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Posts posted by Frozenrpg

  1. Lot of old friends around here. I just checked in on a whim and saw this. I was recruited by one ivanelterrible from the paradox forums back in Nov 06.


    iirc my journey was: TOP > UNION (my real home) > Universalis (retirement club with friends) > SLCB (after coming back from a long break) > NG


    Hope everyone's doing well.

  2. [quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1313211740' post='2779179']These 1000 days have seen tumultuous times both ingame and in RL, both locally and abroad. Karma war, Bipolar, NEW-DF, VE-Polar/DH-NPO. It's been a hell of a ride[/quote]


    Let me know what you think after 5 years, [i]then[/i] I may care.


    Possibly my favorite political move of all time was GGA activating the last north-south bridging treaty with CDS.

    What was yours?

  3. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1312440610' post='2771621']
    Why was the tradition of SF always fighting together for the same side broken in the previous war when RoK honored their treaty with NpO?

    [02:51] <+Frozen-rpg> lawls
    [02:52] <&KingXander> thats why you should never argue with methrage

    This thread delivers.

    EDIT: Now for a [i]real [/i]question. If you could change one event in the history of CN what would it be and why?

  4. [quote name='Callebaut' timestamp='1312321321' post='2770350']
    Using exactly the numbers stated in the July update (the NG and TLR numbers are probably wrong, but I have no frame of reference), the sanction race had a net loss of 178 member nations. If you ignore NG and TLR, that jumps up to a net loss of 260 member nations.

    To add some context, that's 3.5% of population of alliances in the sanction race deleting/changing AAs. Now if we assume all of these are deletions (because I failed to see many new alliances cropping up over the last month and who the hell moves to NONE anyways) and apply the 3.5% member loss to the 17,342 current active nations that means we lost approximately a net of 629 players last month.

    Now for a bit of math. If you assume we will lose 3.5% of the population a month and use 17,971e^(-0.035x) you can chart the decline in population. After a one year period we will be under 12,000 members. And nearing 7,500 after two years. This does not assume there is a minimum number of players in the game cause some of those with a lot invested in will play till Kevin pulls the plug so there is likely some sort of decline flooring.

    So yeah, you heard it here first. Math predicting the end of Cybernations.

  5. Cynic, sorry bud you went about this all wrong. Each alliance in PB practically has immunity right now. If someone from the SF side of the web attacked us then MJ would join against them (and vice versa). SF/MJ have to attack each other for a war to start, whichever side swings PB wins as things stand.

  6. [quote name='AphexTwin' timestamp='1312238683' post='2769438']
    Hes pretty much got all of the active side of Non Grata breathing down his neck... so he really has nowhere to run at this point
    Yeah if you check our forums you'll see we set a new record -- 125 people online at once. Most of it was NGrs yelling at him.

  7. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1311019531' post='2758616']
    How does the protection work? Are only former members of those those AA allowed protection, Non Grata Members or can anybody switch to these AAs and expect protection from you guys? If someone decides to be an iFOK Applicant, even though there is no iFOK for them to apply to, are they now protected by you guys just from switching there AA to that? Or would you guys attack him for reviving the AA?

    Want to switch over and we'll find out?

  8. With the exception of RoK, Mj are all good fighters.

    With the exception of GOD, SF are all poor fighters.

    I'll give it to Mj

    However if you remove both of these alliances from their respective bloc's the quality still gets better! :v:

  9. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1292735063' post='2543848']
    [color="#0000FF"]I don't mean to rain in on your party, but don't you people ever get bored of that? Do you really have no ambition other than to beat down the same parties over and over. I won't say we don't deserve it, but each time it happens we get weaker, while you get stronger. Exactly how much of a challenge is it for you fellows to wait a year or so for the chance to bring a couple hundred million NS on a group of alliances a quarter your size? If that is all the challenge that you're up for, or all you have the balls to do (anything else is too risky), then you a sad and pathetic little man.[/color]

    Remember how scared and worried everyone was back in GW2? The sides looked even, and no one really knew how the cards were going to fall. Then by GW3 we knew we had the war in the bag when the cards came back up on the same sides. The first war was fun because of the anticipation and the unexpected. The second war was fun because the enemy was familiar. We knew each other, and the contempt (if one would call it that?) just felt so natural.

    Now I am not saying I hate NSO. You just make a good enemy, thats all - and congratulations for that my good Capulet.

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