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Posts posted by Endurance

  1. [quote name='King James XVIII' timestamp='1345653957' post='3024327']
    He always has spoken frankly with me and I respect that. Here I go.

    Catharsis was the strongest alliance at that point to jump into war against an alliance already being crushed (losing almost a half million total NS at that point) with the [b]only[/b] goal of piling on and burning it to the ground out of revenge. Isn't that what Catharsis hated about RE in the first place--that they took every opportunity available to war you in an unfair way? With all due respect to NDO, they are a new alliance and still learning the game, so forgive me for laughing at the suggestion that NDO--which just got out of a bruising war--had the capability to take on Catharsis and PS and whoever else might have wanted to jump on for a war that could last to the end of the round.

    Someone said it earlier and they were right--I didn't need to say anything about how these types of things (on both sides) hurt the game. I thought it was important to say and yeah, it's our reasoning for getting involved. We didn't appoint ourselves as the savior of TE--we're a small group of nations trying to make a difference in this world :P . War is good. War with some emotion is good. Complicated war that lasts a long time can be good too. People running around and openly saying that grudges will be taken to next round,[b] after[/b] fighting this war out, is terrible for the game and you would all say the same thing if you sat on the outside of this and took a minute to think about it.

    These aren't hacks and n00bs attacking RE. These are elite alliances piling on day after day [b]without[/b] even being asked to help. That alone is enough of a CB for me. If roles were reversed it would be enough of a CB for you.

    I said it before and I will say it again. If you want peace make it happen. If not, shut up, turn around, go to your IRC channel and fight. You all want RE to know that there are consequences for crossing the line. I get that. I think they get get it too after being subjected to 6 pages or war and [b]five hundred thousand NS loss[/b]. Don't be upset for being held to a similar standard when you crossed the line.

    It's ok to admit that this thing got out of hand on all sides. Fix the root causes and get back to warring--without this total war mentality--without despising your opponent and having nothing but contempt for them.

    Save that for when Confusion comes back.

    Oh! The chivalrous words! Oh! the hypocrisy! Again, where were you when the Romans were up to no good? By your own admission, your alliance was attacked by the Romans many times in a round, did it go round after round? Did you or any of your members fight back seriously and find yourself being focus upon 4,5,6 to 1 every single war? If the Roman dids attack you in such a manner and you fought back genuinely, WHERE ARE YOUR BALLS? WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU HELP THEM NOW? To exchange future leniency is that it? "Isn't that what Catharsis hated about RE in the first place--that they took every opportunity available to war you in an unfair way?" HA! So we should just let things be and continued to be harassed? Shove that superficial semantics up your ass! We already told you we would've attacked anyway. Many in Catharsis are true gentlemen and would've waited had the Romans not been such a prick! "6 pages or war and five hundred thousand NS loss" Romans getting that they have done wrong? "Don't be upset for being held to a similar standard when you crossed the line." Don't make me laugh! Infra is the least of all things we are worrying about now. With Roman constant Harassment, we FREAKING LOSING MEMBERS!!! And I don't see any Roman repentance. All I see is your fake sincerity and appeasement towards the Romans. YOU OF ALL PEOPLE ARE THE LAST PERSON I want to hear about "Don't be upset for being held to a similar standard" When Romans turn on you, don't come crying.

  2. [quote name='King James XVIII' timestamp='1345529467' post='3023979']
    Don't know if you know this...but I'm actually pretty open to working in the background to solve problems. Our DoW is not an endorsement of any tactics RE use or have used in the past. Our DoW isn't a condemnation of our opposition as an evil alliance. We did what we thought we needed to in order to even this up.

    That's fine. o/ War

    Well, I would think any peace process finally got all of this aired out so it didn't happen again. If that can only happen on the battlefield, whatever, fine by me. But keep in mind that there are still almost [b]four weeks[/b] left in this round and both sides are talking about next round. Lord only knows where any of us will be at that point :P

    2k ANS here TE comes! :lol1:

    So before learning what has been going on, or willfully being ignorant, you decided that it's just best to side with the Romans. How unprejudiced of you! Without any delay, you jump in and call this something terrible for TE and yet ignored any and all of Roman's wrong doing. If you are truly sincere about peace, you would've contact all parties first then reach an agreement and attack only those who would violate that said agreement, instead, right now, you just want everyone to stop attacking Romans. What you are doing is just buying time for the Roman using "peace" as an excuse.

    4 weeks left? Talk of next round? 2K ans? XD If it wasn't for the Romans doing what they do round after round, none of this would've ever happen. Take off your disgusting benevolent mask and speak objectively if you are truly sincere. Otherwise, just admit that you are another Roman lackey.

  3. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1345527765' post='3023973']
    [22:43] <paul711> if they want to keep fighting then that is on them
    [22:44] <Stelios> You argued against that point with me earlier... -.-
    [22:44] <paul711> No I said we would not peace out unless it was offered to them

    Had been offered to both. PS declined, LE it seems like peace may be reached. TFK I have sent messages to nations. One replied saying there was no govt and that they think they want to go to the end.

    Catharsis.. Want peace?

