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King Lemonwhite

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    The Lemon Kingdom
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. You mean France has Jersey? I though Jersey was a territory of the U.K.
  2. The Lemon Kingdom of Jersey and Normandy recognizes the independence of the FSSR. A diplomat of the name Person Lime is at the capital of Ukraine to improve relations between the two countries.
  3. Well, the Lemon Kingdom is practically just the island of Jersey and if I want I could add a little bit of Normandy, but I'd need U.K.'s permish for Jersery and if France wants to, permish for Normandy.
  4. Flag of the Lemon Kingdom Map of the Lemon Kingdom LEMON KINGDOM FACTBOOK GENERAL INFO Name: The Lemon Kingdom Demonym: Lemon (it's an adjective when used as Demonym, not a noun) Capital: Lemongrad Major Cities: Lemongrad (136,457), Le Citronnier (107,609), Beaucoup de Fruits (98,482), Agricole (72,534) Population: 569,769 (total), 415,092 (urban), 154,677 (rural) Official Languages: Lemonperson, English, French Primary Cultures: Lemonperson Other Cultures: English, French, Jèrriais MILITARY INFORMATION Infantry: 108,967 Citrus-1 Tanks: 204 Trivia Citrus-1 Tanks are the name for a unique brand of tanks invented by the Lemonpeople. Almost all of them are painted yellow, and they recieve their power from the juice of fruits instead of gasoline or other fuels. Lemon Infantry are whatever. They have the things that go pew pew.
  5. Well, the Lemon Kingdom is practically just the island of Jersey and if I want I could add a little bit or Normandy, but I'd need U.K.'s permish for Jersery and if France wants to, permish for Normandy.
  6. Well, after reading some other posts here (wow someone reads the thread! stop the presses!), I can't decide whether or not I should be a serious or lololololololololololololololoololollololololololololol nation. The whole idea of this lemon stuff came from Lemongrab in Adventure Time. Lemongrab and his bro Lemongrab 2 can be pretty not-serious at times, but I tried to kind of seperate my sh*t from their sh*t. Well, for me to be lololol sh*t, I'd not be as serious, and might change the Lemon Kingdom to the Lemongrab Earldom, as it is in the show. For me to be serious sh*t, I'd not be as lololol, and keep the Lemon Kingdom the way it is. So, the question is, do y'all need more Mr. Seriouses, or more Tidy Bowl Men?
  7. The Lemon Kingdom shall send a delegate to the conference. Its people have displayed a strong hate for imperialism, and so has King Lemonwhite, since the May Revolution ended not long ago this month, putting an end to the reign of Emperor Lemonblack and the Great Lemon Empire, a mix of an imperialist and totalitarian state. However, neighboring countries also helped in the revolution, and took all the land of the Lemon country except the small island that holds the capital, Lemongrad. King Lemonwhite also wants to make the name of the new kingdom recognized, to start the small nation off and make it less...small.
  8. So....Is this thing open for new people to join right now?
  9. The sun's sunfully sunny rays sunfully shined on the sunny sun-filled city of Lemongrad. The sunny sunshine shined through the window of a sunny castle into the room of King Lemonwhite. He woke up, yawned, and got out of bed. Lemonwhite glanced at the calendar on the wall. February 29th. "It's today!" he said, then quickly put on some nice clothes. He ran out to the balcony of the castle and looked down at the people below. The lemon people. Made of lemons, just like King Lemonwhite. "Today is International Lemon Day! Let us celebrate!" he shouted. Cheers came from the crowd below. Lemony cheers. Lemonwhite wrote up a few identical letters and told one of his servants to go deliver them to the neighboring countries of his small kingdom. The Lemon Kingdom was more like a city-state with a king than an actual monarchy, stationed on the small, isolate island. The servant crossed the seas to the nearest countries. The letters read: "Dear Leader of That Place, Today is International Lemon Day. Celebrations are being held in the Lemon Kingdom. It is requested you visit the capital city of Lemongrad for this fine event. Signed, King Lemonwhite"
  10. I'm not sure if this is brilliant or ridiculous. On second thought, it's just brilliant.
  11. I'm boring. Bland. Mundane. Why do you even care about my profile?

  12. So, I just joined this game today, and I have no idea how to not die. I can haz donate pls? Any amount will do. Support the Lemon Kingdom, in the name of justice and citrus! I will repay you later, somehow. This is not a joke post. It's be appreciated if you don't ignore it.
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