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Everything posted by HiredGun

  1. It might be a bit of a failure though since we know who else is suppose to hit us
  2. Tell me guys, who else is suppose to be attacking us? Don't make us attack first cos I'm not going to care if it's a down declare or not! If you do not wish to be attacked then PM in-game and I will take you and your alliance off of our target list. This is your only chance... the clock is ticking...
  3. For the record, besides the D1 members you have already attacked, only another 3 will enter the battlefield aggressively. I mean this still doesn't make it fair but it's the best I can do while defending those that have been hit but it does immensely help even the war out.
  4. This is awesome and all but it's no where near fair I think you both know we're not going to go easy on you as I don't even know how we could do that but all RE nation's are welcome to send peace at anytime and I'll get their opponents to accept them as long as they peace out all wars. Good luck RE!
  5. These condescending remarks don't do you any favors as I've noticed you like to show how salty you are at the first opportunity. Do your own alliance a favor and move on as we have. If you had treated D1 with a fraction of the fairness you're treating the UN with then you wouldn't be so salty all the time.
  6. My kind of fight, a pitched fight. Enjoy yourselves guys and good luck to everyone!
  7. Where do I begin, my lords and ladies? I'm a vile man, I confess it. My crimes and sins are beyond counting. I have lied and cheated. Gambled and whored. I'm not particularly good at violence, but I'm good at convincing others to do violence for me. You want specifics, I suppose. When I was seven, I saw a servant girl bathing in the river. I stole her robe. She was forced to return to the castle naked and in tears. If I close my eyes, I can still see her teats bouncing. When I was ten, I stuffed my uncle's boots with goat !@#$. When confronted with my crime, I blamed a squire. Poor boy was flogged and I escaped justice. When I was twelve, I milked my eel into a pot of turtle stew. I flogged the one-eyed snake. I skinned my sausage. I made the bald man cry! [makes masturbation gestures] Into the turtle stew, which I do believe my sister ate. At least I hope she did.
  8. It's good to see you Wiley. Enjoy the war mate, D1 can only dream of being hit with stats this even.
  9. Nice dow and match up Wile. Good luck to everyone!
  10. I knew it! I knew all along you were a dirty little filthy flag runner
  11. They'll usually end up getting a high casualty count as this usually goes hand in hand with high infra/soldier ground attacks and there are flags for kills so it's in their interest if their alliance gets the most. Even if they lose ground battles they only risk losing a drop in the bucket of their bank but it's important they preserve as much of their bank as possible for infra jumps and building a big enough bank so after their final collection, they can spend it to take a flag. The fact these days they can pull 20 day back collects unchallenged is something that was very difficult to do only a year or two ago but then there was also a lot more competition. It's all within the rules and there will always be this form of game play so if others are interested, you'll either have to beat them at their own game or roll the crap out of them but this has to be done before they can secure a big enough bank that they use to bounce back as if little happened. Unfortunately not many are capable of stalling or killing flag runners and i know a lot of our vets enjoy this hunt. But now our position on these types is neutrel, as they continue to jump from alliance to alliance hoping or succeeding to create grudges with collateral damage. One of the distinct differences between the old school players and today's is the old schoolers could identify what they were doing and were dropped. It's one of the reasons why they change their names every round so they're difficult to pick out at first but they always reveal themselves as you only have to follow records for most earned.
  12. We don't hit chicks unless they deser.... alright I'm on it
  13. Since their inception, we've had the pleasure to watch this alliance grow from junior butt kickers to the formidable and undefeated senior butt kickers they are today we also know they stand strong and await their next challenge... our challenge... DEFCON 1 declares war on United Nations Good luck everyone!