    Offered to all paul :)

    [quote name='Eumirbago' timestamp='1345528310' post='3023975']
    The same place as they were when it happened to me.... Get over it. It happens <_<

    Peace? Get over it? LOL So you could come back in five days and focus on each alliance, one at a time? XD
    It make no difference to us since you Roman have always gang up on us and level us into purgatory. Unless you could magically invent attack slots, this is the same as any other Roman attacks. I fail to see any reason at all, not to beat some sense into you Roman as to what is fair and why you shouldn't stalk us. Until we get these two points across, there is no reason for us to stop.

  4. What a farce! Where the hell where you when Romans were doing their down declares hum? Where the hell where you when Roman violates peace out time that they set and give us final attacks before sending peace? Where were you O~righteous one when Romans were up to no good? We have always been outnumbered by the Romans, you make no difference, now or EVER.

  5. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1345512701' post='3023877']
    I'd like to see you try that, for some reason I don't think it would go well for you guys.

    Nothing is going well. More than half our alliance is under 2k infra right now, AFTER 60 DAYS, not because we don't know how to build but because of RE constant harassment. I myself came close to re-rolling myself. AND THIS !@#$ CARRIES ROUND AFTER ROUND!!! THESE ROMAN my WOULDN'T LET US BE. We reasoned, we pleaded, we !@#$@#$ beg!!! NO!!!! THE ANSWER WAS ALWAYS: LEARN TO PLAY THE GAME BETTER! FU!!! When you outnumber us every freaking war and violates peace out time!!! WELL! If you are going to act like a jerk, learn to deal with response like this one: SUCK MY BALLS!!!

  6. [quote name='KaiserMilch' timestamp='1345494345' post='3023809']
    Does anyone else find it ironic that Catharsis has been calling RE a "stalker, obsessive" etc. but when RE leaves them alone in the next war because of their complaints then [i]Catharsis attacks[/i] RE?
    First of all, you need to state what TE alliance you are in your nation's bio

    Second, to answer you question.
    NOT AT ALL! We have been attacked by RE so constantly, most members left in the alliance are determined people who want to feed on your flesh. YOU MADE US THIS WAY SO DEAL WITH IT. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE.

  7. [quote name='Stelios' timestamp='1345482471' post='3023777']
    Lol what? Spying? I actually dont recall talking to NDO about you guys coming in, I did figure you were coming in. That was kinda obvious to see coming. No spies were needed in that, Sorry. I know you wont believe me.. I dont really care.. No one is stalking you, trust me.. Just dont cry when you get payback for this. and dont try and twist it saying "Yet again another example of how RE is making people leave the game"

    Learn to play the game

    Togas > All
    U still mad?

    [quote name='Tevron' timestamp='1345483860' post='3023780']
    Spying? I had several alliances approach me and tell me that you guys were on the move. You may have a leak, but it wasn't us. The only AA I would ever even want to put a spy in is RE, but we aren't spying on anyone this round. Sorry but when an AA is off to war, everyone knows unless your AA is tightlipped

    Catharsis had a heated discussion 2 days ago on what to do with RE and we did not come to a decision until a day before the attack, hence the horrible blitz. YET!!! You say you heard about this TWO DAYS AGO!? Somebody instant message you when we started bashing each other on our forum on how we are going to murder you Romans because you have stalk us round after round and war after war! Roman! you have a spy in our ranks, that much is obvious and to hell with learning to play the game when you asshats would declare war on us every single freaking time before we could rebuild and focus on us every single freaking fight!!! EVERY FREAKING TIME ALL OUR NATIONS ARE OUTNUMBERED 4,5,6 TO 1!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!

  8. [quote name='Tevron' timestamp='1345441513' post='3023664']
    I was under the assumption that you were answering the call to some ally due to the fact that [size="7"][b]I heard about this DoW two days ago[/b][/size], but shrugged it off because I didn't view you as the types to be called in. We only called in a small amount of nations because PS is hard to reach with our small upper tier, as I'm sure you noticed when you declared on us. We also only called in an equal amount of nations because we'd rather give them a fighting chance. I'm a little surprised by your obviously mal-intented questions that seem to suggest that your action is somehow independent of the RE-OP situation, when in fact - it is a reaction.

    RE and NDO has just admitted on spying! Where else could you get that information that we are going to attack? The decision to attack RE and NDO was made absolutely independently within our alliance. Actually, everybody wanted you dead and we had a great debate of whether or not to attack you now or two weeks after your war. Then, it was decided after we have people that hate you so much that they threaten to leave the alliance just to hit you pricks for hitting us war after war, round after round. Yeah, sure I am a rookie, but if you don't get the message of STOP STALKING US then U DIE! U DIE AND GO TO HELL!!!

  9. [quote name='Tevron' timestamp='1345439188' post='3023652']
    Catharsis is condemned for escalating this war needlessly. They will be met with the full force of NDO, because we feel like it.

