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Posts posted by Lordmaximus

  1. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=211431

    Search Wars: And there you will see why im even more disgusted

    The fact that government officials, not only leave their allies to die after previously promising assistance just 15 hours before but also DO THIS? Declare war from the opposing side really erks me?

    People say im just the same for not fighting on behalf of TCU? WELL I Have fought for them and currently am, i will continue until peace is a must, or billlock to my nation has arrived, BUT I AM BETTER THEN THIS I WOULD NOT KICK MY ALLIES IN THE FACE AND THEN SHOOT THEM IN THE BACK Let this be know truly the character of THL Government officials..

  2. I appreciate the offer to join, all the alliances, I am upholding what i feel the Kel Morain Combine meant, I am fighting a war currently, though i did forget to change my alliance affiliation when i declared i do have many members of TCU supporting me, with that said I am currently under TCU, as i swiftly recognized my mistake. I will be fighting for what i stand for and i feel im doing a good job at proving my honor, and valor to friends over my Infra.

  3. i wouldnt call them comrades to throw my interests under the rug like that, think what you will, they were wrong. as for hitting lost or other members, this wasnt my war, thl had a treaty to fulfill, if i am no longer part of thl, and thl has peaced out and backed out of fulfilling said treaty, it is no longer my place to fight, i appreciate the compliments and welcome the judging, im doing what i feel is right, save the bashing of all thl, and realize that im sure there are more members feeling disgraced for this poor showing of the gov.

  4. I am making this announcement to inform the world of planet bob, that not all THL members have such lacking valor and honor. As the guild master of finance, i can tell you that i was never even once consulted on peace treaties. There seems to be a general lack of respect to members, and treaties. In order to get aid i had to complete an exam, one that spoke of the Kel Morain Combine, i had to know what this meant what this signified. I learned that we are honor and oath bound warriors, if our friends call we answer. If i needed to know this i expected the alliance to certainly value it as much as i was taught to.

    After last nights 16-15 hour show, I am coming here today to say that i feel i have been lied to, disgraced, dishonored and I am extremely disappointed. I asked us to go to war a day prior to our declaration, The Conservative Underground asked for our assistance, we had a treaty that said we'd be there in defense of them if they were attacked however, at the word of more important government officials, I was told, NO, we aren't about to go into a war to get steam rolled. I feel, if you value friends you take an @*# beating for them, as they would do the same. I asked this in my declaration of resignation from my position and alliance affiliation of the hanseatic league.

    Why have nuclear war head assistance programs if you will not use them when a friend needs them most?
    Why build infrastructure, if you do not intend on massing armies to protect it?
    Why own troops to protect your nation and your friends if you intend not to do so?

    I am extremely disappointed, as a new member to this world, and a new member to the hanseatic league, i must say this show has put me off completely. So when the bashing goes to them, let this be known. Not all the members of The Hanseatic League, have so little honor and valor to their friends. However, because of this poor representation and lack of respect i feel from the peak of government officials in my alliance, i Hereby do declare to all of Planet Bob, My resignation as the Guild Master of Finance, and I am no longer affiliating with the alliance, with that said, yes i suppose i will be a free target of raiding and attack, unfortunately. But i do seek a new home, one that will value dedication to her friends such as I, one that will reward activity and dedication the the alliance that THL did offer, But one that will also uphold its promises to all, not just their own members.

    It was a good run, i met many good people through this alliance and made many friends, but with me no longer supporting the wills of the higher officials in this alliance i can't see myself being apart of this alliance. I look forward to seeing what else Planet Bob may have to offer and I hope i will find a new home soon.

    To the friends and former allies of mine, I wish you all good luck and a fond farewell. May the future bid you better dedication from the friends you make, that that of which you have shown today.

    I regret having to do this, but i will not support such lack of valor, honor and dedication.

    Sincerely Lord Maximus, and the people of Gallion. Good day and good bye.

  5. Hello My name is Lord Maximus, I am the Guild Master of Finance here at The Hanseatic League, Currently our alliance is a 38 member alliance, seeking to grow and build better relationships with alliances in the black bloc. I have compiled a list of all the members of our alliance and the resources they have if you are extremely interested in setting up trade circles within The Hanseatic League, this list can be offered to you as well.

    We are seeking alliances that wish to find consistent trade circles for long term growth and prosperity.
    If you are interested in building the bond necessary to solidify and secure long term trade agreements please message me here, or become a diplomat and possibly set up an embassy here:: http://hanseaticleague.net/index.php?/topic/238-diplomat-registration-requirment-read-this-to-be-masked/

    I look forward to working with you all soon.

  6. With this being my first Christmas here on cn I wasn't aware this is requested yearly my apologies

    Pigs of war I suppose could be a way of looking at it I'm fortunately not in war but if I am called on Christmas to aid my friends I will go against my own requests. This wasn't an order nor criticism of those that may or will be fighting let me make that clear. Just an opinion on the holidays so please keep the bashing or toned arguments to a minimum. As we are all entitled to opinions and views after all that is what makes the world of Bob so enticing to us all.

