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Coffee Shock

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  1. The message type for some nuke related messages in my war log are wrong or missing. Missing: Wrong: War log: http://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=772852
  2. I know that. In my case all my nukes were thwarted and the target have the FSS.
  3. I have 99% battle odds, have not successfully nuked today and I am the only one fighting but still no defeat alert.
  4. [quote name='Provost Zakharov' timestamp='1296388773' post='2611028'] If you're interested in reducing the complexity of the search from 360*180 evaluations down to a much smaller number, you can compute a continuous approximation to the discrete problem as your initial guess, then just examine a small number of points around that. Of course it's not really necessary with fast computers, but perhaps you find it mathematically interesting. [/quote] There is a much easier way to reduce the number of possible hotspot locations as they aren’t as random as you may think. Hint: Plot all hotspots found so far. My hotspot finding code, maybe it’s of some use to someone. [code] struct pos_t { double lat; double lng; int efficacy; } static const pos_data[] = { //Moon 2010-11 {70.00000002, 7, 50}, {19.31114335506464, -81.5625, 50}, {-37.16031654673676, -101.25, 55}, {17.978733095556155, 113.5546875, 50}, {30.14512718337613, 146.953125, 58}, {-9, -161, 93}, {-34, 145, 67}, {-12, -19, 50}, {-17, -173, 96}, {37.71859032558813, -129.375, 56}, }; static int calc_efficacy(double h_lat, double h_lng, double base_lat, double base_lng){ const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288; const double deg2rad = pi / 180; const double magic_constant = 39.5856603902019127; //pi*12.6 ??? double h_lat_rad = h_lat * deg2rad; double h_long_rad = h_lng * deg2rad; double base_lat_rad = base_lat * deg2rad; double base_long_rad = base_lng * deg2rad; double distance = acos(sin(base_lat_rad) * sin(h_lat_rad) + cos(base_lat_rad) * cos(h_lat_rad) * cos(h_long_rad - base_long_rad)); return std::max(int(100 - distance * magic_constant), 50); } void moon_mars_find_hotspot(){ const int num_data_points = sizeof(pos_data) / sizeof(pos_data[0]); std::vector<pos_t> scores; for(int lat = -85; lat <= 85; lat++){ for(int lng = -180; lng <= 180; lng++){ int diff_sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < num_data_points; i++){ int efficacy = calc_efficacy(lat, lng, pos_data[i].lat, pos_data[i].lng); diff_sum += std::abs(efficacy - pos_data[i].efficacy); } pos_t tmp_pos = {lat, lng, diff_sum}; scores.push_back(tmp_pos); } } int num_to_print = 30; int num_possible_hotspots = 0; std::vector<pos_t>::iterator it = scores.begin(); for(; it != scores.end(); ++it){ if(it->efficacy == 0){ num_possible_hotspots++; if(num_to_print >= num_possible_hotspots){ bool tilt = calc_efficacy(it->lat, it->lng, it->lat, it->lng) != 100; std::cout<<"lat="<<std::setw(5)<<it->lat<<(tilt ? "*" : " ")<<" lng="<<std::setw(5)<<it->lng<<std::endl; } } } std::cout<<"Possible hotspots: "<<num_possible_hotspots<<std::endl; } [/code]
  5. [img]http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/5909/aircraftupkeep.png[/img] Should be "lowers aircraft upkeep cost -25%" according to the information index.
  6. Why do we need a fancy name? I have not heard anyone call this war anything other than the NpO-\m/ War. It fit perfectly considering how it started and ended so I vote to keep calling it the NpO-\m/ War.
  7. Aluminum - Coal - Gold - Iron - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=166016 Lead - Lumber - Marble - Oil - Pigs - Uranium - Water - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=166016 Wheat - Bonus Resources: Beer Construction Microchips Radiation Cleanup Scholars Steel
  8. There was nothing wrong in your calculations but it was not a pure math problem. The hotspot is {-71, 67} but instead of making it a special case the game calculates the distance and any distance greater than zero is rounded down to 99%. In this case floating-point accuracy makes the distance non-zero even when the moon facility is exactly on the hotspot. I calculated the error from the correct position so that the distance calculation gives exactly zero.
  9. I tried and the spot I calculated do give 100% effectiveness. Zakharov is not completely wrong but he missed an important detail.
  10. Test this spot: Lon= 67 Lat= -70.99999991
  11. I will send you 3 million now, and then you send me 50 tech once it expires and another 50 once that expires. My nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=166016
  12. moon radius in yards = 1899606 distance to hotspot in yards = ARCCOS(SIN(base_lat*PI/180)*SIN(hotspot_lat*PI/180)+COS(base_lat*PI/180)*COS(hotspot_lat*PI/180)*COS((hotspot_lon*PI/180)-(base_lon*PI/180))) * moon radius in yards efficiency = ROUNDDOWN((1 - (distance to hotspot in yards / 4000000)) * 100) B)
  13. This seems to work for me. moon diameter = 3474 efficiency = max((1 - (distance to hot spot / moon diameter)) * 100, 50) That gives: for efficiency > 50 distance to hot spot = (1 - (efficiency / 100)) * moon diameter Now it's easy to find the hot spot from three coordinates with trilateration. B) Edit: Incorrectly placed parentheses.
  14. I will send you 3 million now, and then you send me 50 tech once it expires and another 50 once that expires. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=166016
  15. 1 infra level gives 7.5 citizens before population modifiers.
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