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James IV

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Everything posted by James IV

  1. Most typos are dismissed by the general online community. However, ones like these never fail to get me to crack a smile and facepalm at the same time.
  2. I'm sorry you have to put up with AT still. It looks like to build more nukes though you will have to first build additional supply depots. Congrats guys. Keep up the great work.
  3. It is great to see a Star Trek themed alliance moving forward as yall are. Best of luck to yall!
  4. I am liking the name and the flag. Its got that epic feel to it.
  5. Ouch. That sucks. Good luck getting that back.
  6. Lol, GR absorbs another alliance. I blame Shamed. Nah, yall found yourselves a good alliance to go and take care of yall.
  7. I was hoping there would be a delay on the new wonders coming out until I could get caught up a bit. =/
  8. They knocked GR out of the sanction race altogether to. =(
  9. This is awesome to see blue stabilizing again. A special shoutout to RoA!
  10. I love me some Starcraft and Star Trek themes. I look forward to good things.
  11. He is talking about the secret plan where NoR sends me aid and I build my nation to stay one step ahead of Pulisher. lol Glad to see us prospering so nicely.
  12. Why go through all the effort of a coup just to disband shortly after?
  13. Whats with article three? Way to ruin the caek. haha Congrats old friends.
  14. Don't forget there also has been a lot of alliances on the Karma side that lost some long time members because they have gone back home to their original alliances as they came back to life.
  15. Just like you Herr Flick Nemesishauser
  16. I didn't really see ya much here in standard but I always loved how you spiced up TE. You will be missed.
  17. lolcommies Congrats guys. It is a big day for your alliance moving forward into an economic bloc. Have fun!
  18. I demand a recount. My flag was flawless.
  19. I am most humbled and honored for the chance to give back to my brothers. Here's to the future success of Nordreich, NOIR, and the black team! o/
  20. Lol, you want NOIR to expel someone who attacked you in TE? haha
  21. It is glad to see us moving forward.
  22. Now who would those people be? I wish yall the best with your reformed home.
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