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Everything posted by snibbmaster

  1. Well said. Frankly Xiphosis has a point about made up threats. I think it is also worth noting that the Initiative (and the Hegemony) became more and more paranoid as these imaginary enemies were created, to the point where they were intervening in situations completely beyond their influence.
  2. It is interesting to me that the victors of major wars in CN (such as the Karma War) behave much like the Allied Nations did to the Central Powers in WWI. Instead of helping to build their former enemies back up (as the Marshall plan required after WWII), they make them pay, and leave the defeated bitter and resentful. It seems that no matter WHO is in control (ex hegemony or ex Karma) the same thing is going to happen every time. So yes, while the victors are looking the other way in the case of the Red Safari, it could be said (I feel) with reasonable certainty that the NPO and other ex hegemony would do the same. I'm not condoning immorality in any way (after all they say to rule by example...), but I don't think this should come as such a surprise to you.
  3. Isn't the NPO part of Red Dawn anyway?
  4. I have Iron and Cattle and I'm on the orange team. A soon to be member of ODN. Nation: Norsca Ruler: Snibbmaster Nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=415830
  5. I have iron, and I am interested in joining the trading circle Nation: Norsca (http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=415830) Ruler: Snibbmaster Resources: Iron and Cattle Color: Blue
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