    It is a game that is true and any attack launched on someone not around on Christmas will eventually be answered. All I can say is for a new player my persona has been established I've dabbled in the art of diplomacy and I'm getting familiar with my fellow rulers of the planet Bob. Its interesting to see how we all differ in opinions I value everyone's response even if it conflicts with my views.

    Sal I hope you were making that comment in regards to me and not the commanders of the hanseatic league simply because this is my own opinion on the matter, I would never speak their behalf.

    Never the less I do wish you all a very merry Christmas. Or holiday and end of the year season.

    Fight brave, justly, and honable to those that will and to those that aren't may your holiday be filled with bountiful taxes lower bills new improvements and pleasurable dishes of holiday food.

  7. Dark i'll take your suggestion as merely fodder... while im not saying there shouldnt be a war cant we all take a break for a day? Its just food for thought. If you feel passionate to fight wars im sure you can go about and provoke all of them you want, ill continue to grow and prosper through diplomatic means, its not just a war game if so you'd be better off buying soldiers than infrastructure. thanks for your opinion though.

  8. Sal, im sorry to hear of your religious intolerance. but may your fighting and battles be swift and yield your desires, for your militaristic dedication certainly seems that you deserve that in the very least. however i am glad i am not one of your soldiers haha. :]

  9. Pakattack, you serve a valid point, but if no one was doing things related to war, perhaps things could continue where they left off, if anything im certain the odds on the winning side are still in their favor, one day of tax collection, reinforcements ect don't seem to me as a viable way of swinging the odds against the winning side currently.

  10. Zoomzoom, i can respect your opinion on this, as i can respect all who have one and offer it. Though, seeking a Christmas armistice isn't for just you and i, but for all those that may perhaps wish to spend time with family then fight a battle here. If it were your intended holiday, and you wished to be with family and god, i would support that as well. Its about giving rather then receiving, having honor and faith, valor and respect. Its not something i expect therefore informing me that it wont isnt an issue on my end. It was just a proposed request. After all maybe a day off can help some grasp what the hell is going on. as it still seems there are many questions unanswered.

  11. I appreciate the support friends, and i am aware of the odds against such a suggestion. Who knows, a little christmas miracle may just occur haha.

    Merry Christmas to you all, thank you for taking the time to respond. Its nice to know even being a new player perhaps my voice will get heard by some and really thats all i can ask for.

  12. Good Evening ladies and gentlemen of planet bob, while this is not a formal declaration of THL, nor would i attempt to represent my alliance in any way shape or form aside from my own reflection and respect to all alike. I've come to discuss the idea of a Christmas Armistice, I challenge all those Alliances involved from NEW to Sparta and everyone and everything in between atleast consider this proposal.

    This war is nothing like world war 1 for certain. but in planet bobs alternative dimension Planet earth, once had a great war, a world war and even they laid down thier arms and played games, sung songs, and drank amungst friend and foe alike on this holiday of Christmas.

    On the eve of Christmas eve, i emplore all nations and allies alike, involved in this war; to consider just the possibility of delcaring a holiday armistice with good faith and good valor.

    Thank you for taking the time to read and though my small voice may fall on deaf ears, atleast i can say i tried! May you all fight well, live well, prosper, and enjoy the holiday spirit in the days coming.

    -Lord Maximus. Ruler of the nation Gallion & Proud member of The Hanseatic League.

  13. Now now, while im not big fish in the big ocean of planet bob, lets not be hasty friends. It was a lack of diplomatic discussion that caused this entire thing. Clarifying talks and clearly defined announcements will help bring this issue to an end, if anything this war is bringing out announcments making the chain of alliances much more clear.. A bigger issue i see is not how people can fight, nation strenght, alliance strength but Honor and faith; that is a certain aspect thats been brought to all our attention in days of late.

    These bashing comments arent helping bring an end to the aggression on any side. Any an all honor and dedication an alliance takes to its agreements needth not be bashed, for they're doing exactly what you'd ask of your fellow brothers in times of war.

    Perhaps we shouldnt let pride get in the way of escalating things.

    Perhaps we shouldn't bash anyone for having honor and dedication to a friend either, no matter how small or large they are. didnt david bring down Goliath?

    May all those on every side fight bravely and justly, in the name of their friends and foes alike.

  14. Hi I am lord Maximus proud member of The Hanseatic League, selling technology at a more than fair deal 12m/250 tech , im looking for one or two long term tech deals to achieve this amount for both nations.I plan for this to take about one to two months, using other members of your alliance to send tech to, and receive money from so the transfers expire much faster then the 80 days it would take for just a 1 to 1 tech deal

    I figure the amount is a sweeter idea for nations seeking long term technological growth, not only that but as im still early on and maturing, building a trust with nations is a good base to long term cybernation security, and potential ally formation in this turbulent and active world.

    thank you message me in game if you seek such a deal.


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