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  1. It was a mistake on my part. I posted in the wrong section. I don't mind if this gets moved.
  2. その大日本帝国の遺産を不名誉にした国だ。 「二流」と言えば当たり前だろう。 [spoiler]That country that disgraced the legacy of the Great Empire of Japan. "Second-rate" is an appropriate term, isn't it?[/spoiler]
  3. 二千十一年十一月二十八日国体 独立ノ檄文 大国体帝国ハ、本日カラ二流北国ト縁ヲ切リ。コチラノ書類ヲ書キ送リ、直後二新大国体帝国ガ大日本帝国ノ後継州二収マリ。 ソチラノ流北国ノ政治家ハ戦後主義ト大日本帝国ノ遺産ニトッテ不名誉。ソチラは遺憾ながら本当。 二流北国ノ「沖縄県」ト言ウ空間ハ以後大国体帝国ノ首都圏トシテ知ラレテイル用二ナリ。 二流北国、無関係ナ外国ハ大国体帝国ノ主権法ヲ犯スト、速攻ト全焼サレ。 サラニ、国民ハ二流北国ノ不天王ヲ知ラナイ。以後、新昭和1年。 天国ノ導キデ、大国体帝国ハマタ第一東アジアノ帝国ヲ再建シ。 コチラハ何ヨリ国民ノ目的。コチラハ何より国民ノ願イ。 大国体帝国国立議会 二千十一年十一月二十八日 November 28, 2011 The Empire of Kokutai Declaration of Independence The Great Empire of Kokutai shall, from today, divorce itself from the inferior country to the north. Immediately following the composition and transmission of this document, the Great Empire of Kokutai shall be recognized as the successor to the Great Empire of Japan. The politicians of that inferior northern country have, through their treasonous post-war policies, disgraced the legacy of the Great Empire of Japan. This fact, while regrettable, is true. The inferior north's area known as "Okinawa" shall from now on be recognized as the Capital Region of the Great Empire of Kokutai. If the inferior north, or any unrelated foreign nation, violates the sovereignty of the Great Empire of Kokutai, it will be swiftly and completely destroyed. Furthermore, the nation does not recognize the false emperor of the inferior north. From today, it shall be Year 1 of the Shin-Shôwa Emperor's reign. Under the divine guidance of the heavens, the Great Empire of Kokutai shall once more repair the East Asian Empire. More than anything else, this is the goal of the nation. More than anything else, this is the wish of the nation. National Congress of the Empire of Kokutai November 28, 2011
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