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Everything posted by Glorton

  1. you need to change your name back to methrage
  2. Is this a little late? From NPL with Love Edit: Thank Smurthwaite for this awesome piece of art
  3. lol its always the same group of people argueing in these topics
  4. Two-Toes Head Sea Wolf? my name dont make since :/ I need some rum dammit
  5. Kindle your literally at 0 infra constantly. most of the time its cause you ZI yourself and now your talking about rolling atlas lol Why do people still care about methrage posting is the better topic here. He is just trolling or insanely stupid. possibly both.
  6. o/ NPL!!! Time to increase the radiation levels once again
  7. I can change resources whenever, as with color. and i don't care which color. Active through out the day so drop me a message http://www.cybernations.net/
  8. IT IS COMING! my pants are bursting with radiation.
  9. Those were fun days I wonder who was the guy who raided you in the beginning Good story tho benny. It took me down memory lane.
  10. Only need one more to replace Coal and Sliver. bonus resources are Beer, Construction, Fine jewelry and Steel message me in-game http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=526179
  11. Happy birthday guys! Looks like some real fun out there. o/ DOOM
  12. Mister Black kept starting drama in our Skype channel for our TE alliance nuclear Jihad. so i simply removed him from that channel. Sooooo he thought a good way to get back at me was to remove and ban everyone from the alliance. Bones was also in that alliance so he just back stab the only guy who ever defended him. Like he seriously went from a friend to some crazy little kid in a second lol He betrayed all of us and now we going after him. Now he is having a breakdown.
  13. This is just to funny. You are literally having a mental breakdown.
  14. I think most of us are calling quits for the round. Had a member remove and ban everyone in the alliance lol and now this :awesome: also avengers hitting some of us too now from lof's smart idea lol
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