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Everything posted by HiredGun

  1. D1 unknowingly wins again! Good luck to everyone
  2. It'd be good to also see King James, Samwise and Cazaric as Captains or we have a team of oldies/retirees versus newbies/active players. RR, you should create a thread over in SE boards and challenge those nubs to come get skooled.
  3. I'd only be interested if we were allowed to field our own team of 12 otherwise I don't think we'd be interested even if only for a round. For myself, I only continue to play for friends and we have grown into a brother/sisterhood that is established, organized from the backs of all those who have contributed their time, blood, sweat and tears over the years. I really don't see this as a solution to our stagnating game as D1 actively recruits, we welcome new cadets into the D1 community, we protect them and train them, we're not a club for only our closes friends in high ranking positions, we encourage our members to work their way up our ranks and eventually they may lead D1 or their own alliance some day. I think we do our part but we're always open to do more but not at the cost of fracturing what we have spent years building and I think a couple of other older alliances will feel the same. My solution is we keep it traditional, follow the gentlemen agreements the best we can, get organized and build your alliances so people have more options and we create more competition. You'll have our support whether that is help with guides, advice, trade circles, whatever you need just don't be an ass later and make us regret helping you. Also I'd like us all to agree to end raiding on all nations which only helps to push new nations away. Even if another major alliance agreed, we could roll those who do together.
  4. Again, this is what I said In other words what I'm saying is you didn't have to be an ass and retaliate against an innocent nation to prove a point. You can use whatever spy ops you wish but know there may be consequences but for me, the easiest thing to do is to have no spy op rules then we don't have to argue over who did what first every war. I have set the rules and gave my members a final warning in part due to your actions against your own members in the previous war.
  5. The only one spinning anything here is you. I was complaining that he decides to kill KB's general to provoke a reaction, not that he used the op. I did not admit to changing my mind. I should have put a ? after I said "Really? I have changed my mind?" like that but I assumed to much of you to figure out the context I was trying to define. You only have to look at the proof I have presented that I did not change my position.
  6. If you're putting in this much effort to be active when they begin their assault then good for you. It wont save the rest of your alliance.
  7. I stated my position here I also make a note of it in every spy thread we create in-game. " Naval blockades and general assassinations are good to use."
  8. If you want to take general assassination off the table then no one can stop you from asking us but by default, they are on the table for us. If my memory serves me correct, we discussed this either last round or in round 40 what our position was on ops during a war and I had the same position in previous discussions we've had on these boards.
  9. Really? I have changed my mind yet if you go over our spy op history for the round, you'll see we've been killing generals, D1 and DCS have been killing each others generals in every war we've fought this round. It's not my fault you guys are slow.
  10. I don't care whose generals you assassinate but to go on a general assassination to get a reaction is not surprising from you. You've always been mad cos we keep killing your mediocre alliance and will continue too for as long as I'm here.
  11. Nice of you to use it on someone who never spied your own generals or to get a reaction, it really shows the type of character you are.
  12. This has been explained more than once before now so it's more like you feel the need to look for something to complain about more than anything. You're in charge of your own alliance, you can set your own rules, you can use any spy ops you wish. I came into this world where I never seen the word "dirty ops" ever get used and it was normal practice dealt between individuals. Most carried a code to never use as first strike and this worked well.
  13. I have never considered general assassinating dirty and the reason being is that they can give a military advantage. These are the only ops that are off limits to us; Incite Government Propaganda Sabotage IRS Proficiency Destroy Money Reserves Incite Religious Propaganda These rules were never introduced to protect you, they were introduced to protect newbies and they aren't primarily used to weaken the economies of good builders, a destructive war can do far more damage, these ops have more strategic value.
  14. You're welcome to retaliate with equal force and anymore breaches (we set rules not to use as first strike) from our members will result in membership cancellation.
  15. Not in a million years haha Desperate times call for desperate measures
  16. RR you should know this by now but there is a very limited amount of alliances for us to fight and we hit the next 2 strongest of them. Do you want us to sit on our hands til reset or have some fun? Shut up and bring back TDO!
  17. We can't break our record streak for consecutive wars fought, I believe we're at 13 now or D1-10 AW-2.
  18. DEFCON 1 declares war on Digital Combat Soldiers and Alpha Wolve DEFCON 1 Members: 28 Total NS: 932,548 Avg NS: 33,305 Nukes: 239 +50k: 1 +45k: 1 +40k: 6 +35k: 8 +30k: 3 +25k: 3 +20k: 2 +15k: 0 +10k: 3 -10k: 1 Alpha Wolves/Digital Combat Soldiers Members: 33 Total NS: 945.480 Avg NS: 28.923 Nukes: 251 +45k: 2 +40k: 4 +35k: 7 +30k: 8 +25k: 3 +20k: 0 +15k: 2 +10k: 4 -10k: 3
  19. We were lucky if he hit one of his assigned targets but he always got his fair share of defensive wars, hes a target favorite.
  20. And he declared 3 wars! I knew this isn't the Grey 2 we had for many years, must be a imposter.
  21. I'm impressed you got Grey 2 to not only declare a war but also declare during the blitz as well. Looks like fun, good luck to everyone. o/ WAR
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