  14. It's never surprising that the only time you have a lot to say is after you have secured your large bank.
  15. We gained strength cos Rebels had minimal nuclear coverage in their initial dows which they only managed to cover 4 of our members with nukes while we managed to cover 21 of their members and this would remained the trend for the remainder of the war as we extended it to 26 of their members consistently in anarchy which allowed us to control the entire war from start to finish. A couple of them would exit NA, collect, change gov and declare their own wars but they meant nothing since we were running collections with AP temps whenever we wished and at that point having one or two charge at a phalanx of +20 isn't going to see much success if any. You're pointing the finger at us for being dirty yet it was Rebels that begun using dirty ops on the first day against us and we responded with equal force. The use of dirty ops does not bother us but we'll point them out when they are used against us. We're not flag runners looking to to generate as much revenue as possible like yourself, these ops simply don't affect the way we play but we'll have the decency not to use them as a first strike means unless we feel like up setting some flag runners. I recall your own friends in TDO intervening in a war to save yours and the stats on that war were much closer than the Rebel one. Initially their cash reserves and coordination was similar to ours except we were able to neutralize a lot of their coordination while we could form ours. But Rebels are your typical amateur alliance that let their egos dictate how they conduct their war, they don't use target list and they're more prone to send their best against those they don't like while D1 is strategic driven. Maybe this little insight of how we operate will help improve their game but know we fight while putting every advantage we can in our favor, so all the PR stunts to diminish the results we get is mostly fabricated bs from people like yourself who've held a grudge against D1 for over a dozen rounds now. We get it, if D1 is doing well then we must be cheating and you'll fabricate anything you can to support your criticism. Being a newbie does not mean you get a free pass to bully others or raid major alliances with impunity.
  16. For their own good they should enforce a reasonable raid policy. This is ours 1. Do not declare war on or spy on any alliance with 5 or more members without government authorization. This offense warrants an instant dismissal from DEFCON 1. 2. If you're raiding, send peace offers immediately after one full round of attacks.
  17. Thanks to you and your little helpers, I have enough XP to rebuy my generals another 3 times over so no, Wasso and myself did not enter for XP. I offered military support given the bullying tactics being used by an alliance I have hit others for doing to them, and both RE and NDO accepted our support and we were more than happy to assist them. But your bias is so blatant that you'd criticize RE but praise NDO over handling this in the same manner, then you'll go on to call out D1 but ignore DCS for also entering. And only attacking those in Nlon directly responsible was tried and after Nlons dow was leaked, it was clear their gov was going to defend their members reckless behavior militarily so a preemptive strike was justified. Nlon have been getting out of hand raiding with impunity and their leadership has done next to nothing to resolve these issues so our actions were necessary in the hope their gov get their members under control or banish them.
  18. Nlon is an alliance that is traditionally open to anyone to join so with that in mind, we can assume they're going to get more rogues and generally people who don't really care about the collateral damage from their actions, they're here to have fun or cause drama and then either move on til next round or reroll. This does not excuse their leadership for facilitating these people but I've been watching these guys for many rounds now and it's simply the way they play and no matter how many times they get rolled, they continue to play this way and I don't mind them being different from the rest of us. However the war they were planning on waging is the reason why I got involved but I'm not here to push them out of the game over it, just give them a little clip on the ears. Their leadership is not malicious but they will be held responsible for the actions of their members regardless of how they wish to play but I hope they learn from this. They maybe a veteran alliance but skill wise, they're not on our level and after all these years, I am yet to see them win a war so I wouldn't recommend their strategy. . A full round of war or 5 days of getting hammered is sufficient punishment and I hope no one else piles in on them, myself and Wasso have sent peace to our Nlon opponents, we're not here to destroy newbies.
  19. I wouldn't include Eurasia since they did minimal damage but RE were only in the war for 2 days and after RE and Eurasia exited the war, Rebels still had the top tier, they had 29 nukes while we were down to 0 and they had a large nation advantage. I'm not going to explain exactly how they lost given they had every statistical advantage except that they were bested by superior management and strategics. How ironic is it that an alliance solely formed to destroy D1 gets destroyed themselves.
  20. He definitely doesn't mean Quake our most disposable but unfortunately they may only get him.
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