is all about jokes and harassing each other (and it's to be expected in our own community), extending it is... a bit much in a game.

  6. Our flag was publically avaliable should you have wanted it, when you called upon us to activate our MDP, it would of conflicted against the one we had with RIA, who had given us a lot of aid, so we weren't going to stab them in the back, and as far as I know, under the circumstances, we weren't required to join your fight, we were even prepared to negotiate our involvement with you, but you never got back to us, and you call us useless?

    Well, if you didn't want to stab your "allies" in the back, isn't it hypocritical to be in this war now? Haw.

    Not exactly the most valid reasons for cancelling an MPD, I'll think most will agree.

    Showing your usual class again, I see.

    We asked for a flag to use, as flags are important in announcements, and you never provided it, plus you never talked to us, and our membership kept asking who the hell you guys were and why we had an MDP. If you don't even know the alliance they never talk to you, how can we be assured you'd honor an MDP if we called upon it?

    Class? Hah, this war isn't about class anymore. It's all about fun.

  7. No, I think they realized they have nothing to gain from supporting you (nor does anyone except UJP).

    Also, EoTRS showing their class :rolleyes:

    Actually, we were the ones that cancelled it, not them.

    It because in the time of GW3 (back when Genmay and Pacifica were, friends, remember?), we asked to activate their MDP and they did it by declaring on the menaceful "none" alliance. That, and we said we'd post our MDP if they created a flag to post it with, which we never got and decided they were pretty useless. They did nothing and overall are a lol alliance to enter the fray.

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