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Blog Comments posted by Floatsam

  1. Suppose that in your history class, they taught you the 'truth.' What is the evidence that links the pilgrims' celebrations, and the thanksgiving that Pope Urban made? Are you going off of their proximity in the calendar, or are you just claiming that any thankksgiving celebrated is the same as the one Urban instituted? Is there something else? I can't see any connection between them.

  2. If I had to guess, I'd say Bastion was presented to MHA (by Grämlins, maybe?) as a "Citadel+" bloc, which would have gone quite well with the Grämlins-lovers over there at the time (oh how times change).

    But what I'm wondering is what exactly killed Bastion? Was it really MHA inviting NPO, the Tattler exposing it from MHA's forum in its foolhardy manner, or something more to do with FOK leaving Continuum?

    The 'Bastion' treaty was debated extensively within MHA government upon its presentation to us. Many of us opposed it strongly because of the fact that it would tie us to a number of alliances with which we had little to no experience or communication with. The opinions were strongly split, and so we presented it to the membership for further review (although, by that time, it was practically doomed as far as MHA involvement was concerned.) Sponge evidently had been spying on our forums and reported it in such a way as to suggest that the involved parties were creating a bloc to destroy the NPO. However, by this time, the treaty had lost significant momentum and it was likely that it had seen its best opportunities pass.

    The bit about the treaty existing as protection for Gremlins is a misrepresentation. Gremlins were never solid on the bloc and the government I spoke to said it had never really gained any support from the beginning. Gremlins saw this circumstance and brought it to us (we would have probably not been invited otherwise) and henceforth we were invited to join as incentive to have the gremlins join. The treaty was indeed intended to serve as a consolidation of the Citadel+ sphere of influence, only when the Gremlins proved reluctant to join did they become a focus of attention.

    A Triumvir did approach the NPO about the treaty, but his motivation stemmed from the fact that the treaty was loosing ground in MHA discussion and he wanted to have another ally to increase support. Very misguided yes, but the fact remains that the treaty, by this time, was mostly dead and regardless of the NPO influence, it really was on its way out even before Sponge and the NPO joined in.

    I'm not sure about the motivation of this blog post, but it seems like a genuine attempt to reason why such a promising bloc failed to materialize - not at all an ignoble goal, but the way it was presented certainly leaves much to be desired.

  3. Sounds like you're trying to paint an allegory for capital punishment. To be quite honest, from a pseudo-Utilitarian's perspective, this man is a hero and should be given free reign to kill whatever serial killer he wishes.

    And even if you don't subscribe to such views? How is this man any different from a law enforcement officer or whatever sanctioned agent you wish to offer as society approved? You ask me if I would want 130 serial killers loose, or one. It's not a difficult answer, but if you've padded your philosophy with such convenient things as moral absolutes and ironic misconceptions of freedom, you'll find yourself letting killers walk the streets because someone put the evidence in the wrong bag.

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