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Everything posted by Magicboyd25

  1. Best of luck CRAP :) Say hi to me more trekkie! I dont see you enough :P
  2. Yeah I know quite a many people who would quit TE if there was a fee attached to it. So I disagree with this idea.
  3. These guys make me laugh. Glad to have something besides tywin banter.
  4. Yeah the apathy report was something that kept me from going crazy having to read the OWF all the time. Sad to see that this will end and I hope someone picks up on the CN news vibe.
  5. o/ Dajobo you were a fantastic leader I have deep respect for you Best of luck to Polar with the new happenings.
  6. I think admin should read this if he hasn't. If I had made a game and read responses like this I would really be proud of what I made. I agree there are many things that transition over to my RL.
  7. Wait they still exist? How have they not been raided already? :P
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