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    The Combine
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  1. Selling tech message me 3x50. Reliable people!!!
  2. [quote name='Evella Vada' timestamp='1330048806' post='2927190'] I have seen this done time and time again. Create suspect, and then have everyone avalanche them to where they can not possibly have any creditably. I don't think the rest of CN is that silly though. You just have to look at all the members of GPF and see what the stand/stood for. To be quite honest I am probably the worst of them when someone gets on my bad side, perhaps my greatest flaw, my temperament. [/quote] Yeah its whatever. At least I'm figuring out how to set up my avatar and sig in the wasted time spent on this stupid topic.
  3. Yeah I know its just dumb as hell. I knew I was attacked for no reason. I new it was staged, but the kept trying to shove some stupid excuse's down my throat. Can't trust a suspected spy though so why listen right?
  4. and it feels just great. The entirety of GPF believes Im some a$$ selling information to other alliances or whatevs, I mean I don't really know what else to say there is no self satisfaction in stealing pointless info about some pointless crap in regards to a pointless alliance. Maybe if I went on the damn forum I would have seen something stupid like this coming and coulda packed up and left. And plus If I was actually a damn spy wouldn't you think I would have tried to take some authority in the alliance before dumping information. I mean IDK, I never even checked out the academy for god sake.
  5. [quote name='Evella Vada' timestamp='1330044914' post='2927123'] NO NO NO NO NO. Let me fix this right quick Stand by for LOG dump. Global Protection Force, Colonel Brick. I tried to leave GPF under good circumstances, I really did, I went to Oceania, and since I have been there I have been nothing but trolled. ADude[OCN] can affirm this. I tried to stay cordial, but this is absolutely balderdash. There is a spai in GPF and I will give you his link in a moment, NPL can confirm this. By the way the logs were not false, everything that the spai put on CN Intel is the truth, until Jack queried GPF and said he was going to roll us, and sanctioned Get_Sum, ask Jack the leader of FAN, hell you don't have to believe a word that I say. Its all out there. Also look at their ridiculous proof, and the fact ColonelBrick is posting all these logs to convince everyone that facebones did it... how practical is that, hes suppose to be the Secretary General of GPF, should not take that much "splaining" [/quote] OK THIS MAKES THE MOST SENSE OUT OF EVERYTHING I HAVE READ ON THIS PIECE OF TRASH PAGE. I been trying to explain this the entire damn day, I didn't do crap somebody up top just decided to go all German shniza on my chest. I knew this was all BS
  6. AHHH. Well I got my ass kicked out of it 7 hours ago I think. I really don't know. Sharing information my ass im still not 100% sure what I did
  7. Yeah, I don know whats going on craps popping off. How in the world did you get them to stop attacking you? That doesn't seem the least bit fair, they are building bases on holy grounds gosh dang-it.
  8. And since when did he/she whatever the hell leave GPF BRUHS!?
  9. Does it help the Evella Vada was in the IRC when my password leaked? I am so confused I just thought I sucked. Now it seems that everyone on here sucks
  10. ITT: George W. Bush Swag. I'll see you in hell GPF
  11. You have a amazing face with elegant features. That better?
  12. I can say I'm quite entertained to. BUT YOUR NATION IS NOT GETTING POUNDED INTO DUST.
  13. I mean here is the facebook convo. I took out names for obvious reasons. I highly doubt it will stop the attacks but it does confirm the time I got on the computer from this exact time. (http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109304 hey what have you been up to? Busted!! forums.cybernations.net Planet Bob, I am here to announce that the Global Protection Force has today expelled and ordered the immediate ZI of a member, caught red handed i... Share about an hour ago WTF i just logged in im getting completely dick raped about an hour ago what'd you do? hahaha about an hour ago I didnt do anything thats the thing Thats why im confused as a !@#$%* They got these sanctions on me too. I am fairly aggravated )
  14. Check your inbox in game bro. I did run to you as well as one of the aggressors in the attack before posting on here. and yes I meant my IRC but i use that password for all cybernations account information(not anymore thats for sure), I felt comfortable enough with you guys to not have to change the damn thing. I can't make you believe me but im telling you it may be my username but it was certainly not me behind the computer screen. I wish I could argue the timing but It states that is 05:32 pm whatever whatever, Im not sure if the falls around Noon ish on the east coast but that is the approximate time I got on the computer after getting back from the grocery store lol.
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