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Posts posted by Malkavian

  1. I disagree, but I'm too hung over to argue about it. And now I feel bad for making this topic. That's it, everybody go home.


    You still ought to post a blog in my honor and write a mythical Gothic anecdote!

  2. What you and Hime Themis do on your own time.. is none of my business.. but alas, I cannot return thy affections. My heart.. tis cold to thee.


    I need nor desire thy stormy carnations, godly Vortex! I seek the vessel of thine immortal soul to devour and keep mine-self  young! 


    Please stop I surrender already


    Promise to never again waste forum time with your conspiracy first!

  3. I am the masculine representation of male perfection. Which is why I am already taken. *Booming chortle and brays his wings.* You cannot have me for I am out of your reach dark mistress of temptation! The White Knight already serves his mate through long thunderous nights of glory!


    Lies, foul cretin! I am irresistible to the gaze of Jove and sweetly scented in Turkish rosewater! No man may escape my ensemble; even Hime Themis cannot avow the licentious taste of my honey suckle from her lips! 

  4. I would.. but you've been spending an excessive amount of time with ye nutter folk. It requires an intreevention!


    Prove to everyone how big your e-penis is, Maelstrom Vortex! Are a you a sissy or a masculine representation of male perfection incarnate? Transform into my white knight! Do it dammit!

  5. *The paddy wagon shows up and comes to a stop. It's labeled Bob's Funny Farm. Maelstrom gets out from the driver's side, quickly doses Daenerys, Malkavian, and Twyin with tranquelizer darts and puts them in straight jackets before unceremoniously tossing them into the back of the wagon. He drives away and the lot is never heard from again.*



    Shut up and defend my honor!  -_- 


    Are you done grammar Nazi? Lets start again. I said me Methrage and Tywin were on Cubas block list. I added Methrage to get a surprised and counter joke response from Methrage but instead a serious response came from you. You have nobody to blame for your lack of humor but yourself.


    Who said I had a sense of humor? My humor is very dry and cold. 

  7. A new exactly styled like RV posting gimmick

    You'll be wise to note that Rebel Virginia has named me his spiritual successor, Malkavian. This is a formal cease and desist.


    I randomly choose color based on my avatar selection. You and Rebel Virginia are fine.

  8. Why? What do you offer to the general public?


    Nothing: I'm a woman who simply enjoys Cyber Nations. I'm not involved in politics or serious discussion centered around a random conspiracy plot. I write in color encrypted text, gregariously message friends and frequently update my forum avatar.  Why not? :P

  9. I've never catered to an audience in writing my blog, just a kind of random juxtaposition of thoughts and articles that suited my chaotic fancy. I even usually avoid CN related topics due to so much of it everywhere. I just usually post beer reviews. In fact, I'm incredibly drunk right now, drink Dirty !@#$%^& Ale it's awesome. But that aside, the tool is surprisingly versatile.
    So I started to wonder, what would people be really interested, CN wise, to see in blog content?

    Humorous content? Propaganda Pics? Discussion of current events? Non CN stuff? What?

    Personally, I like analytical content, leadership type literature, both a meta and intimate consideration of current events. ECt.

    The blogs are actually a great platform for current leaders of big alliances to popularize their stances, I'm surprised it's not used more for this.



    Blog about me. :P

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