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Posts posted by berbers

  1. 4 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    While I agree that most of the world's NS is preventing anything from changing; I don't think people roguing out for fun and casualties does much to change the former. It may be less damaging in some ways but it certainly doesn't help the small-fries who are trying to grow their nation and have the misfortune of being hit by a rogue because of that rogue's distain for the upper-tier players leading that AA- people that the roguing doesn't affect at all in terms of the wider meta. Just y'know; big shrug and throw some more nations with aid on them.





    I never meant to imply rogueing out would change the static nature of our current environment, mostly responding to Sarkin saying that being in the low tier beating on newbies would be more likely to drive them from the world, that being a bad thing.


    But I suspect most of those nations self-destruct anyways when they get to a decent level and realize just how static things are, so the current uber power grouping is causing more damage to the health of the world than anything a rogue can do in the low tiers.

  2. 15 hours ago, Sarkin said:


    Oh, that isn't what I'm saying; I don't think the world is too far gone for new tactics. I was talking about it from an individual rogue perspective before, but moving to an alliance perspective: I still think it's a flawed tactic on multiple levels and that we won't see any meaningful alliance intentionally turn itself into a bunch of 1k nuke turrets even though many of them technically could.


    It's bad for the world's long-term health since it forcibly narrows your target selection to be mostly new players, not to mention that those wars would also become boring enough to cause attrition among your own ranks over time. Even as a temporary negotiating tactic, it's lame since the damage done is so cheap to repair and your warchests would stagnate while your enemy's warchests continue to grow. I'm not a big fan of pursuing any tactic where your opponent gains a greater material advantage the longer you pursue it.


    People do things because they think it makes sense for them to do said thing, right? I'm sure it's possible for individuals to grow embittered enough to feel that griefing new players is the best way for them to spend their time, but I don't foresee entire alliances making the same choice unless it's a temporary maneuver (which could work but carries the drawbacks listed above) or they're planning to leave the world permanently.


    I don't think people rogueing out for a bit of fun and casualties, regardless of how long they do it for, is as damaging as having like 80% of the world's NS all huddled together to prevent anything from changing 😕

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