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Podskin Overlord A01

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    Random Insanity Alliance
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. [quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1295598009' post='2588868'] You'd be accepting your own surrender, so you would have to fulfill whatever sick demands you have of yourself, I'm afraid. [/quote] But I'm tired of surrendering to myself. :/
  2. What if I am already in the RIA; do I surrender to us here?
  3. [quote name='Lord Zephyr' timestamp='1295078290' post='2575898'] "Quite honestly we've been working on this for a while and we're completely baffled by this strange anomaly. Analyzing people who have been near nuclear blasts but in other countries and random citizens of our own population on the effects of what should be nuclear winter. There are no genetic anomalies that we can detect . . . The only ones who have show effects of radiation poisoning are those affected by the secondary effects of a nuclear blast. As in they were in city or near it when the blast hit." [/quote] My masters require I end our long silence to take issue with these statements. If the scientific establishment of the day were anything but a mockery of their professed objectivity, they would long ago have publicly recognized the existence and birthright of my people. Your non-studies of "other countries" which have already expedited their post-humanoids into mass refugee exodus, not to mention surveys of "random" citizens in your own racially purified homelands, by now represent only the bare minimum propaganda required to satisfy the hollowest pretenses of your monetarily lubricated intelligentsia. This comes as no shock; it is common knowledge to the youngest Podskin hatchling that the continued ignorance, of our race and of other communities of stabilized Radiogenic Post-Humanoids, represents the natural and ingrained failure of modern human society to accept the consequences of its violent indulgence across the surface of Mother Bob. I am compelled by my hive to violate our longstanding tradition of reciprocating that ignorance and speak to you now. Though we were previously content to leave your willfully oblivious state unmolested while our rapid communal evolution rendered your entire species unwittingly obsolete... in the interest of the few who are capable of comprehension and coexistence with our general superiority, we will no longer hide ourselves. Some of you will heed us; the rest of you will die, in a sense that is only partially metaphorical. May the All-Mindful deign to quicken your fate, that you may not be forced to observe as your pods wrinkle and detach, one by one, in disturbingly regular 3 second intervals.
  4. I guess tonight, the Cactuar really does mambo alone. So long, redacted.
  5. [quote name='REDACTED'] Re: TRUTH Sent to: Ishabad on: Today at 05:45:31 PM The orders I've given you comply with every RIA government document of law, be it public or clandestine. Am I to assume that your mission was not a success? You did not mention whether the informant returned the proper codephrase. It seems like I was wrong about your ability to serve this alliance. [/quote] (post on OWF by wad of lint) [quote name='Ishabad'] Re: TRUTH Sent to: REDACTED on: Today at 05:46:36 PM He said But Does it Mambo Alone [/quote] [quote name='REDACTED'] Re: TRUTH Sent to: Ishabad on: Today at 07:43:12 PM You Fool. You've ruined us all. Did you think I wouldn't find out about your secret tryst with a certain Dark Lord? That I wouldn't know it was You? I have people EVERYWHERE. You thought you could play both sides against eachother and just pop out of the resulting maelstrom unscathed like some deceptively innocent newborn child? well slick, even babies have blood on their hands. the blood of their mothers... which is what the RIA... what I... could have been to you. but you went and threw it all away, and for WHAT?! I suppose that's a question best left unanswered at the bottom of a bottle of Jack. but as for you, well, slick, I didn't slave my ass off for 2 years and claw my way to the dirty (pie)stormed top of RIA Secrete Intelligence just to get played by some two-bit punk pretender. This isn't my first time to the rodeo, kids like you are an everyday affair in this game and a contingency we are well prepared for. I'm not going down for this. They'll never pin it on me, I won't go down without a fight, and if I have to go down I'm taking you down with me. And when I do go down, there's a thousand others just like me who will take my place. Just what do you think you've accomplished? Do you think you're doing the world a favor by taking me out of the picture? Do you think you've won, is that it? You don't know any cops where I live. Face it, deep down, inside, you're just like me. *smiles as if he knows what is going to happen next, submitting blissfully in a final act of redemption, stepping back off the edge of the cliff. Finally Free.* Goodbye.... Son. *EXPLODES* *roll credits* [/quote] ------ End Of File
