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Thane Carcajou

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    The Orange River
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  1. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1348122158' post='3032161'] Nutcase is simply amazing at dealing with other alliances. He has an extremely high amount of tact and patience. Well done CSN. [/quote] Is there a story you'd like to share?
  2. [quote name='Kestral' timestamp='1348066889' post='3031836'] So basically you're upset that Int didn't offer help that you were then intending to refuse anyway? Unless you're saying that you'd like only Int to have burned for something for which they bore no responsibility... Int held a MDoaP with you, you attacked aggressively, they decided not to bring all their allies (inc CnG) into the firing line to help with your aggressive (and quite honestly cowardly - I mean spying like that? really?) crusade. I get that it would have given you that warm fuzzy feeling if they'd decided to sacrifice their allies to OPTIONALLY assist your foolishness so that you could be all like 'Oh no, we don't want you to get involved anyway' and feel like you've somehow saved your allies from a threat (which you created), but to try and drag their name through the dirt after all they did to try and help you out of your own mess? To be honest I'm just glad this treaty went, Int deserve better. [/quote] Read the discussion. LSF is stating that they had talks with Int about a war against the fascists. They did not expect other treaty partners, who did not have ideological issues with the fascists, to support them. They did however expect certain contributions from their treaty partner The International. The International failed to deliver for whatever reason and that treaty is cancelled as a result. Various people will have various theories as why The International unsurprisingly failed to deliver, but the point is that LSF felt they had a certain understanding how a specific treaty would chain. They did have expectations regarding how others would opt to chain and thus they remain on good terms with them.
  3. [quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1347906631' post='3031125'] Or they could start it before the pieces all come into place and we could have the first war in half a decade that wasn't over before it started. [/quote] How dare people consider the concept of playing to win.
  4. You seem a little wonder light to pull this off. Best of luck though in your endeavors.
  5. Nation is 4+ years old and clueless regarding interalliance relations. Excellent job World Task Force.
  6. An excellent tool, one potential bug. Please see [url="http://cybernations.lyricalz.com/aid?nation1=504928&nation2=283107&start=&end="]this history.[/url] LavaRed sends me aid on the fifth, I cancel it also on the 5th. He then deletes it from in game. Yet is still is shown as pending in your tool as opposed to cancelled.
  7. Thank you for being part of that blob of neutral nations who continuously buys tech, despite what the rest of Bob is doing, and thus providing a constant demand and floor for the price of tech. I might be stuck selling at 3/100 if it wasn't for you and WTF.
  8. [quote name='Gretchen' timestamp='1346009835' post='3025433'] It is because of these military treaties that I cannot come to the aid of a dear CN friend. You are right in assuming that neither of us has a primary grudge against GO members. They are honorable in their affairs. My post is honoring Thorgrum's friendship, one who would put his nation on the line to support an honorable gesture, an ODP of two nations, one being me. My hands are tied only to honor these treaties and exist in the CN world "The Game". Honor and commitment takes many shapes in RL or the game. This is why this topic exists. [/quote] Your hands are tied because you chose to let them be tied. A simple resignation from The Brain would cut you free of the treaty web and give you the freedom to come to Thorgrum's aid in a military sense or via aid. In fact the two of you could even share an AA and burn together. You rule a nation that is nuclear capable and should be able to throw nuclear weapons for an extended period of time, assuming you've been budgeting properly. For all your talk, at the end of the day you've decided to stick with the The Brain and your social ties there. Which is fine, dedication to one's alliance is honorable. However don't act like you're actually doing anything or place some high value on your friendship with Thorgrum. You're clearly picking other social ties over the one you share with Thorgrum. All you're willing to do for Thorgrum is toss up this statement and hope the court of public opinion makes GO back off.
  9. This seems like an excessive amount of whining just so you can default on a pair of 3/50 tech deals with Int. Typically we don't care what happens to aid thieves like yourself or the manner in which their head is kicked in.
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