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Everything posted by Xanth

  1. You've never seen Smurthwaite drink
  2. Make mine ice cold vodka. Rum doesn't properly represent this front.
  3. We may be "paperless" with kush but we would never leave them on the field alone. Also, if push came to shove we Do have paper with Devils Brigade.
  4. DonT you Know, they are trying to capture some of their old "glory".
  5. By the end of this they can feel free to pzi my nation all they want. I will be provoking it the whole way throigh.
  6. Well there's one. Time to dust off some of my old propaganda though I do appreciate the dow post. It seems to be a non requirement for your side this war.
  7. Let's place bets on who NG and polar cry to to counter all 4 of us at war with them. come on caustic, we all know you're already activating treaties against us so let's just get it out in the open. Lurunin hurry up and drop to my level. you owe me a war by time this rely ends for us.
  8. should I just start a war propaganda thread?
  9. Im Quite the bowler, or so ive Been told.
  10. Your resortung tonpersonalnattacks just shows how little you have to offer to anyone here. Thanks thougj for posting that.
  11. I'm not even warmed up yet
  12. Only good things can come from lc and ppo rolling together!
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