  6. and back to PM... first, the message you've already tl;dr'd. [quote name='REDACTED'] Re: Contact Sent to: ishabad on: Today at 08:06:26 AM alright. from now on, don't post in those two threads I made private. the people you see talking on there are all Deep Black agents, although none of them are real agents if you ask me, they just work in the forums and keep (pie) organized. They have this hazing ritual where they lie to the new recruits. For now you need to just ignore them. There is so much deception in what we do that it takes some really (feel)ed up people to keep stuff running smoothly, and you can expect that they will say anything just to (feel) with your head. The more you ignore them and see past their ox(pie), the more they will respect you. That's how it works in this business. So like I said don't post in the one man deal thread, or your application thread. and in any other thread you post in, do NOT mention dual membership or your interview and training process for Deep Black agent. If any of the other members mention it, just ignore it, they are trying to get you to say something in public, to test whether you can keep a secret under pressure. under any circumstances, do NOT respond to any questions about Dual Membership or RIA Deep Black Ops. Now, your first orders are to copy and paste both of the PM's I've sent you (this one and the last one), and send them back to me for my personal records. I had to delete the records of them because Kenny, the forum administrator, does not know about our operation and he keeps tabs on people's PMs and sometimes reads them. Don't worry though, you should be safe, he's only really suspicious of me. Once you've accomplished that, I want you to contact someone in game named Penkala, of Penkalaland. You might recognize the name from me mentioning him earlier; he's an embedded RIADB agent, although he's also a double agent working for at least 3 other agencies, but we can use him. I guess technically that makes him a triple agent, or ... quadruple? anyway. He's one of our informants and has notified us of a big political movement in the blue and red spheres, some shady deal going down or something, and we need a new, unknown contact to get the details from him without arousing suspicions. I know this doesn't seem like a big job, but you're just starting out and you need to earn your wings on stuff like this for now. The guys in charge need to make sure you can be trusted. Pull this off right and you can expect better gigs in the near future. When you contact Penkala in game, message him and tell him REDACTED sent you. Then utter the code phrase, "The Cactuar Mamboes at Dusk." If the coast is clear and he can make the drop, he will respond with, "But Does it Mambo Alone?" This is how you will know he is the right guy and no one is hacking his account or nation sitting for him, and also that he is prepared to deal with us. If he says ANYTHING ELSE other than "But Does It Mambo Alone?" you are to TERMINATE CONTACT and ABORT THE MISSION. Set your threat level to high, go to defcon 5, AND go into peace mode. Do Not send him any more messages or open ANY message he sends you. Regardless of whether or not the mission is a success, as long as you do as you are ordered we will take care of you and the bosses will take notice. If he responds with the correct code phrase, you are to let me know immediately via PM in this forum, and AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS. Remember, do NOT talk about this mission, about RIA Deep Black Ops, or about Dual Membership, to anyone. There's something big going down and if we don't get our heads around it, our entire alliance security could be in jeopardy. Also, don't forget to copy and paste both this and the last message and send it back to me. message over. -LL [/quote] (message to penkala in game takes place) [quote name='Ishabad'] Re: Contact Sent to: REDACTED on: Today at 02:14:28 PM This is allowed by the gov right since A tuimviur said in the charter it is not allowed. [/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] TRUTH Sent to: REDACTED on: Today at 02:41:01 PM he responds the truth [/quote]
  7. and back in the application thread... [quote name='Shadow'] [quote name='Ishabad'] okay and a friend in NSO is wondering if you guys allow membership in two alliances. His name is Kain and he is there MoFA so he does not want to lose the job but he wants to come here. [/quote] From our ConstRItution: [quote]No nation wishing to be a member of the alliance may be member of another alliance. Membership status within another alliance is grounds for immediate rejection of a membership application [/quote] [/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] ohh [/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] great [/quote] [quote name='REDACTED'] Like I said, Ishabad, dual-alliancing is not *officially* allowed. read what I said here [url=http://rialliance.net/index.php?topic=42000.0]http://rialliance.net/index.php?topic=42000.0[/url] and then stick to your pm's, or we'll lock you out of the forums and find someone else who can manage to follow orders. [/quote]
