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Everything posted by Caladin

  1. I fear you have misunderstood the statements I have made. I maintain that Eurasia's declaration of war was not a down declare and to this end I wish to present some statistics, produced from data gathered at the start of this war. It ommits all Eurasian nations who did not intend to fight in the conflict. Many now are fighting, but that was only due to the actions of DEFCON and RE. New Desolate Order Nations 23 Technology 11,093.15 Infrastructure 68,435.04 Nuclear Weapons 19 Total NS 383,686.70 Average NS 16,682.03 Eurasia Nations 19 Technology 4051.84 Infrastructure 67,998.74 Nuclear Weapons 69 Total NS 315,655.34 Average NS 16,613.43 I'm not sure, but I'm reasonably certain that that is not a down declare. For those curious, the stats of the current war. [spoiler] NDO + RE + DEFCON Nations - 73 Technology - 28,095.93 Infrastructure - 212,184.4 NS - 1,077,155 Average NS - 16,124.86 Nukes - 182 Eurasia Nations - 68 Technology - 8550.87 Infrastructure - 101,737.4 NS - 436,667.7 Average NS - 6421.58 Nukes - 50 [/spoiler]
  2. Edit/ Was hoping that you could also return the losses of the second nuke to me; the loss of tech in particular is messing with my ability to compete. Oh, and I should mention that this is TE.
  3. You MI6ers might be well trained in the art of espionage, but I would have thought they would have given you some basic skills in the art of bartering. Deal! I'll even throw in a pair of novelty sunglasses.
  4. I can't make any firm offers, but I believe we can probably offer 1000 technology in exchange for Gopherbashi?
  5. Though only by a few minutes. Also, you ever heard of an alliance importing 250,000 tech in a month? No, you haven't. And that's because we're that awesome.
  6. According to the information index, TE wars last five days, not seven. However, I am currently involved in three wars that are six days old (not that that's a bad thing :D) http://tournament.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=558 http://tournament.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=560 http://tournament.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=575
  7. Dear RE We know you want to honor this 'gentleman's agreement' you are all so proud of and thus join in the dogpile on our alliance, but could you at least honor what we consider to be a necessary part of any such gentleman's agreement and inform us of your intent to do so such that we have no reservations about countering all your nations, rather than merely the ones that might have gone rogue? Regards, Caladin PS. What is it with TE alliances and launching post-update blitz's?
  8. I think it may be time for Karma 2.0 ;P
  9. You're going to have to fight a lot harder if you want to make us cry uncle after just five days of war.
  10. Well, seems that Oceania has revealed itself and that despite its words offering reconciliation it immediately launched an offensive. Probably for the best; Stanger summed up our thoughts on your ultimatum very well. I am curious, though. A post update blitz? Seems rather inefficient.
  11. I have to ask; who would you have had us attack, if you were in my shoes? You know that only one third of your alliance will fight. You know that the members you do have are less prepared than any nation you will fight; most joined at least a week late. You know you have a reasonable nuke advantage, but a disadvantage in technology and wonder count. With this, I saw three potential targets, omitting those currently in a war NDO, TPC and RE. RE had fought a nuclear war only a few days earlier than NDO & TPC, so I thought it best to discount them; it would be harder for them to recover than for TPC or NDO Out of TPC and NDO, NDO was the strongest, and so that made our decision for us. Perhaps we should have waited longer, but the three days in between NDO's wars did give them time to exit anarchy, rebuild & collect. I'm not going to apologize or retract this war, and if people want to whine over it then I really don't care; I'm just going to sit back and let the nukes fly, and if someone else dog-piles in; well, we've probably got a few nukes to spare :D
  12. What happens happens. In any case, we are a relatively inactive AA that can't fight at a level that you would expect. We have just 16 nations fighting. If someone takes an issue with that, and hits us because of it, then so be it; we're just here to fling nukes around and have a bit of fun and we're just as happy to fling them at NDO as we are at any other alliance.
  13. Haven't been a member for a long time, tbh; last time I played would have been back in 2012 or 2013 :/ As for this wonderful new alliance? Large and inactive pretty much covers it :P Most of us haven't played TE before.
