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    The Amani Empire
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    New Sith Order
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  1. [quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1299544168' post='2655952'] You know, if you guys had given them real terms instead this wouldn't have happened. Many thanks to CD for giving one of the best arguments against white peace I've ever seen. [/quote] Oh please when I read this thread I about died. I have seen the logs of both conversations we have had with MK about these attacks at first it was for "!@#$% and giggles" the second conversation was MK basically saying "$%&@ off we don't care what you want." The first occurring before peace talks the second happening AFTER the terms were already signed. The terms allow them to defend an ally that gets attacked after the signing. It does not expressly state that it can't be in the current conflict. Why else would it need to be included if it couldnt be used in the conflict that is going on? I mean are we going to get a SECOND war going on while this one is going on? Come on no need to be silly just because you want to bring in more friends. If you want to do that then just do it. As Doomhouse has shown it doesn't matter what the rules are you can do whatever you want whenever you want. So can y'all take your white hats off and stop acting like saints when you are just as "ebil" as us. Pretty please?
  2. Yay even though I am late to the party All you haters please keep on hating I love the anger and a bit of advice you should do as Darth Sidious once told us all use that hate and anger yo!! It makes you stronger. As to how we survived 2 years of Doppelganger I don't know but hey he still a great dude.
  3. Hmmm I have to ask. MK why you !@#$%*ing about this? I thought you wanted a chance to hit us? Also I laugh at Teh Legion
  4. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1298191040' post='2639298'] The Legion wheren't on the alliance list when I did the update. [/quote] Twas only teasing
  5. Teets and Jac I still love you guys I will miss you Still friends?
  6. [quote name='Emperor Mudd' timestamp='1296709147' post='2617085'] Why is NSO so pissed? We're not your allies. Hell we're not even fighting the same war. [/quote] Suprised. Not pissed. Though I am sad our friends in STA are still going to take a beating.
  7. [quote name='Wad of Lint' timestamp='1296708623' post='2617065'] Are you !@#$@#$ kidding me? [/quote] Lint its okay I am pissed as well. WHAT IS THIS !@#$%^&*!?!?!?!
  8. Why are people linking teh two warzzzz AH MAH GAWDZZZZZZZ
  9. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296706909' post='2616986'] Closer. (I think? Well, I'm not entirely certain.) [/quote] In the breeches area? Also I like sound of treaty can we please oh pretty please
  10. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296502645' post='2613257'] If you're Daddy Dearest what do I call NPO? :/ [/quote] NPO is not our Daddy! Krunk is.
  11. [quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1296501887' post='2613236'] I know, right? It completely makes sense after all to focus on less than 4 million in NS of smaller nations while your uppers sit in PM indefinitely, while MK's/Umbrella's uppers sit pretty, and while Daddy Dearest burns. Idiots, the whole lot of us. At least we amuse you. [/quote] SW I thank you for the amusement your member nations do not provide me enough. [quote name='PMoses' timestamp='1296502127' post='2613243'] O/ NSO Welcome to the fray. Crush em, and laugh at them on your way to victory.. So what side is what in this war again? [/quote] Um the side of we don't like you?
  12. I love seeing yall come out and say our strategy sucks. Please continue I enjoy laughing at yall gents. BW its okay just relax mistakes happen mayne.
  13. Bionic I <3 you. Please continue with your awesomeness.
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