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Unknown Smurf

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Posts posted by Unknown Smurf


    How is it irrelevant?, if someone tells you not to fight back and to give peace yet little !@#$% like M inc keeps nuking and what not ofc they will do more damage, but it was not down to skill or the size as LH like to brag it was down to Bones pushing for peace and M inc just did as they was told and peace out.


    They were outdamaging NPO before Bones got involved at all iirc.

  2. Sephiroth, you are missing the point entirely.  I'm only going to say this once to you because you have been around long enough to know better and I would rather not sound like Tywin but, frankly, you deserve it.  This is basic.  In fact, it's so basic if you didn't expect it then you need to go back to e-lawyer school.  If you continue to complain about this, you're the one that looks the fool.
    Supernova X is Doom Kingdom's protectorate.  That means that if they are mistreated and/or attacked we are absolutely obligated to step in and help.  This isn't a matter of which side is "right" or who attacked who.  We don't care.  Our treaty with SNX has never been an optional thing on Doom Kingdom's end.  You can try to spin and e-lawyer all you want.  When we sign a treaty, as long as we haven't decided to drop it (and we haven't here), we keep our promise. 
    If you don't like that we're involved, then stop threatening our protectorate.  It really is that simple.

    Looks like your protectorate attacked him then needed you to bail him out to me.
  3. Meta-discussion - I would be excited to see more out-in-the-open politics happen. It's really a shame that the most interesting stuff happens between less than 100 people.

    The implication here is that it's the same grouping of people who always make the most interesting stuff happen but I don't believe that to be the case. Many moves are reactionary by the largest bodies, especially recently.
  4. Since your defacto leader Stonewall is !@#$ scared of a duel, what would happen if I left? Would I be sanctioned and attacked by 3 nations because you lot are too soft at one on ones?

    Only person with big words here is you and stonewall, you have an opportunity to attack me right now while I'm in Invicta.

    All talk and no pants.

    He wouldn't need to, as Invicta does allow dueling from time to time.

    But his mommy BONES said he wasn't allowed to come and play apparently or he told his mommy BONES to say that, as he was scared.

    I doubt he's scared. I'm sure it's more of a he finally has a nation over 10k NS thanks to other people's generosity and he really can't through it away just to defend his big mouth.

    Plus he probably has no WC since he's spent it all growing.
  5. Ok c'mon. Come. On. One of you two has a hurt butt, and we all want to know which. Just tell us now.

    No cancellation is this clean and sweet. Spill the beans.

    My best guess: it's more of a NSO is like hey you guys shouldn't trust Polar but respects NGs decision to not listen to them but at the same time won't go along with it. So yeah. No bad blood, just different views.
  6. While I think it's a fitting match I think it was a poor decision to announce it as mi6s "first" treaty after coming out of time out. Nothing against Sparta but MI6 signing with a more politically neutral alliance and/or timing this announcement around the events of the day instead of as soon as possible could've been more beneficial to both parties.

    Good luck regardless.

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