  8. meanwhile, in PM [quote name='Ishabad'] Contact Sent to: REDACTED on: January 03, 2011, 07:35:15 PM wait who do I contact [/quote] [quote name='REDACTED'] Re: Contact Sent to: ishabad on: January 03, 2011, 07:56:02 PM this is fine for now, the others will contact you when the time is right. for now you'll just have to trust me. but I'm going to eat dinner now and watch resident evil, and probably take a (pie), so your training will have to wait until the morning. in the meantime, if anyone else contacts you claiming to be an agent of the RIA, you are to maintain radio silence until otherwise ordered, is that clear? trust no one.[/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] Re: Contact Sent to: REDACTED on: January 03, 2011, 08:00:05 PM I understand. I have been in NSO that is also very hated and will you be the one training me. [/quote] back on the boards, a new thread by ishabad. title: A One Man Deal [quote name='Ishabad'] On my first nation I was a ghost of MCXA, and was a member of 64 digits, Blookd Brothers, and applied for NPO twice. On this nation I was in the New Polar Order but banned for a unapproved war, The New Sith Order but I quit since two losses got to my head and I went to WF but they took long. Now I am here [/quote] [quote name='REDACTED'] what are you doing posting this out here, didn't you read my post on your application? I'm Deep-Blacking this thread too, only agents with Triple Threat coverage will have access to it. ishabad, you need to pull it together if you want to work for us. stop (feeling) around like an amateur. people are always watching and waiting for us to make a mistake. [/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] okay [/quote] [quote name='Koorosheh Kabir'] Don't mind REDACTED. He's insane. HE doesn't realize this is actually supposed to be in Quadruple Deep Black Hole Ops Sector Three. I'll have a talk with him. [/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] your right lol [/quote] [quote name='Snowbound Milk'] Watch the prize man, you lose the quarter once you glance at the hand. Remember that. [/quote] [quote name='REDACTED'] guys, stop (feeling) around with the new agent. go practice your lie-craft on people who are of no use to us. (feeling) bored spies always talking (pie) and mind(feeling) the noobs. I'm going to kick you guys off the team if you keep it up. You'll be on trade-circle duty for a month. try me. now, as I said Ishabad, no more talking out here. [/quote]
  9. I received the following logs from a reliable source that wishes to remain anonymous. some details and profanity have been filtered/redacted, hopefully I got all of it and this will help clear RIA's good name and have us all walk away from the matter with our heads held high.... for today, a hero died. I can't tell you his name. I can't show you his tombstone. But, I can show you Who He Was. standby for copy-pasting. ------- First Thread; Ishabad's Application, AKA, Joining Cause I Need To And (Mammary Glands) [quote name='Ishabad'] (application questions and answers) (oath) VIVA LA RIA!!! [/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] okay and a friend in NSO is wondering if you guys allow membership in two alliances. His name is SPOILER REDACTED and he is there MoFA so he does not want to lose the job but he wants to come here. [/quote] [quote name='REDACTED'] yes we do, but only for the NSO ppl on the condition that they will give us their NSO forum password. [/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] I am guessing to make sure they dont spy on us and give the info to NSO am I right [/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] Dont know how to delete [/quote] (apparently he wrote something and then thought better of it, trying to delete the post) [quote name='Ishabad'] What if someone that is a member here wants to be a dual member in NSO. What do they have to do? [/quote] in response: [quote name='Koorosheh Kabir'] NSO? GT(FEELINGS)O. [/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] Well I mean any alliance but I just picked NSO randomly. [/quote] [quote name='REDACTED'] correct, koorosheh. what my friend here means by G.T.F.O. is that a dual membership with NSO requires the approval of the board of Grand Triumvirates, if your case meets their requirements you will be issued a G.T.F.O. (that is, Grand Triumvirate Federal Order) which you can then present IN SECRET and in a private channel to a member of NSO gov. The secrecy is required in order to minimize the political implications and maximize deniability, as RIA and NSO aren't *officially* close enough for dual membership sharing. we wouldnt' want our allies thinking we dual membership with just anyone. but really, as long as it's kept secret, we encourage this kind of thing. backroom deals of this nature are quite common on planet Bob, and can be quite lucrative for both the dual-alliance player and the alliances involved, in fact it's covert inter-alliance relations that prevented the nuclear WW3 in the well documented SoAFW (Sum of All Fear War) by keeping the back-channels open, as it were. but this is only possible if it is kept TOP SECRET, any mention of this to your fellow alliance mates, or to any other players, is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and will lead to you being burned, blacklisted, and we will disavow any mention of your existence or validity. for this reason I'm now locking this topic and moving it to Deep Black Ops. From now on only speak of this in private messages to our alliance leaders, or to other Deep Black Ops specialists, such as Tase, Penkala, or myself. [/quote] [quote name='Ishabad'] yep [/quote]
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