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Everything posted by hartfw

  1. You seem to have caught a case of the Caliphs. Those politically connected alliances encouraged peace, while you attempted to prevent the presentation of peaceful terms to Scotland. I've twice worked hard to achieve a diplomatic solution when war with SNX was threatened. I won't a third time, your slanderous libel is not the thanks a diplomat of peace deserves.
  2. Glad everyone could come together and Cowboys could play a small part in getting all our friends peace.
  3. For the record, I don't actually believe Caliph knows what a friend or a lie is.
  4. Sorry for your mishap. I've personally contacted the nation that attacked you.
  5. I'm just glad that this front could wrap up so quickly and amicably. As always Cowboys are happy when diplomacy works and hope to see more diplomacy in acton announced shortly. Stay tuned!
  6. In the spirit of this diplomatic effort, Cowboys will be setting up the channel #Scotlandtalks immediately. All those stakeholders interested in achieving a diplomatic solution are welcome to join and partake.
  7. And I respect that. I was more asking in terms of the current area of disagreement, between Monsters Inc and Scotland. I would appreciate it if someone could shed light on Scotland's view of this squabble.
  8. Has anyone defended Scotland to this point? I would hate to only have one side of this.
  9. You lack all ability to retain facts, and thus spew nonsense and lies. On April 20th you had switched over to last call with 25 nukes. On April 25th you were down to 1 nuke and begging for peace. You were a spineless coward, backtracking from your bravado. I get why you might want to forget that, but Cowboys remembers exactly who you are. And so does Lyricalz -- https://cybernations.lyricalz.com/index.php/nation/199347/
  10. If Minc decides to disband, Cowboys will protect them through the transition period.
  11. Well, if thats the way you want to take my suggestion as to how to make your nonstop whining less tasteless spam, I'm going to go ahead and call you hopeless and deserving of your ill fortune. But we will always remember the time you ran out of nukes within the first week and begged for peace. Cowboys does not forget.
  12. I'm fine with you complaining for 6 months about being in LC. But you should add more context, otherwise its just contentless spam. Make it interesting.
  13. So, all these posts are really about how much you hate being Last Call. That is harsh.
  14. It has been a while since Auctor had infra.
  15. Agreed that Emperor Mic was wicked and fleeing.
  16. Or aiding said nation with money *and* tech.
  17. This is true, and he did a very good job. Would recommend again.
  18. I think this corrects all the factual inconsistencies, although I might have missed some.
  19. Time to cowboy up and take responsibility.
  20. You took in a nation that was clearly fleeing war, and was in peace mode. The idea that this required new information is a stretch. You then sent money and tech to him. The intention of that is questionable. That he was still at war was obvious. I feel like Auctor summarized it pretty well. That nation at no point stopped being at war with all of Oculus. At no point did anyone not previously at war get attacked by Sengoku. Somehow you want people to believe that you were that naive to understand that, and so inactive to be incapable of doing anything in response for 3 days, but could post a formal state of war over a guy who hasn't even applied to be on your forums? Thats an amazing set of events. Or a very cowardly war entrance.
  21. TSC aided 33m and 100 tech (interesting to see both money and tech going in) to a guy who had declared wars against Oculus, and was hiding in pm. While such an action could be taken as an act of war itself, it wasn't and TSC was afforded the respect of being informed that they had accepted someone currently at war with Oculus and that that status was still unresolved. Instead of addressing this, TSC expressed a preference for war but that they needed to vote on what to do. Even still, TSC wasn't attacked (although at that point it might have made sense). But people at war are not going to be harbored and allowed to regrow unfettered to come back and hit us. So the guy who has declared wars on oculus, and has spent a month fighting them was staggered. TSC could have chosen to address this diplomatically. They did not. They declared war and attacked after aiding a guy already at war against us. If there was a semblance of interest in peace and not war mongering, you have been led astray by a member of your government. Perhaps diplomacy is still possible, I know some great people on both sides of this. On the other hand, if this was a big ploy to make a fake chain of aggression in, it is a shame you couldn't have done it honestly. Honest is the best way to meet and keep friends after all.
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