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Dr Salvador

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Everything posted by Dr Salvador

  1. Hi there! I just wanted to clear some things up about this joker. :) 4/13/2014 Fonzie The Jester of Aquarnia joined AA 4/23/2014 Fonzie the Jester Deleted, Reneged on tech, IP banned What he did - he created a nation and within 5 min ghosted our AA, then sent out tech PMs to a LOT of our larger nations. He had full slots within 24 hrs, even bought a FM to get that 5th slot. Then literally an hour after the last slot expired - he deleted. He wasn't banned - he deleted. A ban does not wait for aid slots to expire, and this was either a huge coincidence or he deleted on purpose. Over the next few months he rerolled and did this to several other alliances - we warned the ones we could when we noticed he was active again. Other names he used that we know about: Mark Jok Ceres of Aquarnia Mark Rizla Beer of Mediterranea Beer Joker of Aquarnia I understand that he told you he did this by accident and was banned and won't do it again, etc. I call bullcrap. He has done this often, I only know of a few instances but I would wager other alliances have had this exact pattern of scam pulled on them. If you or anyone else has any evidence to exonerate him, please come forward.
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