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Everything posted by Canik

  1. General Kanabis must be rolling over in his sombrero.
  2. Not to mention (again) KoRT not coming to Sparta's defense when they were attacked. Clear cherry-picking, avoiding the tough fight and taking the easy one. That's pathetic. Though not entirely surprising from KoRT. Just thought maybe they'd have the decency to stay neutral at least. Apparently not.
  3. So it does but still MHA is still far more brave to join our side at all (and one might have expected DBDC/CLAWS to counter) (to the rest of Doom. because Ibz did make a fair objective point) It is a joke to even compare the two. Please continue though. Piss us off more.
  4. iirc MHA declared on DBDC as well and unless you're really as stupid as they say (which I'm starting to wonder) you should know MHA will lose it's top-tier in this. MHA joined the side that had 280 less members and HALF the nation strength of your coalition. So these things are not equivalent what MHA did IS brave what KoRT did IS NOT. My respect for you is dropping like a rock, FL. Though it will never come close to the lack of respect I now hold for KoRT.
  5. It's sad to see Doom really trying to defend this !@#$. Clearly you don't know KoRT. Are you really so desperate for allies you are going to defend this trash? They would not be joining if CCC wasn't already being piled on. You can scrap together a flimsy argument but KoRT is proving itself to be by a wide margin the most dishonorable and pathetic alliance of our time. Even though CCC defended them against Polar. Even though technically by standard longheld international laws (that your side with cite and maintain as it suits them but generally ALL follow these rules without disagreement) they should have defended SPARTA first. Even though all that, we didn't expect them to enter. We knew they valued their pixels far too much and we didn't care but piling on one of their recent saviors like this? Unforgivable. KoRT just tripled our side's motivation. We were playing before but this !@#$ just got real.
  6. KoRT just became the #1 most hated alliance. We love CCC (as you should too). You have no idea the hornets nest you just stuck your junk in.
  7. If I were KoRT I would peace and apologize immediately. This is wrong on so many levels. Completely dishonorable. Lyanna makes a good point why not defend Sparta against POLAR like people defended YOU against Polar. Wow
  8. This is one of the dumbest most asinine things I've ever seen. The Turtles attacked CCC. And CCC is already, very bravely and nobly, fighting Pacfica/Polar and more. What makes this even more disgusting is that just 2 years ago CCC was on the few alliances that stepped up to defend and save KoRT and this how you repay them? WTF??
  9. You say you haven't done a damned thing and then act like this world will be less alive without you? Hmm..
  10. Sarkin your coalition are called the Pixel Huggers ours are the Pixel Shruggers. GET IT RIGHT! Also thanks @Piejonk for your damage rankings, very cool.
  11. Well look what the cat dragged in. Oculus desperation confirmed.
  12. Sorry but really you're not. Your side is a bloated mass of top-tiers never daring to fight each so there are more than plenty to replace you if you left. If you left it would make no difference at all. Just sayin'
  13. It's not up to me but you never raided our friends and allies. You never threatened us. You didn't have an open declaration of war against us. So I think our focus will remain on DBDC, sorry. You'll just have to be patient as an immortal surely you have practice in that.
  14. I mean, there are some who haven't fought yet but a lot who started in peace mode did come out, then a lot who were in war mode went to peace mode to restock. We'll just keep rotating thx.
  15. A few of those have already fought and have been rebuying nukes. They'll be back soon. Others are waiting for their turn on DBDC. That's why over half of DBDC is in peace mode lol. Bet no one ever thought they'd see that 😂
  16. lol nice call back on my Terrible Peace War thread. You really appear to 'have me' at the moment. I'll let you enjoy it. It really was a fun callback well done.
  17. This guy fails to lead Sparta, joins NPO in like 2016 and acts like he's friggin Ivan Moldavi over here. 😂
  18. lmao you could barely get NG alone to surrender. Please these threats are a joke. 🤣 Your side doesn't have the stamina. You don't even really want to be here. We do. That is why you are barely holding us back. The electricity is generated from our side, not yours.
  19. Truly, I've been finding the similarities amusing myself. 😂 Since many I knew hated his failure to lead as well. Being in a mid-sized alliance post Karma we looked up to MHA (who was the #1 alliance at the time) to where they would lead the world next but the MHA of the time seemed to have no direction. They failed to lead Bob into the future and so someone else (MK, I guess) did. I suppose those who don't know history (Deathadder/NPO) are doomed to repeat it.
  20. I don't think you understand.. you still suck. Just because we made something amazing happen DESPITE you doesn't mean you're to thank in any way and that you don't suck. You still suck, sorry. You can call it whining if that makes you feel better tho.
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