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Everything posted by QueenSophia

  1. Matriland would like to join the United Nations.
  2. Queen Penthesilea and Princess Sophia stood on top of a three-story balcony from the palace that overlooked the "backyard" of the palace. Thousands of people were gathered together and had cheered when their leader walked outside into the cold air. The cheers continued until Penthesilea raised one of her hands and began trying to speak. "A government is formed. An economy is thriving. A people are ready to have their own country." The crowd began to cheer again, cutting her off until she was eventually able to continue again. "Our mother nation, Tianxia, has graced us with the option of independence, which I humbly accept. Effective immediately, Matrialnd is a nation separate from all others." More chants and cheers came from the crowd which this time didnt quiet down for minutes. Although Matriland had no flag, many people had taken it upon themselves to write "Long Live the Queen" on banners and furiously wave them above everyones heads. Princess Sophia stayed next to her mother and quietly smiled as hundreds of cameras were focused on them. Sophia could hear church bells ringing in the distance as word of independence reached all corners of the small country. The broadcast would instantaneously be transmitted around the world for all leaders and nations of the world to know. Queen Penthesilea also explained how since their government existed, the class of poor has shrunk and a thriving middle class has been created while a decently sized upper class thrives. "We have so much more work to do, but I am honored that I can continue our work with all of you and your support. We now move onward to destiny." The queen bowed and received chants of "Long live the queen" again again and again. Penthesilea and Sophia returned into the Palace. Sophia could see her mother was pleased. She felt pleased as well. Everyone seemed so happy and joyful to her. It was a rare instance to see people unite, and the formation of a country was usually a much more difficult thing to do. Matriland was now a nation but it still had a ways to go before its government was satisfied with the status quo of governance. Matriland had no political sub-divisions. There was only one country under one executive leader. The queen was the head of government and head of state however she gave some of her executive responsibilities over to an appointed prime minister that would help her in the countrys day-to-day operations. The Senate had legislative power but could be overruled by the queen in most instances. While the queen had this power, she rarely used it. It was now tradition at this point to allow the senate to do what they wanted. Matrilands military was small, but was big enough to keep order in the peaceful country. Over 5,500 women were well trained with firearms and martial arts. The Imperial Corps were the main military force of Matriland and was made up of 5,000 soldiers. The other 500 were of the Royal Guard which had the sole purpose of protecting the queen and the royal family. While the queen was confident that her country would thrive she felt uncertain when it came to interacting with foreign countries. The Senate felt differently and not just by a small margin but by a lot which is why Penthesilea would listen to their pleas. She hopped to start with Russia and move on to other countries of Asia and Europe. For now she didnt have to worry about that. She could enjoy the celebrations with her daughter.
  3. Sophie was sitting on one of the many benches in the palaces main courtyard. Nature fascinated her. The palace was surrounded by a city she was never allowed to leave. Shed never seen a forest or the ocean. Every chance she had to see the natural creations of the world was an amazing experience to her. Hey Sophie, Stephanie. What are you thinking about? Stephanie was taller than Sophie. Her hair was also lighter and her smile was just a tiny bit evil in the right light. I was wondering if I will ever get to leave this palace or this city. And if I will ever get to meet a man maybe. Stephanie slightly giggled maniacally and pushed the princess so that there was room for her to sit. I get to meet boys and men. Do you know how to talk to one properly? Sophies eyes opened wide and she eagerly paid attention, No, tell me everything! Other girls spoke casually in the court yard as their parents did business in the palace. Stephanie and Sophie spent most of their time outside together and discussed how men didnt drank tea and feared women. The princess friend also told her how men liked to be reminded of things they need to get done. That doesnt sound like anything Ive read in my books. Are you sure you know what youre talking about, Sophie said. Stephanie nodded in an assuring manner, Definitely! They arent strong like you think they might be. Sophie wondered if what she thought about men was wrong all along. Were they really weaker than women? Were they over emotional? Did they shave their legs? She had no idea who or what to believe which only further drove her curiosity. Later that afternoon, Sophie was in a large black room somewhere in the palace. She stood alone, in the dark until she gave a verbal command. Bring me to Moscow. A world suddenly began to generate around her. Bricks, mortar, metal, and glass flew around her and made buildings. People materialized before her eyes and walked around the streets as they carried on conversations with each other. The sun lit up the sky with only a few clouds to block rays of its rays of light. Sophie watched closely as people walked past her and through her. Girls giggled and teased each other while women held conversations and showed off their furs to one another. The princess attention quickly shifted from the females to the males. A tall man who couldnt have been but a few years older than her got on a knee and opened a small black box. A woman in front of him put her hands over her mouth and started to cry until letting, Da escape her lips. While the computer blocked her from accessing any other city or place around the world, she could view the past of anywhere in Matriland and occasionally Moscow if she was lucky. Most of what she saw in Russia was from decades back but how men freely and dominantly walked about fascinated her regardless of what time in history it was. The world quickly dissolved away once an old woman opened the door to the room and called out to Sophia, Its time for your vocal lessons Princess! We have no time to lose! Sophia started singing Come, Emanuel to herself and left the virtual reality room.
