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Posts posted by Malkavian

  1. . That said, winning the current war anyway, and afterwards isolating the alliance through public relations and foreign affairs policy are reasonable means through which any tactic or strategy may be rebuked.


    And there you have it, a clear answer. I appreciate the effort, Hob Dobson.


    why would u go to sparta xP


    go to "RnR"


    they will give u more than all those multis gave u :3


    side note sparta person i love ur new avvy ^_^




    I like to think I'm a fashionista in local style. So, thank you.



    Ok I am on my phone right now so I can't see your info. So could you be so kind as to tell your nations name?


    You stop this quarreling right now and behave yourself, thatguyyouknow. Sparta will not accept trouble makers. 

  3. Some alliances now deal with that by putting their top nations into PM.  But not always, as there's always the chance that the opposing alliance's lower tier nations will take that bait, and get pulverized once he takes a minute or two to rebuild. The downside of that, in turn, is that the lower tier nation taking the bait might just be able to hang on and keep the aging behemoth in nuclear anarchy and unable to do further damage to its alliance.  As White Chocolate points out, with the appropriate coordination amongst an alliance's active members, many of the opposition's tactics can be derailed.


    Are there any formalities when instructing these prodigious nations to assail their targets? I think it arduous to manage such titans. What protocol is there to rebuke the use of these nations?  



    "What is in a name?"


    As for the metaphor at the end, just fatigue ridden imagery.


    I take the underlined to be an invitation. However I find the introduction of names a little unnecessary, and since we both fly the names of our respective alliances, I'm a little hard pressed to find more by which we may better familiarize ourselves with. In the spirit of camaraderie, I am open to suggestions.


    You may initiate the development of our prospective friendship with a forum message? I obviously do not act as a representative of my alliance and am not allowed to interact with other players in a position of authority within the subject. Have at you, Ovidsidios.


    You shouldn't feel obliged to do so, Malk, we're all "friends" here. Besides, I'm not garnering for your attention, sir/madam. Our words flow like fire to the sky [our comments towards the subject respectively]. If sparks land near the other, don't think much about it. Just doing what fire does


    The usage of nicknames is a side effect of ascertained friendship and the garner of compatibility. When we become properly acquainted then we may begin the exchange of silly monikers toward the cause of identification and comradery. (The rest reads nonsensically to me, Ovidsidios.)

  6. Since you fashion yourself a keen observer, and no doubt an astute wordsmith, you should have no problem explaining what is 'normal,' and explaining where this alliance went wrong.  And, go!


    The topic we're posting about is not concerned with your personal entertainment and neither is the thread, mmansfield68. If you want to induce such tomfoolery, I bid you go elsewhere. I said the theme of the alliance is different from the norm, but not that I will entertain immature fantasies. 

  7. Reading comprehension isn't for everyone. :)


    That retort made no sense, mmansfield68. The fact is that the theme of the Annunaki Bloodline Society is relatively confusing when compared to the normalized thematic statements issued by other groups. When proclaiming a declarative thread you need an easily discernible message or purpose. The thesis of the alliance is ostensibly uncomplicated, but difficult to interpret. Aliens and monsters are mashed together to form a type of backdrop for their alliance. I mean, have you seen their official forum? The stuff is crazy. 


    I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but for posterity's sake:


    This is with whom Malk is referencing, and the founder of the LDS sect of Christianity. They are a religious community that finds polygamy acceptable


    Malk? Everyone is getting real chummy. Mormons aren't all bad, but they definitely are a weird bunch. The garden of Eden is in Missouri according to those Christians, and the ancient Native Americans were in fact baptized by Jesus Christ himself.  :mellow:

  9. I don't know what in $%&@'s name you're talking about. That's not my grandfather's name, as I've already stated.


    I thought the name you mentioned was an alias of some kind. I have certainly never heard of someone alive today who uses cognomens for the duration of their lifespan. 

  10. Rey the Originator, actually. Don't talk !@#$ on my grandpa, guys, he was cool.


    [O.O.C.] Joseph Smith died approximately 130 years ago in June by an assassin. If we assumed that your grandfather was Smith then you [would] be well over 60 years of age by following common marital practices of the time period in which he lived. You need to quit the game, Neo Uruk. [/O.O.C.]

  11. Ilyani WISHES he could even compare to sir admiral bob, Ilyani is a hack imposter compared to the greatness that is sir admiral bob.


    I believe Robert IIyani would disparagingly note in retrospect: "You seem to be on a collision [path] to not getting any respect around here unless you change your style, Mogar!


    Good luck with that.

  12. that's like, 2 whole dudes i just killed, dont get me started, these are trying times for the empire, sir admiral bob was a hero of the people, and you dare to sully his good name. how dare you man!


    that's like, 2 whole dudes i just killed, dont get me started, these are trying times for the empire, sir admiral bob was a hero of the people, and you dare to sully his good name. how dare you man!


    Admiral Robert? Robert IIyani? 

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