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Posts posted by coll6

  1. Jenkyle you are under no ground to be requesting peace terms. You have no power you have tryed to troll their thread end it already. Dont be like david and do the same crap hes doing. Everytime you say something you make things worse on yourself and the alliance. Please take my advice for once and just end it.

  2. Look before jenkyle starts saying anymore im just going to explain alittle history about some of this crap. I know everyone will ignore this but whatever. The channel #Lon was created during the spliting of TDK because of some OCC attacks against me and I decided to attack the leader. Of course Jenkyle was the leader of Lon. After a week jenkyle merged back into TDK and that was that. About iunno 3 months after that TDK was falling apart to a coup that Hide did giving me leadership I didnt want. Jenkyle and a bunch of others left TDK and made TTE in hopes of creating a better alliance. When TTE was made Jenkyle decided to use his last IRC channel the #Lon-cn channel for use with TTE. As to why he did this hell if I should know. Guess he didnt know how to destroy the channel and make a new one.(Yes he can be that much of a newb sometimes) Anyways things were going well for them they were growing (Blah Blah Blah) Then they signed this treaty in hopes to ending the tech raids. Apperently Jenkyle never did his homework and research into the past of these LoFN stuff but because of that he signed it without any thought to protect from tech raids. Sorta of luring a child into a pedophiles car with candy if you will. So things kept getting better for them until this faithful day when TTE got that DoW, and now here we are with jenkyle arguing and trolls flaming and blah blah blah. Have fun hoped this cleared up a few little things again I assume no one is going to care what this said.

  3. The Royal Shield PIAT


    To strengthen ties and friendship between Royal Ardor Monarchy[RAM] and The Dark Kingdon[TDK] and to help maintain everlasting peace between the two alliances.

    ARTICLE I - Sovereignty

    1. The signatory's of each party are sovereign from one another and each signatory has agreed and understood.

    2. The signatory's are allowed to create other treaties with other alliance but are to inform the other party of plans to do so.

    ARTICLE II - Protection

    1. Both parties may ask for assistance in times of war but are not required to do so

    2. Both parties agree not to preform any acts of aggression towards the other signatory. Acts of aggression are actively spying, attacking, baiting, declarations of war, in game spying, inter-alliance recruiting, and flaming.


    1. Both parties are entitled to ask the other signatory for aiding assistance but are not required to provide it.

    2. Assistance may be recognized as Money, Military and Technology.

    3. Both signatory's agree not to aid the enemy of the other party.

    ARTICLE IV - Intelligence

    1. Both parties are required to provide any intelligence to the other signatory they happen to come across whether is threatens the well being of the other signatory or not.

    ARTICLE V - Terms

    1. In the event that ARTICLE II subsection 2 and ARTICLE III subsection 3 are violated the treaty will be put into a temporary suspension of 2 days or until all matters have been resolved then both signatory's must decide whether to renew the treaty cancel it or upgrade it to another treaty form.

    2. If one of the signatory's decide to want to cancel this treaty they must alert the other signatory 3 days prior to cancellation.

    Signed by The Royal Ardor Monarchy

    Queen: Rebel Princess

    King: Dinkenheimer

    Minister of Defense: Dwarfinstout

    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Neoche

    Minister of State: Sloshmold

    RAM Senate

    Signed by The Dark Kingdom

    Leader: Coll6

    Signed and finalized 3/8/08 MST time.

    o/ RAM o/TDK

  4. Well I am here today to announce that I officially left BQP. I will not be joining anymore alliances for the time being so please dont recruit me. A few people from CN have made me thought about my past history of CN and I decided that BQP would be my last alliance. If that were to go down then that would be it for me. Some things happened in BQP that made me decide to take this course of action. I will not say because 1 it may sound stupid to many and 2 it may reveal too much info of BQP. I dont know and im not willing to take that chance.

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