  14. 1. War with almost no damage 2. Most of our nations aren't fighting 3. Should have bought Manhattan Projects Anyway, what's done is done. Time to blow each other up and revel in the casualties. (Also, I'm really regretting not buying more tech now; my aircraft losses are ridiculous :()
  15. --------------TRANSMISSION-------------- NDO confirmed as remnants Eastasia. -----------ENDTRANSMISSION----------- [spoiler] Stats will show this to be a horrendous down-declare. Fortunately, only a small minority of our nations have declared their willingness to fight; this puts us below Eastasia in terms of nations, infra and tech and as such this declaration should be relatively fair. Should we find we have more nations fighting than we expected we will attempt to discover Oceania to balance the books. [/spoiler] Edit: Statistics for alliance strength at the start of the war can be found here
  16. Were you the nation that spent six months on the GPA AA pretending to be the Minister of Nuclear Proliferation? If so, then I fully agree. That was hilarious when I read about it (and supposedly surprisingly effective) Tywin, why can't your antics actually be entertaining?
  17. Eh, this is only the repeat of 2006. We still have our best years of oppression ahead of us :P
  18. If you want to sell tech, Pacifica will buy it from you at a rate of 9/300 for as long as you want to sell. You'll need to register on our forums, but apart from that all the organization is done for you; you just ask our robotic overlord for cash, it orders us to send you cash, and then you send out tech to pay for that cash. Anyway, if you're interested, post here: https://cn.npowned.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=153991
  19. I think there are a few alliances around with the data to generate that sort of number. Though, I also think that those alliances wouldn't have it in an easily accessible form; it wouldn't be an easy number to generate. Wish this was still the case; I kinda blame it on lack of real rivalries. No side really despises the other side any more; it's just a cycle of meaningless war after meaningless war. If we actually had a reason to fight, I think it could be difference *shrug*
  20. NPO - Likes tech. More precisely, obsessed with tech. (Blame Frawley) GPA - Like tech, but only because they never have had the chance to lose it. IRON - Likes tech, but less so than before. Still has silly levels of it. Umbrella - Used to be tech gods. Not so much any more. Eclipsed by NPO's new obsession. NpO - Hates tech. Abhors it. Considers 6/200 tech deals immoral. (I'm not sure how tech deals have any correspondence to morality, but to each their own) WTF - Like tech. Used to like it more, but a recent noodle incident changed that. ODN - VE - Likes tech. Probably would have liked it more, but ate GOP a little too late; should have done it before their noodle incident. RNR - Dislikes tech, but only because it doesn't help them use the & symbol. Sparta - Likes tech. Is somehow good at getting it. I don't know why, but Sparta keeps doing competent things and it keeps surprising me. NATO - Valhalla - NEW - Probably likes tech, but I don't know. I don't speak Indonesian. DT - Likes cheap tech. MI6 - Likes tech. Wants to use it to open Q's R&D division. Pax Corvus - Doesn't like tech. Objects strenuously to attempts to make them like tech. FAN - Doesn't like tech, unless it leads to bigger guns. GOONS - FARK - SNX - Hates tech. Well, probably likes tech, but has no idea how to obtain it. (Someone give them a viceroy already)
  21. I'll pass this along to the Pacifican Media Core, see if any are interested in taking a crack at it. While I'm posting, and on the topic of tech, if you and your alliance are looking for reliable tech buyers, the NPO is willing to buy all you can sell & run all the logistics as well. Just send me a PM if you are interested.
  22. I have to agree with Helbrecht And, more importantly, I have to wonder why you didn't come join me in the NPO? :(
  23. 3B would be the ring you are looking for (http://free-ck.t-com.hr/dyl/ors/ors.htm) However, for a nation your size I would suggest looking for a 3A; it is better in terms of being able to grow, and you are able to change the resources you have. As for tech, if you head along to the NPO forums and post here (you will need to register) we will buy every unit you have.
  24. This reminds me of something. Hmmm. Oh yes! http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Charter_of_the_New_Pacific_Order I think I approve. I'm a little conflicted. Well, good luck.
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