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Malik Shabazz

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Blog Comments posted by Malik Shabazz

  1. I think the "extremism" represents the current political climate worldwide. The fact of the matter is that people are pissed about the state of our society, and the more they are antagonized by society, the further they are pushed into extremes. Even folks like Hereno and Biohazard, before they disappeared, became more radical than they were when I was Loki which surprised me. The climate here when I came back, vs. when I was Loki, was completely different.

  2. 8 hours ago, Qazzian said:

    I just finished reading the Enchiridion. As a start into Stoic philosophy, it was interesting. I have coming up soon on my reading list Marcus Aurelius' Mediations. One of the quotes that caught my interest: "Put an end once for all to this discussion of what a good man should be, and be one."


    I'm starting to get into it too. I'm trying to read Seneca next. I think Stoicism is a very good philosophy for life.

  3. A start to what though?

    On the road to true peace and happiness. Cutting off people you don't need and/or mean you no good will give you a much more happier life. In addition, not reading people's whiny statuses will make you much happier. Trust me.

    "Misery loves company." It's a proven fact that depression and angst are both contagious. Having done some meditation, I came to the conclusion that my own depression partly stemmed from hearing other people talk about their problems.

    A start to disconnecting yourself from the world at large and becoming a hermit

    I've come to find that the less you have, the happier you are. I'm much happier with the small circle I have, than the 200+ friends who I don't talk to or care about. Not so much becoming a hermit, but, rather, just having less.

    Also, you don't need social media to be connected to the world. If my friends or family need me, they can call or text me.

  4. Zoskia, you are highlighting something about facebook that Malik is touching upon. It's how we perceive others ( as you highlight your own exciting, and grandiose life potential) it makes us think others have a more glamorous life, or "better" life than those looking at it through a screen. It may be great for you to do business on it, and to advance your career, you could do that without facebook, and use other sites or website/email. I digress on this point though.

    Malik, deleting facebook, or any social media will not help. It simply wont. The consuming desire to look, read, or match your life against a hierarchy of others, be it those on the street, or your friends from school will not go away when deleting social media.

    If "you" suffer from poor mental health, poor access to happiness, or do not have a good central being; deleting social media will not help. It will gloss over different problems one has with issues of self esteem, depression, anxiety, and growth.

    Heck, even the complete cutting of of social media, could lead to more anxiety or depression itself.

    People should not blame facebook, or social media for the lack of being in ones life. Cultivate yourself into someone who wont get depressed by seeing others happiness, life struggles with someone dying, or pictures of their children. As you see these issues all over the news, if you wish to cut yourself off from social media, stop watching media in general.

    Deleting your facebook is a start.

  5. Depression is when your anxiety and misery paralyzes you and you don't even get out of bed all day, except for very low level basic needs like food and bathroom. Often you are depressed for no discernible reason, or you play trivial matters over and over in your head and blow them out of proportion. Depression is not mere sadness at hard times, it is another beast altogether, that needs to be treated. I should know. I was treated, and I recovered.

    Don't ever be afraid to seek help. Because it can lift you up and out of the pit of suffering and misery you are in. I know the pain and I know the darkness and how you can't see the light. I know what it is like to cry yourself to sleep every night, to collapse on the floor in a ball of tears. Medication takes the edge off, and therapy can help you learn how to manage it and deal with it, until eventually, it evaporates, and you can finally live again. If you want to get out of the pit, talk to a doctor.

    Anyone who tells you it's not real is full of !@#$ and those voices should be discarded. It is real. But it need not be permanent - if you get help from professionals. There should be no shame in this. I'm not ashamed of the fact that I got help and recovered. In fact, it's become a rather important advocacy issue in my life, and I feel that if you're in that pit, you deserve to hear from someone who has actually been there.

    Yea, this is an actual disease that requires medical attention. Anyone who tells you to "man up" or whatever doesn't know what they're talking about and you have no business being friends with them.

  6. My apologies if our rather combative exchanges in any way exacerbated this.

    But I will say this. While it's fairly evident that depression has a genetic component, an environmental component, and can occur after trauma, you do need to approach it as an episode of "what can I do to make my life better" - some of which may be a change in environment. But moreover you have to think long and hard about why you are in the rut you are in now, and what you can personally do to make it better.

    I know you're not going to fully agree with this, but entertain me for a second. I would say that the ideologies you have attached yourself to is not good for you at all, and may make your depression worse. Obviously you became attracted to it by what you were feeling yourself, but I think you have made your own state of mind worse by accepting its conclusions. If you think of everything as systemic, everything is already set in motion and you are just a small mouse within it - why do anything to change yourself if it's all structural? This kind of determinism is akin to being fatalistic. Here's the definition of wikipedia:

    "Fatalism generally refers to any of the following ideas:

