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Everything posted by Saxplayer

  1. That would be cool... Atlas needs to grow faster...
  2. *sniffs* That was my favorite treaty to write!
  3. I can confirm that no one has asked Atlas to sanction you on Brown either.
  4. Also, can Atlas be changed to Brown please :)
  5. Now, if NPL wouldn't have merged into NpO, then maybe SNX might pass you guys.
  6. Anarchy Inc was at 44.00 when their merger was complete. Anarchy Inc topped out at 49.22 On December 26, 2012. This merger had a potential to reach like 47.5 So, this is the second biggest merger in CN history.
  7. I really think that calling it NPO's Apathy Report is quite wrong. Considering that GeniusInc started this in IRON, and also considering the fact that he's only been in NPO for maybe two weeks, I find your statement invalid. He has stated many times that he is biased towards NPO. Would be hard to make a podcast that had no bias at all.
  8. It appears someone has vandalized that wiki page. Shame.
  9. There have been four incarnations. The fourth one was founded on Oct 20th 2012. What's bad about you forgetting what kind of treaty you signed with NSF is that I literally spoke to you about the signing of the treaty (which was an ODoAP btw) and it seems you have forgotten. Anything else you wanna know about the Not Shit Federation?
  10. I'm talking about the initial Poison Clan-iFOK merge. FOK and a few others weren't in NG's DoE.
  11. I think that's the point..... Because you know, they ARE the Supernova
  12. So, is this one of the biggest mergers ever? Second maybe to Anarchy Inc
  13. So, in the weekly update, Fark is #12. But on August 7th, MHA is in #12. Make up your mind Gopher :P
  14. What happens when they gain one? :P
  15. 20 members does allow you to upload an alliance flag
  16. Hmph, looks like I've just never noticed them
  17. 101 (▶0) AllianceStats.gif {21} (+0) The Imperial Remnant : 2.50 --> 2.50 (+0.00) Did these guys just pop out of nowhere?
  18. How are you doing today? I'm government in Atlas, it's a pleasure to make your accquaintence. Atlas is a medium sized alliance that has experienced a lot of growth and has an active community. I think you would like us :)
  19. I don't really want to go too deep into this discussion, it just needs to die. If your interested in learning more about it, I suggest looking on the wiki or on the forums.
  20. NSO and NG. The fact that RS showed signs of connections with Kaskus and FAN was pretty notable.
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