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Lord Hitchcock

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Blog Comments posted by Lord Hitchcock

  1. 2 hours ago, Kapleo said:

    Sad outcome, but not unexpected. The fact that you're getting hit right now for your continued attempts to antagonize, provoque and plot against our sphere right on our faces is the reason why I didn't went further with the treaty. It was obvious this was gonna happen if you didn't stop.  And well, you didn't really stop. What came to you was the very thing I was trying to avoid.  You can't spin things around when all the evidence is pointing towards you.  You brought this upon yourself, Lord Hitchcock, and anyone not able to see that is either biased or just not very bright.  I'm sorry it ended this way.


    I’m am not the discord police Kapleo

  2. 13 minutes ago, Lucius Optimus said:

    "always factual" there is your first inaccuracy

    are you ok? you don't sound so good






    Thats 8 minutes and 19 seconds i shall never get back... 


    M Inc News has always been factual Lucious, if it wasn't it wouldn't have continually beat the apathy report in ratings. People listen to M Inc news because it's a nonpropoganda machine aimed and providing facts only. As for if I'm okay, best shape of my life.

  3. Great read Tevron but I think you’re viewing your entire article backwards.


    “ Oculus is a contributor to political stagnation 


    Oculus was not a contributor to political stagnation, it was a symptom of political stagnation.


    The game died because you have the same power players from seven years ago. Rewind seven years before that and the power structure was very different. New blood never got a foothold into situations and global fiascos that kept the likes of caustic and grub around. Admittedly I wouldn’t be here if I joined a Kort or an odn as a new player (nothing against either btw, just boring).


    Political stagnation was the red tape that hallowed out large alliances and eventually birthed Oculus, which was really just a fancy term for omitting all the useless bureaucracy and at least spark a ‘something is better than nothing’ approach.



  4. GK, you've gotta understand Masta Hanssen’s way of thinking. For example: "dem pies are macro only pies".


    I'm tired of seeing my micro brothers and sisters slaving away on the tech farms, wastin their gameplay for a day that never comes. They should be waving their alliance flag proudly, today! And without the fear and persecution from macros who don't want to play with us anyway.


    Now I have a dream, that one day all of admin's micros will be free.


  5. 8 hours ago, Knights of the Grail said:

    Credit is due to Lord Hitchcock for a new idea.  So, this is more like a sports league?



    We need more round tables.


    My questions are:

    1. How do you extricate your league from large-alliance politics? For example, the aid package from a large alliance to yours.

    2. Are Knights of Ni, UCR, and LSF now considered micro-alliances?


    Thank you, and good luck.


    To answer your question, here’s an example:


    micro A is tied to Polar and on the other side of the treaty web you have micro B tied to ODN.


    If those two micros ever wanted to engage each other, they’d have to wait a long time, or jeopardize their treaties. 


    There are plenty of micros out there capable of playing with each other, and that’s what the Leauge of Micros is. It’s basically a concept of letting the micros mingle and play in their own world. And we’ve cut out all the noise in the middle.


    This may sound new and trendy, but it’s how oculus operated. By going above everything else and getting rid of all the beauricratic red tape. For us micros, we just go going below everything else (except we’re not a bloc).


    The Leauge of Micros is a group of Micros from all different parts of planet bob, some of them are friends and some of them are enemies. We’ve basically shared ideas of what we want in the world. For example, it seems quite agreeable that micro wars are best at around 2 weeks. Of course none of this is enforceable, but it certainly allows us to combine our interests in hopes of building a more active micro community. We want micros to engage with other micros.


    Micros are way cooler anyway if you can’t tell, Hannsen’s been creeping on us with her heavy breathing.


  6. The game is dead and what killed it was a combination of factors:


    1) Everything is compounded, so even if a new player joined or a new alliance formed, they mathematically could never measure up to alliances like NPO and quite frankly could never make a difference on the world stage.


    2) The Christian Trojans war followed by Letum's burn the tech campaign casted a huge shadow on game play and Kevin did a poor job of correcting it... quite honestly he keeps the lights for the easy monthly income and has given up on the game himself. 


    3) The rulers now are the same rulers 7 years ago... not really alot of fresh blood flowing and the ones who are governing are grown up and do not care anymore.


    4) The treaty web, specifally umbrella, iron, NPO have locked this game up to a point a dispair. Even the alliances skirting around trying to get things moving can't because the other end of communication is inactive.


    5) No one uses forums anymore, irc is a ghost town and unless you're down with discord then it's in-game communication


    6) It's a browser based game... admin refused to put in the effort to make it an app


    7) There were some dumb admin people who went on a crazy shin dig banning active players: Al Bundy's former nation, Walsh the Beloved


    8) Even when there is a big war, the receiving end just quits. STA, TPF, MI6, NEW..... the alliance left are here for one more horrah


    9) Ivan Mondovi came back and not even he could get anything rolling


    If there is any effort to revive the game- any at all... you pretty much have to blow everything up and start from scratch. And when that day happens a lot more people will be leaving rather then coming in. The last hoorah of this world is to see NPO land farm to the point of getting into DBDCs teir and then you'll see DBDC/Umbrella hitting NPO/NpO and IRON will find themselves jumping to the winning side. Curtain closed.


    The real fun anymore is tournament edition... and it resets after 3 months. Our guys don't really even bother with SE anymore.

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