    1.The view that we are powerless to do anything other than what we actually do. Included in this is that man has no power to influence the future, or indeed, his own actions. This belief is very similar to predeterminism.
    2. An attitude of resignation in the face of some future event or events which are thought to be inevitable. Friedrich Nietzsche named this idea with "Turkish fatalism" in his book The Wanderer and His Shadow.
    3. That acceptance is appropriate, rather than resistance against inevitability. This belief is very similar to defeatism."
    Either way, the best way forward for your own mindset would be to think about what can you do to make a positive impact. How can you be productive? What makes you happy? What is a realistic way forward, step-by-step? Hang out with friends (positive ones, not one who bring you down).
    Moreover I think some of the messages you're listening to from your broad "Social Justice" ideologies are themselves coming from people with mental illnesses, whether that be people who are depressed, bipolar, or who have some kind of personality disorder like Narcissism PD or Borderline PD. Even if they're not, they are almost certain to contain very negativistic, very bleak, very dire views of the world. You really need to focus on more positive messages, or at the very least realistic ones. I'd slowly divest yourself from whatever sources of information that have these tendencies, and move to ones that tend to make you happier and more enlightened. I had to do that myself as I started to figure out that the progressive messages on places like dailykos were unbearably negativistic and whiny, as well as even entertaining the doomsday rhetoric from the exact opposite side of the spectrum - Austrian hyper-individualists (thanks, brother & sister-in-law!).
    Anyways, take care, get lots of sleep, start execising and building muscle, and start hitting on women (in person or online). That should also make you feel much, much better - make you more attractive and more confident. Good luck, you can pull through.

    I do agree with you to some degree. Which is why I deactivated my Facebook, I've been feeling a lot better since I've done so. Facebook can be very depressing, not only in regards to political issues, but even things like people I went to high school with being dead, in jail, pregnant, etc.

    It's also why I don't post on the BR as often, if you were wondering. I'm really focusing on my spiritual life.

  7. I think I was depressed when I got out of the army and had a hard time finding work, got evicted from my apartment and had to move in with friends. Plus family moving to mainland didn't help. For me staying busy is/was a big help whether working or doing CN war stuff... juat gotta stay busy, stack paper, follow beliefs and not think too much about depressing stuff bro. Best wishes and God bless.

    It's very difficult to when you're brain is imbalanced and you are pre-occupied with depressing thoughts.

  8. I would say I was depressed but I don't have normal expectations so either I am eternally depressed or I'm not depressed and never was depressed.

    Ultimately everyone's mind works different, if I was simply a normal/different person I could be more susceptible to depression or at least the really negative bits.

    Although when I was a teen (16) I gave my life a lot of thought going into the future and I think I came to accept whatever happens happens.

    From the way you describe it a dark cloud will always be over you no matter how much time pasts. I don't know a lot about causes but I think most peoples depression aren't quite like yours and it isn't as simple.

    A lot of things cause depression. They can either be genetic, environmental, based on trauma, or even all three.

  9. You misunderstand the point of Viceroyalties -- at least from the Pacifican perspective. The point was to avoid the necessity of eternal or repeating war. You take an alliance and, rather than destroying it to such an extent that its nations can never recover, you help to rebuild the alliance in such a way that its members are no longer a threat regardless of their nation strength. Unfortunately it didn't always work out that way, as emotion and attatchment to inefficient systems got in the way.

    Of course, other alliances may have used them in other ways. But if they were used to conquer alliances and prevent them from "escaping with their lives", no sane alliance would accept one.

    Why not use them for both purposes? :ehm:

  10. The protagonist is kind of a dick. He is crying about his love for a woman, listing only her physical attributes. Maybe if he learned to approach women as humans rather than sexual objects he might find love easier to find.

    I agree with you for the most part. However, and I'll speak for myself, when I see a good-looking girl walking down the street I don't know her personality or how intelligent she is. I only know that she has nice legs and a cute face. Not to say that I don't value them as human beings, just that I don't know them personally enough to appreciate their non-physical attributes.

    ^This is exactly what women aim for. Whether they are interested in you or not, it's like second nature to see what exactly a man would do for a woman. Overcoming you're insecurity and acting instinctively as yourself is then only way you'll know if there's something there. Or, you could play the game back and throw a real WTF in there. This probably won't work if the feeling isn't somewhat mutual. Confidence is the key to all success. Anyone can know you want them, but if you don't have the confidence to make it happen, it probably won't happen. Every case is different though.

    Yeah, you have to try not to care too much. Play it cool. If you can just be a friend, be in her life, an oppertunity may eventually present itself. That may be your best bet, but as Fox Fire said, every case is different.

    This actually how I see it too.

  11. God isn't real, you are just a collection of electric impulses, there is no purpose to your existence other than to exist. Find what happiness you can and ride it out :|

    You're on earth because you were conceived. You're purpose is to further the existence of the human race, and so far you're succeeding! You only have one, make the most of your success!

    I believe in God, and I've seen evidence in my life that proves he exists. However, I come from a religious family where I didn't really have a choice and I'm currently in the process of finding him for myself. I don't think we were put on Earth to simply exist either. I guess you can say that we each have our own purpose and I'm still trying to find mine.

    The writing style seems a lot better than in the other things you have posted in this blog. I suspect because you were thinking less a you wrote it rather than trying to force it out so the text is much less disjointed. Maybe that is something you could take from this and incorporate into your other writings?

    Thank you, but what do you mean by "I was thinking less"?

    You are on Earth to test how you react to having power and/or the lack of it. Endure and thrive.

    I can somewhat agree with this. Everyday of our lives we're either trying to gain or fight against power.

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