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Dubh Caireallain

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Posts posted by Dubh Caireallain

  1. 15 hours ago, McDouggal said:

    Was a fun little war. Turns out, I have more bodies than y'all have bullets. A quick check of the ground battles shows I went 12-3 against you and 44-6 overall across the 3 wars so far - including 14-0 on the ground against Dubh Caireallain. (It's 14-1 if you count the nuke-induced defeat alert, but I don't.)


    Sure, you guys knocked off enough land that I literally could not buy a navy, but that was a win in the end since you guys had tech superiority over me on the water anyways.


    Getting called out by a McDonalds knock-off that started this war with 13k infra and only 400 tech... That's a new low for me. 😄

  2. MI - NpO Protectorate




    Article I - The Basics:


    Member nations of the New Polar Order and Monsters Inc will show respect and good will towards each other. While this will prohibit outright verbal hostility in all its forms in public forums, it will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement.

    Should this article ever be infringed upon, it is the duty of the respective alliance leaders to alert the other alliance.


    Article II – Protection:


    The New Polar Order fully commits itself to the defence of its protectorate, Monsters Inc, through direct military action as well as, though not limited to, financial and political means. Should the New Polar Order come under attack, it is strongly encouraged that the protectorate comes to their defence, though it is understood by both signatories that this is not an obligation.

    Should either signatory find itself in the need for waging an aggressive war, let it come to no ones surprise if the other signatory, who is not in any means under an obligation, chooses to support them through military, political or financial means.


    Article III - Treaty Notifications:


    Monsters Inc agrees to inform the New Polar Order of all treaties of PIAT level and, furthermore, Monsters Inc agrees to hold no other military treaties while a protectorate of the New Polar Order.


    Article IV - Tech Raiding:


    The New Polar Order and Monsters Inc recognise that any war arising due to tech raiding on the part of Monsters Inc shall be considered a provoked act of aggression and nullify Article II. Monsters Inc agree to abstain from tech raiding.


    Article V - Cancellation:


    It is the hope of both signatories that this pact may someday be ended by mutual agreement that the protectorate is able to stand on its own without further Polar support. But, given the uncertainties of the future, it is recognized that should any of the above Articles be violated, or should some major irreparable disagreement that diplomacy cannot solve arise, that this pact maybe cancelled after 72 hours notice.



    Signed for New Polar Order:


    Emperor - EaTeMuP

    Regent- Lestat


    Minister of Plenty - Prince Jeff I

    Minister of Truth - Dubh Caireallain


    Deputy Minister of Love - JuicePats

    Deputy Minister of Peace - tenbob

    Deputy Minister of Plenty - hadesflames


    Imperial Advisor - Quantum Leap

    Imperial Advisor - Medic32

    Imperial Advisor - Dajobo

    Imperial Advisor - Sir Edward Swinkles

    Imperial Advisor - WarGod0001


    Signed for Monsters Inc:


    Lord Hitchcock

    King Neptune

    Salty Richard

    Doug Henning

    Hombre Sabio


  3. I too have now seen the list. I wasn't so much saying it didn't happen, more that from what I could find on our end, I couldn't find the details of what took place, and who scarpered without paying their dues. While it was clear something untoward did happen, I was unsure of specifics and was reluctant to condemn any SNX members without knowing the exact nature of what happened.


    Maybe in the future you should come and ask us directly if your missing details rather than musing conspiracies in public.


    ODN trying to preserve an ally's safety and well-being doesn't surprise me at all, particularly because 99% of the people here don't give a damn about neutrals or soft-neutrals or unaligned, hypocrisy aside. They are protecting (or trying to) a very valuable asset to them (DBDC), so the fake outrage is amusing to behold.


    It's not fake outrage or outrage of any kind. It's bemusement.


    Edit: typo

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