    Needlessly? Escalating? NDO is condemned for coming to the assistance of a known stalker/molester who attacks Catharsis all the time and take away any fun a Catharsis nation is entitled to as a TE nation.
    NDO is found guilty of being a Roman lackey and there for responsible for any retaliatory strikes against Roman. Would you like to have your ass kick on day 0 too? HAD YOU STOPPED STALKING US(ROMAN) AND NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED.
    Roman Empire and NDO are both found guilty of destroying the player base in TE for being pricks.

  10. As long as you could change to the black sphere, then send me a trade offer. I will introduce you to the other partners and tell you what resources you need to change to.
    It's OK if you can't change your resources right away. We have been here long enough and will stay so we don't sweat the small stuff.

    Send me a trade once you change to black team

    We are good now. Thanks!

  11. [quote name='Eumirbago' timestamp='1338008868' post='2972644']
    But then you wouldn't get your daily dosage of the Love Bomb :(

    How could you afford those things they way you are now? Boy, that is some relentless love you got there.

  12. [quote name='Eumirbago' timestamp='1337983748' post='2972397']
    I'm thankful for the sleeping SDI Conductors :awesome::D

    As their punishment for failing me once again, they've been sentenced to each hold a twinkie in their mouths then jam it up each other asses, forming a circle, while doing bunny hops for an hour without breaking that circle. If the circle breaks or any one of the twinkies breaks, then all of them have to do it again.

  13. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1336190469' post='2963706']
    Then CN should implement farmville (or something of equal addiction) to draw people! :awesome:

    Perhaps a perpetual mini game where you get land as a reward? The story could go as: [i]Although [ruler name] is the leader of [nation name], there are still many native tribes that do not recognize [ruler name] rule and the people of these tribes do not even recognize themselves as [nation name]an. You must conquer them one after another in this mini game where you would get 5 land for each conquered tribe.[/i] This should work. :wub:

  14. [quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1334982305' post='2956407']
    Are all of you deliberately being dense? He's pointed out the combo of ANS, tier breakdowns, and nukes. These are the major factors that go into a war. Catharsis chose an opponent with fewer big nations, lower overall average, and lower nukes. TFK is being good sports about it, but in no way is this a good declaration.

    Thank you for ignoring, huge warchest, numerical superiority, TE attack range of 50% to 200%, just 30 days into TE, everyone started with the same setup, past warfare, RE impeccable records. Other than those, you are a perfectly good sport.

  15. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1334952257' post='2956222']
    I was completely unaware of the fact that I had to hold hands with you to walk across the street.

    And? 15 days is more then enough to prepare for a second war. I can't wait to get into the rest of your response.


    PS Fought themselves multiple times in the past, it's been done before as well. I would say keep trying, but your attempts are pretty pathetic and embarrassing.

    Congratulations, I spent all of 5 to maybe 10 minutes looking up DoW targets for you. Clearly more time then you all spent looking for fair targets to hit.

    1) Hold on a minute... Let's reflect.

    Contradiction much? You and your friend just said that you would have to be pretty desperate to go for that war yet the both of you just stated and/or implied that TFK was the only choice. Sounds desperate to me.

    2) Liking someone means and should mean absolutely nothing in TE. This is a war game, we attack everyone and anyone. Friends or enemies, it doesn't mean jack sh*t.

    3) Again, I spent those 5 to 10 minutes looking at DoW targets, if you would like, I could find you more?

    15 days? I'm pretty sure that's two weeks, in fact more. Again with people not knowing basic math.

    You fed me false facts based off of 1st grade math, highly pathetic. I showed you and still that there were plenty of other targets to consider. You contradicted yourself earlier. What else? Oh yes, you didn't even realize that there was an alliance called Cat and the fact that you're straight up trolling at this point because you have nothing better to refute with.

    Note TFK's ANS, Nukes and Upper tier, and compare it to yours. How many ways means nothing when clearly you have the advantage over all of them. Again, amount of wars means nothing when compared to ANS, Nukes and comparable upper tiers. If you have the CLEAR advantage over them, then it is still considered a statistical down declare.

    And for Sh*ts and Giggles,

    More Targets:

    THP, Hellas, Westeros
    TFK, Westeros

    Joint DoW on OP and Westeros/The Troopers & THP with WAPA

    You could have even waited a few days and hit LoSS, TPC or someone else considering 8 days is fairly long enough to be out of war as well, but it wouldn't have been the best of moves, but certainly better then this one.

    Clearly, ANS is all that matter! I mean forget about that you could launch more attacks with more people and that we all started on the same day with the same amount of starting funds. And it is so obvious that war-chests don't matter at ALL! Maybe kiwi didn't save up or didn't collect anything before they war with us or maybe our infra was free? OH! wait! our NS must have just magical went up for free. And you know what, we spit our nukes out of our asses by downing bottles after bottles of Mexican hot sauces, courtesy of our little Spanish speaking bug people. YES, you are absolutely right in assuming that nuke > huge warchest and ANS > numerical superiority when we started TE at the same time with the same amount of funds. If ANS is greater then BAM! you are stronger. Westeros has more ANS than Roman Empire! That means it wouldn't be a down declare if RE suddenly attack them. I mean HEY! ANS is all that matters! right? OH! you don't like it? What about nukes you might ask? How about RE Vs OP! OP have more nukes! How about that? !@#$%.

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