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Everything posted by Helbrecht

  1. not just sail far and wide, he actually had to to fight pitched naval battles against some dreadnoughts.
  2. The hell you know about FCC and karma? Stick to your inane 300 youtube posts. Better than making nonsense posts about people who actually did something.
  3. Och hes alright really. You seriously have not seen the real barbarian hordes so far. For the sake of the clueless, brainwashed and yet innocent masses within ISX, lets hope you dont.
  4. Emoticons are for whippersnappers and little grasshoppers. ASCII art on the other hand.....
  5. Do an ISX special , the events that led to the liberation of ISX from pineapple fetishists.
  6. Peace on your terms does not really work when the world and its momma have you over a barrel. This is a small step in a better direction, i hail it as such. You know deep down somewhere what else needs to be done. Multiple people from all across CN have spared you their time in the past to try and guide, help before finally backing away slowly. Hopefully you still have some of those PMs and remember a bit from what they said at the time.
  7. Nuh uh,that is not a mistake , Polaris did what any good ally would in such circumstance. Dumbass allied leader about to get his alliance's arse beat for his stupidity? Let out a sigh, roll yer eyes, call in a favor or two, lean on someone, get the fool's piggies out of the hearth. Anyways, alls well that ends well . Also, pineapples, little nicky.
  8. Not really smart to have pre conceived notions about others based off of what others said. Not saying if these three are good or bad, just that you should get to know them or anyone else before starting them with a random brush someone handed you. Good luck with your IRON mongering. Cheers.
  9. While I always support Polar, I do wish you would stop pooping on other people's DoWs.
  10. You deigned to swing grub's stick at the guy?
  11. You totally should firm an elite republican guard full of stalwarts from that Pacific ocean island state of 0 yours, and then send them in to crack skulls in the middle eastern wasteland that is ISX.
  12. My My thats some robust lower tier. Khan being khan, wrecking the china shop at whim. I kill Ju!!!
  13. Yeah I think we can finally put this beautiful phenomenon to rest.
  14. Put up the recording someplace where others can get to it afterwards.
  15. I don't see any issue with the terms. Congrats on the win Polaris, Fark.
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