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Everything posted by Xanth

  1. Unfortunately the burden of proof here is on the attacker. May we see a screenshot of said op and message? I would think if this is big enough to use as a cb by an alliance not directly involved (see lack of dow by the offended allaince) then surly there is a screenshot or some other solid proof that this happened.
  2. Do you have authority to speak for NG or SdS? If not then I do not believe you have room to speak on those points and I would thank you to go back to your clown car and shut the fuck up.
  3. More to that point (not sorry for double post) the first spy op on their screen against kkk cane 1 day after kkk (ericsw) declared an unjustified aggressive war on a kashmir nation. Is this what you are referring too?
  4. http://www.cybernations.net/alliance_spies.asp?ID=10170&Page=1&searchstring=&search= I don't see any failed ops on SdS here. That is unless your claiming Caparo is operating as active SdS gov while "rogueing" from the (now)k.k.k. alliance. Edit* also Thank you for the quote. I don't read past the op anymore in any thread that centers around methrage, which is every thread these days.
  5. So how do you guys tie here? Are you oa-ing in with ca? As it seems you don't have a legitimate entry into this. Are you guys finally done trying to find a legitimate in on kush and decided to just say fuck it and go in unjustified? Nowhere on your wiki or your alliance page do you claim a treaty with ln/animalz or Ca. Closest we get to any kind of clarity is a 3 word snippet on the CA page http://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=11559 which last Iheard was a pprotectorate. Just some questions
  6. Please explain how exactly ng and polar tie into methrage? Did NG attack in defense of sigrun/CA? Was it a chain in with a protectorate? Honest questions here, I haven't paid attention to this shit Inna while.
  7. For the retired type, my own personal brew.
  8. I thought you left this world long ago...
  9. You are a tiresome git with a predictable rhetoric and even more predictable rate of absolute failure.
  10. Hate to say I told you so WhiteChocolate but it looks like nothing has (or will) change with ClownCar.
  11. Join the crew and drink some rum,pillage and plunder. Tis a pirates life for me.
  12. Yup... I'm going to be the absolute worst FA guy in the history of FA guys.
  13. This thread will almost certainly stay on topic for at least 1 page.
  14. This would require "clown car" to have proof to back up the shit they talk. That's not something they are historically known for.
  15. Like the topic says we need 2 more to complete a white 5 br w/uranium. Pm if interested.
  16. Just going to quote my conversation with him here to justify that misspelling. I hope that helps to give better context.
  17. Speaking of flags, here's one that was requested for Smurthwaite in honor of this fine treaty.
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