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Everything posted by KenMorningstar

  1. We have reached peak irony. This is it folks, the singularity will happen soon. Also it's garnered him a lot of goodwill as well. I like SRA away more than I did before. I don't see many people in here angry at SRA actually.
  2. Remember when you defended them last time? It's fun being on the other side isn't it?
  3. Alliance hopping happens all the time. War Jesus did it last time we fought you, they got off the hook when Kashmir stepped in and got terms for them. As real alliances tend to do. I'm enjoying this show though. It's fun to see other people deal with you and try to figure out where your next pivot to something completely untrue will go on the forums.
  4. Considering you were the aggressor in this situation this makes no sense.
  5. I finally get it. This is the delusion you are laboring under. Let me help. No you don't. You don't have to let it go. You can hold that grudge forever and continually act on it if you want. And if you finally get the upper hand, you can step on their neck as hard as you want until someone else stops you.
  6. I tried to get off the sidelines but Xanth wouldn't let me. Also the only smoking craters so far are Limited Nexus and You.
  7. Well there is always a chance methface will learn his lesson and shut the hell up. But it's a very remote, almost negligible chance.
  8. His idea of negotiating is demanding white peace or threatening to ankle bite longer. It's actually amusing yet tiresome.
  9. It's the only active thread on the planet man. What else are we going to do?
  10. I will gladly pay. Every time. It's someone else who buys him from us, not the other way around. We never have let him go willingly. Although recently he has gotten so tiny so fast and we have very few tiny nations, so he ends up just falling below what we can hit.
  11. Sure whatever dude rewrite history all you want. I don't care. Also we are discussing you in this thread because YOU STARTED A THREAD ABOUT YOURSELF AGAIN!!
  12. We started tracking in March of 2012 so that would make his a full dataset. Pretty interesting.
  13. You must be intentionally blind, in complete denial or massively in love with methface in an unhealthy way to actually believe this.
  14. You can white knight methface all day long. And my skin has nothing to do with my enjoyment of 1) watching meth get his face caved in or 2) doing it myself. He is constantly annoying and barging into situations he isn't wanted or invited to. Hell he tried to get people to attack me in IRC a few weeks ago, which is awesome since not many people are going to take that offer. Besides you forget that in DH every war WAS a grudge match and dog pile against GOONS for the most part. We enjoyed every single minute of it. But anyway his thread isn't about goons or the past. It's about methface getting bashed and it's awesome. We always let him go when someone would whine hard enough and offer to buy him off and he inevitably started crap again later. He shouldn't be able to get off this time around.
  15. Anything justifies mistreating methface because he has done enough to deserve it 100 times over.
  16. QUICKLY!! Attack mi6!! It's the only way to be sure.
  17. Yeah that's never going to work out. Whatever lunatic idea he has in his mind will come tumbling out and suddenly he will go on a 20 paragraph rant about people needing to join him in liberty or some such nonsense. Not really worth trying.
  18. He isn't new, not by a long shot. But you and Rey have taking idiot boxing to a whole new level in this thread. I'm surprised it's still open.
  19. I only ever got to start one war. And that was when methface and his little band broke peace agreements (the exact same thing Monsters Inc did actually) and I said hell with it. And then Kaskus attacked MI6, which was amazing. I also don't understand why he thinks I'm no longer in GOONS.
  20. Do you have any idea what he is talking about? I have no idea what he is talking about.
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