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Everything posted by firingline

  1. Glad to know I still live rent free in your head, SW.
  2. Hope this plan works out better for you than all the spreadsheets and preparation you were bragging about during the last war.
  3. We already addressed this. They're not. As soon as it became clear to Piley he was being staggered, he hid down at 5k NS to ensure he was mostly fighting nations with fewer wonders. He'd turtle when fighting somebody like me, then buy up when he had all the advantages. Can't speak to what he did while in FTW, but he was certainly no great warrior while in UCR.
  4. "Elected". A new day, certainly. A day that starts off with over half of your active membership gone. Good luck with Marx as your defense guy. I can tell you first-hand he was one of your least effective and least-engaged fighters last war. UCR's best days are behind it. See you in a few months.
  5. I have never forgiven you for the face I made when I woke up to see I had -4,000 soldiers. That being said, I'm sure this largely had to do with Marx's disastrous leadership. He made little attempt to participate in the last war or help his alliance-mates. Sent very little aid while requesting his allies' help on that front. Made clear the war would never end as his membership was being pounded into oblivion, only relenting when we dragged his nation down. I'll never forget seeing UCR members with Political Lobbyist wonders but no SDIs, no doubt at his insistence. UCR was all about Marx, even at the expense of the membership.
  6. Well, it certainly wasn't a compliment. That much I can assure you.
  7. Two high-quality alliances who enjoy target-rich environments. Seems like a natural fit.
  8. Better off not being treatied to the alliance that defeated an entire bloc with 4x the number of members? What an interesting take.
  9. The way CLAWS treated TW made it much easier than it otherwise would have been.
  10. I understand what you're saying and understand why high-tier nations go without soldiers. That being said, there's plenty of tactical downsides to having no soldiers for the commies. For example, we were able to bleed Marx's entire warchest in 1v1's with defeat alerts. $6m per day is expensive. And it denies him the ability to do a significant portion of damage. Most wolves were fighting 1 on 3; he could easily take advantage. I think my casualty count this war (2 million per month) makes it clear that tactic isn't denying me any of what I want.
  11. Ahh, the night we landed like 9 defeat alerts on the commies in 40 seconds.
  12. You seem mad. Is it because you and your friends always end up losing to me in the most embarrassing possible ways? I will always be better than you, SW. The sooner you accept that the better off you will be.
  13. You were the one insisting TW would surrender to you. Your leader said there would be no peace at all. You bowed to our demands in the end, just like always.
  14. We learned a lot about the spirit of socialism as you sat there and took defeat alerts day after day while causing no damage. I also find it quite interesting how much you and a few other nations hoarded their wealth as your comrades lost every penny they had. Spirit of socialism indeed.
  15. I can't help but respond to the silly statements your FA department is making. Perhaps you should inform them that their job is to open embassies and chat with people and leave the real FA to you. That being said, it is quite refreshing to see CLAWS admit that we won. Quite the about-face from the most recent statement on the matter (from WC):
  16. You missed the biggest one, where CLAWS was perfectly happy to try to maneuver for an expansion of the conflict in a way they believed would disadvantage the Wolves, all because they were hoping for a war on advantageous terms against Non Grata. They were perfectly happy to help the alliance that publicly declared TW would never receive peace; permanent war for their ally was something they were fine with as long as they could take a pot shot at NG.
  17. Oh, believe me, TW gov has brought grievances to actual CLAWS gov privately already. I understand you may be out of the loop on that and maybe unaware that it's even been happening. That's why it's funny when you claim it's 'just FL being FL'. Perhaps you should refrain from speaking about things you're uninformed about. Whether TW cancels on CLAWS or not is up to them. But I can assure you their dissatisfaction has been conveyed to the appropriate parties within CLAWS.
  18. Don't try to deflect the blame for your alliance's actions onto me. No matter my thoughts on CLAWS, that's not enough to move the needle on TW Gov's perception of you guys. You earned that with the decisions you made and the way your gov treated TW.
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