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Posts posted by mochi

  1. The sentiment is there. The 'statement' is rejected.

    Disclaimer: Multiple responses in one.


    I truly hope that it has been made clear that whilst the action done by Dane0 was worth an apology, the question Johnny Apocalypse asked prior his sudden departure and my announcement of that remains. How did Dane0 obtain the information disclosed if not from a person Johnny once trusted more than most on Bob?  (Specifically speaking, whilst Johnny had indeed referenced things, to the specifics mentioned - that was not in public eyes.)


    Moving on. Stewie, the sentiment is there but I truly cannot see myself accepting this. This isn't the first time a line has been crossed and we've no reason anymore to trust it'll be the last. Would it be wrong to lack hope in change? I don't think so. We can all remember the events of my sudden jump into leadership and the things I encouraged, spoke and acted on that lead to our Summit. It took some time but I realized my actions were far from acceptable and did my best to resolve it, even setting a new stone where they once were in the form of a NAP simply hoping to pave a new path. My withdrawal of the pact I offered was not an action I took lightly either.



     It takes both sides to build a bridge.


    What came after felt continuously like a one-sided effort when I heard continuously of the comments made by the members you lack control of. I'm no role model of what leadership should be by any means but even I did what I could to slow and restrict the comments COBRA would make previously.


    I believe you, Stewie. That you and you alone are apologetic for the disrespect to such a degree shown but we both know that without any true repercussions to ALL members who partook in the continued disrespect, it'll continue to be only you saving face for your alliance. Though, the statement in itself lacks a great deal of sincerity personally. There's far too many factors I'd be glad to discuss privately if ever you wish to offer some clarity.


    tl:dr: see title.



    7 hours ago, Lucius Optimus said:

    Tell me friend 


    What do you know about COBRA? General Kanabis? Jack Layton? TPF? 


    Should we hold the 2nd coming of TPF or the 3rd iteration of the COBRA government responsible for its sins as well? An all out white knight crusade? You have MI6 in your midst yes? And known agents of other unconventional organizations? 


    Just how far back shall we go?


    Apologies were offered privately, public Apologies were issued without a prompt as I understand it. 


    Accept or not simple as that


    As it stands, the past is the past. History at times will repeat itself as it's inevitable in some cases but seemingly, you omit the detail of my apology for what had took place and attempts of resolve. Given after all that had happened, I truthfully hoped you would've had even the slightest bit of trust in my words.


    An apology was provided. A public statement was issued.



    Final Notes.


    A general consensus throughout the community has formed and things that I never thought I'd find myself seeing are now before my eyes. Whilst my response is nothing of the unexpected yet remarkable response that is from FTW or the short and honest straight to the point response from White Chocolate, I stand by the words I wrote and if you truly think resolve is desired of this, the world awaits for action to follow the apology.


    I know in myself as a leader that despite my lack of experience and the knowledge I'm continuing to learn as I move forward with such a position, I went against all advice that COBRA's Royal Guards, Elders and even King offered when I brought up my plan moving forward to try and create resolve and perhaps a time where we were to fight again.


    I no longer see such a thing being achievable after this, Stewie. For that, I am sorry. Leader to leader.


    A great thank you once more to FTW and the efforts placed previously in the Summit to assist in the resolution and I am sorry that despite said efforts I've had to reverse the actions made.




  2. 5 hours ago, Joseph Black said:



    A good friend is hard to come by, but a worthy adversary is worth their weight in gold. Jonny was both. I hope that he isn't truly leaving, but wish him all the best if he does.



    Joseph Muddog Black 


    Thank you for your words, Joseph. They're truly appreciated and I'll pass the message along for you. o7



  3. u1kpMH4.png

    [mochi@cobra: Hello World.]

    It has been one long week, hasn't it?



    I hereby declare the end of the JA Chronicles.


    I needn't go into detail over the things that have transpired as those involved are aware and in this vast planet, word spreads faster than an man on horseback preaching great riches. Johnny Apocalypse has been quite the entertainment for our alliances planet-wide. A man of many words, content and never backed from an argument. COBRA is sad to witness such a person leave after all he has accomplished and managed. Our planet has changed in so many different ways with his actions and we hope that like General Kanabis his retirement, despite his controversies, he rests easy now for creating water in a slowly drying planet.


    COBRA thanks those who stood by him.





    COBRA hereby cancels the Non-Aggression Pact with Non-Grata.


    Acknowledgement is made to the efforts made to resolve our differences.

    COBRA does not feel that the discussions within the Summit truly resolved anything.

    NAP-time is hereby revoked.




    TL:DR: Long Live JA, Non-Aggression Pact Cancelled.


    Signed for COBRA,

    Tikibird, The Tweety Bird King of Sneks.
     Mochi, The Orbiting Weather Man for Planet Bob, also Crown Prince.
     Gamestonk, COBRA's Royal Guard of Omeet and Teemo's.

    CitizenKane, Money Printer Go BRR.

  4.  With the cancellation in early months of 2021 of COBRA and NG's treaty and relations declining quickly in passing days, through the assistance and great amounts of patience from FTW within a Boognish & NG Summit to resolve our issues, I am pleased to announce the Anti-Squanch Pact that came from such talks. 




    Anti-Squanch Pact

    The Anti-Squanch Pact is a formal agreement between Non-Grata and COBRA that both parties agree not to squanch one another and discuss further issues and come to an understanding.