  4. you made me feel guilty silly ): we can be friends
  5. "I don't think my daughter should be associating with anyone outside of this palace, especially not even from this country or God forbid a man!" one of the queens lavishly dressed ministers giggled and then regained her serious attitude. "I didn't say she hat to meet a man, just perhaps giving her a taste of the outside world would do her some good?" The queen snapped back, "Are you telling your Queen how to raise her daughter?" The minister's confidence shrunk while she bowed and backed away. "No your majesty. I would never." The minister, who had been summoned by the queen to talk about educating her daughter about the world, felt confused that the advice she was asked to give now angered her queen nonetheless she had done her civic duty for the day. Queen Penthesilea grabbed a teacup from atop a nearby table and smashed it into the wall out of frustration. Her breathing stayed heavy until a female soldier entered the room. "Is everything okay your majesty?" She said, "I heard a crash". The soldier was dressed in a traditional uniform and was armed with a small pistol. Guards were armed however they the royal family felt secure because firearms were illegal to own in Matriland. Weapons like that were of no need for a peaceful people. "Everything is fine, thank you for checking on us." The soldier politely bowed to the queen and then delivered a small message. "Also, your majesty, the senate has requested your presence. They need your advice." The queen rolled her eyes, "Aren't they in place to give me advice? Make it known I will be down in a minute." "As you wish your majesty." Once the guard left the queen found her coat and draped it over her shoulders. As she turned around to leave the dining room she ran into her daughter who was quietly standing in the door frame. "Can I come with you mother? I promise I'll behave." Princess Sophia was already wearing her formal clothing and looked presentable enough for the Senate. "I'm sorry sweetie. Maybe next time." The queen came off blunt but had a lot on her mind. Extremists in the senate wanted to make it illegal for men to drive but Penthesilea thought that was a right they should be allowed to keep (especially since a majority of the citys unionized bus-drivers were men). "Since we are more of a country now then ever, I think both of us will get to meet more people from different places." Penthesilea could tell her daughter was not satisfied so she handed her a book, "This is a book about Tianxia and the Greater Russian Empire. Both are next to us and both have very interesting histories even though they were founded and ran by men." Sophia still was disappointed so the queen compromised, If you read this entire book and keep brushing up on your Russia and French Ill let you meet whomever the foreigners send if they send anyone to visit." Sophias eyes lit up with thanks and her mother felt better about herself. In the halls of the large palace shouts began to echo, Make way for the queen! Penthesilea grew tired of her job easily but enjoyed being reminded who she was. Something about being queen made her grin.
  6. can i be the green space triyun was sweet enough to let me write my story in? (:
  7. it looks like my only friends here are the ladies haha
  8. i dont think anyone lives in that part if Russia? my geography sucks so im not really sure but that land looks like forest on google maps haha so anywhere thats white is for new people right?
  9. geez I didnt mean to get you all worked up sorry
  10. you know this is just a story right?
