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Noctis Lucis Caelum

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Everything posted by Noctis Lucis Caelum

  1. Even if they keep saying in public removing Sir Kindle would have brought peace, based on private discussions this was a dead end from the start. So all their arguments are based on fallacies regarding past offers which didn't really exist. I think TTK fought a few months while being hit by Oculus before accepting terms which contain something similar to just one of many demands they make, so their terms are by no means light or something most alliances would find acceptable.
  2. I think others have paraded this around more, across many topics I haven't responded to. Although it makes sense to respond to some topics at least when we're the focus, regardless of whether I care about you adjusting the surrender terms I already considered a joke.
  3. Nordreich is set on their terms for now at least, that won't change overnight. Your hyperactivity is a liability, which part of why I removed you. You lack the patience to survive the kind of war you began. You wouldn't have lasted regardless.
  4. The last thing I need is you nagging me about peace after declaring this one... There is a time and place for discussions, but here and now isn't when.
  5. We're not surrendering to humiliating terms, so our only other option is fighting. Although I never expected or attempted to get any assistance from UCR in this war, so this announcement doesn't really impact our current circumstances. Although I still wish UCR well.
  6. The odds were stacked against us, so you didn't want to risk getting dragged in and that's fine. Although you don't know what you're talking about with the rest.
  7. Even if you claim them serious, doesn't change my view of them being a joke. So fighting is all that's left for us to do at this point.
  8. People say to kick Kindle, but the terms would be the same. So it's a pointless exercise in what if scenarios. I'm usually fighting on one battlefield or another, as long as NoR wants to be it I can keep them entertained I suppose. If they ever want to talk seriously about peace, we can have that discussion. I haven't felt any real desire to resolve this from them, just an opportunity to ask for something they likely know they'll never get.
  9. I realize there is no easy Undo button for a DoW once placed, but you can stop pretending there was and I just didn't take advantage of it.
  10. Based on who I spoke with, kicking anyone wouldn't have made a difference and they were already set on crafting terms. I didn't know you held a gov position until the AGW Overlords DoW and maybe speaking with you would have had a different result, but its pointless to talk about what could have been had I spoke with different gov officials early on.
  11. This war could have been deescalated early on, but your alliance wanted to use it as an opportunity to reach for silly terms. So here we are.
  12. Its really a pointless fact for you to try half distorting, if you're even claiming something different. You're nothing special and those RIA votes have inflated your head and NoR has been useless since.
  13. So you're just rambling on and trying to deflect from the truth, which I was spot on with. Latexi didn't bother disputing it.
  14. Are you saying you didn't ask SLAP to help or just playing word games? I think its obvious which you were referring to.
  15. To oppose the True King is to be wrong by definition, so I can sleep soundly knowing those opposed to me are in the wrong. With Justice on our side, we'll prevail or at least the odds give us a good enough chance to keep fighting.
  16. You're the one who put a lot of time into a big thread OP to list your grievances with us, so you seem to care more than me. We'll see you on the battlefield. Even if you've already called in help from Nights Watch, SLAP, RIA & aNiMaLz; I don't care. Asking for so much help shows how much you felt was needed to try winning.
  17. No, you're just annoying. Your narrative is irrelevant and you sound like a "fragile" male, whatever that means. I'm sure you would jump through hoops for peace, I'll stand my ground and just fight with honor when in this situation.
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