    Signed for COBRA,

     tikibird, The King Snek

     mochi, the Crown Prince of Anti-Snek Stepping

     CitizenKane, the Sims Economy 2021 Manager

     GameStonks, the Royal Investor of $GME


    Signed for Non-Grata,

     Stewie, God-Emperor

     Thrash, Silvertongue

     Legend, Chief Distributer of Whiskey

     King Cyan (Chameleon), Spirits Supplier

     Kerschbs, Secret Democrat

     Lyanna, Wielder of the Econ Whip

     Waffles, The intern's intern

     dane0, Blood God

     Erwin Schrodinger, Spirit of not even going here anymore

     Lenin, Advisor to Questionable propaganda

     Caustic, Pope of Non Grata


    tl:dr (really?) - NAP between COBRA & Non-Grata. 

  5. AdolescentShamefulArmyant-size_restricte

    mfw reading.


    Let's try keep a positive post in positive response please, I read much of the dictionary in order to attempt to resolve things, no step on snek progress or speak badly of TIE or NG, regardless what happened or incidents that have happened. It's in the past now. We live today!


    I'd once more like to congratulate the both of you for the sea path you've joined together. Fighting the British can be.. Problematic at times I think. I think we're still salty about the tea. ;)


    To a bright future!

  6. 17 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    The birth of a franchise, enjoyed the read. 

    Although a minor side note: granting dual membership at the discretion of the king technically implicates the king. In dual membership scenarios it is often argued that said members actions are that of the alliance they sit on, and thus plausible deniability. By the king passing approval for a nation it also implicates them in the actions of the nation sitting elsewhere. 

    A fix would be to allow for warlords to be granted the ability to become dual members as they see fit. Being promoted to that high of level, they would have already instilled enough trust in cobra to not join an alliance who poses a risk. The King is then also not implicated.


     As of current, COBRA has 2 dedicated dual members. These members have assisted and helped COBRA in ways they did not need to but regardless went above and beyond to do so. Whilst it may seem simple on pixels the process of which sounds like the King simply points and picks, it is a rather delicate decision to be made and is an extremely rare thing to occur. If such issues as you hypothesize happen, we'll see. 


     It's nice to see you still around on the OWF, Hitchcock. I look forward to a brighter tomorrow.



    Aprés le deluge.



    Long time no see Dear Readers, now that the mandatory conscription order has been rescinded...


    "What is this? Who are you?"

    All in due time. For now, I shall introduce myself! Do you remember the weatherman for the grand episode of 'A Murder of Doombirds'?


    You should.



    I am delighted to announce that this (yes, me!) planet orbiting being somehow found a crown within these tainted lands alongside Tiki.

    Do you look at the Wiki? Yes, THAT Wiki.
    COBRA got updated, finally. Hmm.. What else.. Oh!



    1. King Cobra

    The title of COBRA's monarch. As leading representative and Commander of the alliance, the King is expected to attack first and retreat last. All foreign affairs are handled directly by the King and the Crown Prince.

    • The Crown Prince acts as the hand of the King. Considered to be the successor to the throne; they are specifically chosen by the King to act in their stead should they be incapacitated in some form or another. The Crown Prince swears undying loyalty to COBRA; upholds the values of the Alliance and pursues the path set forth by the King.

    2. Royal Guard

    COBRA's central government. Historically charged with protection of the King, their collective mission is to oversee the military, economic, and internal aspects of the alliance. Members of the Royal Guard are chosen at the discretion of the King and the Crown Prince.


    3. Elder

    The Elders are the most sagacious and veteran members of COBRA who have once served the Alliance as King or a member of the Royal Guard. As Elders; they serve the Alliance as role models, mentors, and judges. The Elder Council operates first and foremost in an advisory capacity to the King and Royal Guard, they may also take on duties of the Royal Guard at the King’s request.


    4. Warlord

    The Rank of Warlord is earned by member states that have gone on the offensive in any major war involving COBRA and/or possess a casualty count of 100,000 or higher. The Warlords act as COBRA's standing army and are given the power to recruit new members.

    (*****) Chief Warlord

    (***) 100,000+ Casualties and Nuclear Capable

    (*) 100,000+ Casualties


    5. Prospect

    Newly recruited member states are considered Prospects and act as defenders of the alliance. Prospects are expected to voice their concerns and post in-game announcements.


    6. Dual-Membership

    Allied states of COBRA held in high-esteem may also be granted the rank of Warlord. This rank can be bestowed upon any allied party at the discretion of the King. Any nation who maintains a state of duality regarding their membership(s) cannot ascend beyond the rank of Warlord.



    The 10 Orders of COBRA:


    -"I will not run from a fight

    -I will not attack a fellow member


    -I will not lie, cheat, or spy

    -I will burn pixels for pleasure


    -I will be cruel, I will smite

    -I will obey my Commander


    -I will not plea, beg, or hide

    -I DO NOT surrender


    -I will nuke first

    -I will ask questions never"    

    Who would've guessed the weatherman would get here?

    I look forward to our future discussions!







    King Cobra - General Tiki

    Crown Prince - Mochi

    Royal Guard - Teemo

    Elder Orator - Johnny Apocalypse



    p.s i didn't post this to the wrong topic. i swear.

  8. 1 hour ago, Lord Hitchcock said:


    You keep labeling him a ‘creep’ because he asked if someone’s been harassed, a single occasion. He admitted that it was an inappropriate comment and stopped the behavior. So him declaring perma war... where the victim, Lyanna, is trying to small talk spy odds with him. Well it doesn’t make much sense.



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