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Status Replies posted by Montezuma

  1. ur terrible at everything lmao!!

  2. Things I trust more than Junka... Mexican tap water, gas station sushi, a rattlesnake with a 'pet me' sign, a Jimmy Carter economic plan and a prostate exam from Captain Hook

    1. Montezuma


      u have to have a strong stomach to see all those snx rulers blood and guts all over the place isn't it gross I have had to constantly hire cleaning crews to clean up Azteca the place just stinks like rotting snx carcasses lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Things I trust more than Junka... Mexican tap water, gas station sushi, a rattlesnake with a 'pet me' sign, a Jimmy Carter economic plan and a prostate exam from Captain Hook

    1. Montezuma


      hey the tap water in mexico is great and makes u as strong as a bull maybe u guys in monsters just have weak stomachs lol j/k ;)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. INSIDE LOOK: M Inc's feelings as they await the war statistics and casualty counts:

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