  11. why cant i just do what I want? i dont bite i promise. ): but i dont have to be in france. whatever :/
  12. i wanted to do something that hinted to the Amazonians. :/ people would really care that much?
  13. hey do you know where I could write? it looks like france isnt really an option for me ):
  14. i guess thats a no :/ will anyone let me have a place to write?
  15. Can my countrybe Cherbourg, france and the little peninsula its a part of? it looks like someone owns it but they could be super cool and give it to me (:
  16. (hey so I didnt really know what to do about rping on land in the map page so until then (: i hope that doesnt get anyone mad or anything! im Queen Sophia so yeah! im not sure if theres some type of test or something i have to take to rp with you guys but ill just start writing? Im doing this where the city of Cherbourg is in France and the little peninsula it is a part of. (: thanks! P.S. I hope you like my reference to Penthesilea. if anyone knows who she is your awesome : ) Queen Penthesilea was a firm but understanding ruler of Martiland. She never tried to wrong anyone just to gain political fame or even for personal reasons because she felt as Queen it was her responsibility to set an example for her people even if they didnt always see or know what she was doing. Her daughter, the crown princess, was named Sophia. She herself was a unique girl who had a lot to learn before taking her mothers place but politics was the last thing on her mind. Seeing the world was her dream. Shed spent here entire life in Matri City and never ventured out into the rest of Matriland let alone the rest of the world. Her views on the world were limited because she was ignorant to how different things were outside of her mothers country. Matriland was a land like no other. A political system that was filled with balance and a people that loved their Queen was more than enough to keep the small country in working order. The social structure of Matriland however was what really set it aside from the rest of the world. Unlike other countries, women held the most high paying jobs and ran most organizations and government agencies. Men had rights, but not in all of Matriland. Parts of Matri City, specifically, did not permit men to come within which is what allowed Princess Sophia to have gone 16 years without seeing a single man her entire life. Only in books had she seen pictures or read of them. Like I said, her view of the world was a little off. Perhaps her mother liked it that way but she knew her daughter had an overwhelming sense of curiosity. A curiosity that would get her into trouble and make discoveries she may have not been ready to make. But they would come sooner or later. But that part of the story is for later, for now lets focus on the beautiful country of Matriland. A country filled with people eager to make a living and support their families. The able-bodied worked and paid taxes to the government while the disabled and old were given help by the government. Regulations were obviously set in some places while freedom of choice was given in most other instances. The government operated like clockwork. Citizens could freely travel without fear of retribution or fear of being harmed. A senate also existed to guide the Queen on political situations and help her make decisions. Crime in Matriland was existent but low. Men, while socially below women in so many places, had the same social rights as women. They could freely roam most of the country. They could apply for welfare or obtain jobs and could get married. They also had the right to freedom of speech and religion. They could even vote. Local governments were appointed by a group of carefully elected women from the area who selected other women, and men at times, to lead the place on the local scale. This way, political campaigns were a thing of the past and citizens could focus on more important things like the economy and their families instead of silly commercials explaining why one person was so much better than another to hold office when really both sucked. Matriland was small for sure. It consisted of Matri City which was a large municipal area with skyscrapers at the core and smaller buildings as the city spread out like any other. The royal palace was downtown where men could not enter or be seen. Meanwhile, the outside of the city was vast country filled with farmland and tiny rural communities. No major city existed in the country except for the walled city of Matri City.
  17. great thanks for your help (: ! it seems like all of your loser friends are sleeping right now so i doubt I can talk to them lol. maybe I'll just start playing somewhere and hope they dont care. this all seems really cool!
  18. so like basically you sign up here and have to pick land to rp on it?
  19. thank you!! I just want to try to write around other peoples like a community you know? I tried fanfiction for a while but it gets..... weird there. I was told theres like some type if story writing here and I got excited lol i guess im just browsing the forums right now.
  20. oh! is this just interactive rp?
  21. Im trying to find a place to write stories on these forums.... Is this anything like that? :)
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