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Posts posted by remembermistersmythe

  1. Hey, I have a question for the upper echilon nations. When I last left CN by lettin my nation die, the top nation in the game was around 85K NS. I believe today the top nation was in the area of 270K. I don't expect anyone to simply divulge their nation stats, but does anyone have any idea what kind of money are the top nations in the game making? And, by extension, how many citizens must those nations have? It must be an absurd figure, given how many days some of them have been in existance. Wow bahahahaha they must be makin [img]http://i862.photobucket.com/albums/ab189/obscureathletes/straight-cash-homie_design.png[/img]

  2. I've tried but I can't make it a 4BR, this one as it is yields beer, construction, and steel, and cuts infra cost by over 1/3 and adds 30% to your current number of citizens, it's the best I could see based on my own arrangement

  3. I haven't as of yet tried to form a trade circle but we'll see what happens. Not too sure how long it tends to take to fill up a circle, hopefully this one gets off the ground soon. Willing to financially assist smaller nations in exchange for joining and staying in the circle, thanks in advance! :awesome:

    Cattle: etrain
    Sugar: RememberMisterSmythe
    Rubber: RememberMisterSmythe
    Coal: etrain
    Fish: Dark Wizard
    Aluminum: Dark Wizard

  4. When I first joined the game in late 07 it was rapidly growing. Now that I've come back some fundamental things I've noticed that coincided with the state of nations now:

    -The highly inflated NS of nations that have been around forever-- numbers I never thought would happen when I was first playing. It's just plain time-consuming to become a real player nowadays.

    -The rise of tech deals and the sale of donations--something that hadn't played nearly the role it does now in nation growth and expansion-- also feeding into the high NS phenomenon.

    -Let's face it, it's just not easy to come to this forum and find one's way around Bob. I was a well-experienced player when I left, and upon returning I still have so much to catch up on around the forum area, on stuff I missed, from new developments to new alliances, wars, and even the terminology is INCREDIBLY difficult to keep up with unless you're around a lot.

    Also, I feel the number of nations is a bit cyclical. The number of nations in the game has been rising since what is, at least in the West, the new school year. Makes sense that the game would hit a bit of a lull in the summer, what with people having stuff to do.

    Personally I don't feel it's as much an ideological issue as some do, but rather the result of a game with evolving mechanics, combined with the real-life coming and going of the RL "busy season"

    Just my rambling, take from it what you will. I do look forward to reading what other more thoroughly experienced CNers have to say. :popcorn:

  5. I'm a many times over experienced reroll looking for an alliance for my new nation. I haven't played the game in about a year and a half, and it's cool to see the game's still going, albeit not quite as heavily populated as it once was. I'm currently on the Aqua team but am willing to change, for the right fit. PM me here or in-game and I'll let ya know!


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