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Everything posted by The R00STER

  1. Where's the flag? Nothing can be official without a flag!?
  2. VE got some, We Got a few, The rest chose to go on with the Wombat life.
  3. Crap. Well Folks, would appear some outside source decided we do not exist. You know what though? I ain't even mad. No Mogar, we mean WWF. o/ WWF, was fun while it lasted but apparently we died.
  4. First off, yes we are still an alliance. I know, shocker. Now onto the point of this announcement. We signed a treaty. I am Proud to announce the 'TK's Agenda Accords' between The Dark Templar and WWF. Unfortunately my agenda didn't leave me with enough time to actually draft up a treaty but it's a ODAP. You all know the gist of it, and if you don't.. Well sucks to be you I guess. In typical DT fashion there are a few clauses that will not be disclosed until such a date that it becomes relevant. So uh.. yeah. Thanks for reading this and go back to trolling Sengoku? G'day! The Dark Templar: Starcraftmazter-Triumvir Terrence Krillins-Triumvir TiTaN-Trumvir WWF: The Authority Enrage Edward Mass Hellhound Jerrys Kids Generals3
  5. I'm not too sure what constitutes as an act of war these days but I feel like your copyright infringement upon our sacred symbol is one. You'll be hearing from me.
  6. In my experience rogues still got sanctioned back in the day. I know this because I went rogue twice and both times I got sanctioned within a day or two.
  7. Never liked Baltus anyway. Rubbish leader and his socks are ugly. Congratulations Supreme. Some small shoes to fill. Don't F up.
  8. I've been around this group since I joined wF back in 09. Y'all had made such a lasting impression on me that no matter where this game took me, I always found a way to stay close with you. Stay classy guys and a reminder to all the ex wF nation's. It's not arrogance, it's destiny! o/ Empress o/ HowlinMad
  9. You all suck and should be ashamed of yourselves.
  10. Given that we treat them as two separate entities, it's not really redundant in our eyes.
  11. I have no logical answer for this, but if you'll accept it I am going to go with " Because its 8am on my only day off and I am multitasking."
  12. The Dark Templar and Doom Kingdom would like to formally acknowledge that we still share feelings for one another. However it is important that you all know that the dynamics of our relationship have changed. That is all. Good Day CN. o/o/o/ Signed for DK Hapapants - Doomfather White Chocolate - Doombassador Banned - Doomerchant Xavier - Doomarshall Franz - Doom Councilor Cailph - Doom Councilor Daeg - Doom Councilor Addaff - Doom Councilor Signed for DT Bob Starcraftmazter TK Hunterman Keshav Farnsworth Zeke TiTaN Supa Protoa Pitt Sue Carlos Ted Shawn Name Name Name PS; Flags arent the same size... make of that what you will.
  13. Good lord. I've fouled this whole thing up. I'm fairly certain this means that this thread is not legitimate and none of us are actually in government. On a serious note, I'm pretty terrible when it comes to spelling and punctuation. People will learn to accept it. Or they'll roll us several times over it. I can live with either outcome.
  14. Triumvirate: Bob Starcraftmazter Terrence Krillins High Templar of Defense- Hunterman1043 High Templar of Foreign Affairs- Farnsworth High Templar of Internal Affairs- +Zeke+ High Templar of Financial Operations- Keshav An extremely huge Thank you to TiTaN and Supa_Troop3r for their years serving the DT Triumvirate!
  15. Need one to slot into a DT moderated black TC. Offers Affluent Population and Fine Jewelry as BR's and swaps to 7br during war season. Message me in game if you're interested. My nation id is 474413. TK
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