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Nathan Halcyon

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Everything posted by Nathan Halcyon

  1. Awh, nobody cares. Okay. Time to go find a means of suicide.
  2. That makes three wet noodles attacking me now, according to gmail. At least you apparently understand the concept of staggering your opponents. I'm bored again! Hey, Polaris. Send these guys some aid. A 3-1 advantage ain't enough for you guys. Bulk your babies up.
  3. Does the previous post answer that question? As for not knowing what I'm talking about, hey, look, Sally. I understand what it's like to be at the top. I also don't really [i]care[/i] what I'm talking about. This game profits me nothing but a few moments of entertainment, and taking it seriously would very much subtract from that. So get over yourself and your pixel empire and just get some.
  4. Uh yah U C I had not [i]cared[/i]. Big difference there, chump. Oh, check that out. In a constant state of war for 32 of my 35 days back in CN. Not in anarchy, never in anarchy, standing tall above my combined adversaries since day one until present, and haven't needed a war chest to do it. Plus, I was tech trading while doing it. Who's doing what wrong? Hmm.
  5. Say, why don't you little pricks in the RIA get your cactaurs up and shit a thousand needles at someone?
  6. You say what you just said, yet didn't think to proof read your own sentence structure? Your punctuation sucks. English is not your first language, is it? Giving you the benefit of the doubt, here. That said, this is so much better than sitting on IRC while those chumps in BORIN, I mean, err, IRON, puss about and refuse to engage under anything but the most favorable of conditions. Come on, you has anything else for me, NpO? Only two assigned to me? Boring!
  7. You got a reading comprehension problem? No, I've been at war since three days after my remade my nation, chump.
  8. I love the NpO! They're just willfully donating their war chests to me. I appreciate it, since being in a constant state of war since day 3, I'm pretty tapped. o/ NpO!
  9. :psyduck: I just felt a great disturbance in the force..
  10. IRON remains neutral. Perpetually. You just infra-rape each other, we'll rot in our exponential growth to no apparent end, until our overlords detect a weakness, where upon we shall sink our bored-to-inactivity masses of stubbed teeth, perhaps a month from now. Then the coalition of our various enemies viciously tear us apart while 2/3 of our bored-to-tears absent alliance has gone into once-a-week mode by the time we enter the fray at 1/6 effective strength. This counts as one strike, right? :facepalm:
  11. Anarchy, Inc is "about" nothing. DBDC isn the only practicing anarchist alliance, even if they don't realize it. :psyduck: Borin' muddafuggas.
  12. Crystal meth, marlboro cigarettes, bud light, call of duty marathons, and curious cousins.
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