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Posts posted by Ethereum

  1. 12 minutes ago, The Zigur said:

    The thing is I don't deserve it, so those who try to exterminate me from existance will find the favor returned for their own new nations. That is simply a statement of fact, since I am not allowed to participate normally in this world (i.e. tech dealing).

    Nobody in SPATR or MONGOLS are complaining; also nobody getting curb stomped into oblivion think they deserve it & many have fought much longer without complaint. Also you were the one who challenged DeathAdder to follow through on his talk of PZI; as you hit a bunch of small NPO nations & bragged about your genius strategy.



  2. Best to learn to enjoy the pain, both giving and recieving it like you're having more fun than them.



    Don't expect an end & celebrating each scratch done outloud won't faze them; needs to come naturally. I don't have any issues with NPO or reason to care about this war, but you're in a fight of willpower; where state of mind matters more than stats. Have fun!

  3. 13 minutes ago, rsoxbronco1 said:

    Just a note, but MK left C&G 3 years before we disbanded.


    edit: which is a confusing statement since I think I was leading Athens or at least 2nd in command at the time MK left (I can't remember) and didn't join MK until September 2011


    I best remember them as Comrades in the noCB War & allies after until Karma was won. So I guess I'm fuzzy on details after. Although MK was a big loss for CnG when it happened either way. They drove CnG's politics & Archon was default King of the bloc.

  4. On 7/3/2018 at 8:18 AM, Rebel Virginia said:

    I have no idea what is attempting to pass itself off as C&G these days, but any bloc that includes Atlas is not the C&G I knew. Now that was a fine group of bastards. You can't hold a candle to that.

    CnG was at its best leading up to the Karma War, it's been a shell ever since MK disbanded. I do give a tip of the hat in memory of the original CnG, who stood up to the hegemony back when they were undefeated.


    Good luck to those carrying on the name, even if it mostly resembles the original bloc in name these days.

  5. Nobody wants to spend over a year grinding these guys down, after how much time/effort it took for them to bring down Untouchable. So I doubt NPO wants to take the brunt of the damage grinding them down over an aid package. If they did a direct attack, NPO might be more pressured to react perhaps.

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