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Everything posted by Canik

  1. lmao You did make an impressive warrior horde.. but... yeahhh. 😂
  2. Here here! Down with corrupt and stagnate institutions! Glory to the revolutionaries! To the cleansing flame!
  3. Canik

    CN Top 10

    Top 10 in glory gains over the past year: 1. Legion 2. CCC 3. NATO 4. Non Grata 5. Polar 6. FTW 7. MHA 8. Al Bundy 9. Sparta 10. FAN Biggest losers of glory: 1. KoRT 2. DBDC 3. IRON These are official subjective rankings.
  4. I like that Admin is plotting. I respect that, it shows he still cares. Is it too late switch sides?
  5. You worship the wrong god.
  6. So you do ASMR huh? Sorry but I already got Velocity for that.
  7. Oh she's just one of the most influential players for the last two years or so. Who are you though? We know you're a salty turd but that's it so far.
  8. I respect Soyuz recognized it was dead and instead of hanging on to the past, decided to put the alliance properly to rest and move on. ODN should take notes.
  9. Wow how did I miss this? Is this real life? Anyway good too see people I taught to fight allying people I taught to fight. 😉
  10. Sounds good. loved the roast clams at the cookout last year
  12. The alliance formerly known as Kashmir continues to distance from it's original principles of being a paperless independent alliance. A white flag reaction would truly be appropriate.
  13. Don't know about Oysters but we ate CLAMS for breakfast
  14. Sad but necessary. The puppet OsRavan regime have been very unhealthy for ODN. Get rid of OsRavan! Bring independence and life back to ODN!
  15. Ignore the new rules at your own risk. These are all valid CBs now! Side note - who is Oro?
  16. @Kapleo@Johnny Apocalypse I wish you luck in bringing more spirited thinking to your respective alliances. They could certainly use it. @Lollerobot If those big nations were so relevant giving you such an advantage your side wouldn't have agreed to white peace.
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