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About Sparhawk

  • Birthday 09/08/1988

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    Neo Elenia
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Lots of people only giving 50 tech for 3 mil? How greedy. I still sell at 100 tech for your 3 mil, as it is supposed to be. That way there is plenty of profit for all I have 5 slots open. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Send offer in game to claim a spot. First come, first served.
  2. [i]Another day nearer the battle, So drink up my lads and look brave, 'Cos every day nearer the battle Is another day nearer the grave.[/i] — A warriors' song of the Imperial Guard
  3. "To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor." - Imperial Commander
  4. The Imperial Guard is looking for experienced players. There are gov. positions available in IA and Econ, lower gov. positions are open and all departments need staff all with good promotion prospects, meaning you could help run an up and coming alliance. Also, there is an exciting new project in the works. Being an active member of The Imperial Guard can qualify any experienced or new member for upto 60mil in boost aid to help your nation grow and better serve the Emperor! Sign up now to advantage of these great opportunities to advance yourself amongst The Imperial Guard. The Emperor Protects!
  5. "For every one of us who falls, ten more will take his place!" - A guardsman of the 412th of Cadia
  6. "When you decide to die, remember to give your enemy the same honour." — Commissar Grenville
  7. Color: Black [url="http://z7.invisionfree.com/TheImperialGuard/index.php?"]The Imperial Guard[/url] (TIG) - #TIG
  8. 'Do not strike until you are ready to crush the enemy utterly, and then attack without mercy, destroy every vestige of resistance, leave no-one to work against you.' -Tactica Imperium
  9. 'You can never have too many enemies. The more you've got, the more likely they are to get in each other's way.' - Jarvin Wallankot, Idle Musings
  10. [quote name='Ferrozoica Hive' timestamp='1285722344' post='2467445'] I'll support this so long as Vervunhive is not admitted. Vervunhive In seriousness, an excellent addition to the political landscape. Welcome, and may you do well. [/quote] Oh dear...one of our regiments is the Tanith 1st and Only, which funnily enough is the one I lead. What a happy coincidence
  11. "Every position must be held to the last man: there must be no retirement. With our backs to the wall, and believing in the justice of our cause, each one of us must fight on to the end." — attributed to Imperial Warmaster Solon
  12. We aren't Sparta. The Emperor is in no way connected to Sparta but is the ruler of the Imperium
  13. [center][img]http://i55.tinypic.com/2pt1cmf.jpg[/img] [size="5"][b]THE IMPERIAL GUARD[/b][/size] [size="3"][i][b]'For the Emperor!'[/b][/i][/size] [b]Forum: [/b][url="http://z7.invisionfree.com/TheImperialGuard/index.php?"]Link[/url] | [b]IRC:[/b] #TIG[/center] And so begins our glorious crusade into Planet Bob. A dangerous passage stretches out before us, but we shall carry a shining light to put flight to the shadows and thrust fear into the hearts of all who forsake the Emperor's Will. The Emperor's incandescence can be seen in every muzzle flash, every explosion, every searchlight and every one of our glittering, vengeful eyes. Any who oppose us will join the long list of foes who wished they had never stirred our Empire to war. They will bring upon their heads nothing but misery, death, defeat and humiliation. Those who stand by us shall join us on our glorious crusade to victory over the heretical hordes of Planet Bob. We shall stand by our aliies through fire and death, brothers in arms and comrades till the end. Those who join the Imperial Guard shall become a force to be reckoned with. They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines such that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Imperial Guard and they shall know no fear. The Emperor Protects! [QUOTE][b][SIZE=5]The Rules and Regulations of the Imperial Guard[/SIZE][/b] [b][SIZE=5]I. Preamble[/SIZE][/b] This Document is meant to set out the structure, rights and regulations of the Imperial Guard. All member nations of the Imperial Guard agree to the set rules and regulations presented in this charter. [b][SIZE=5]II. The Principles of the Imperial Guard[/SIZE][/b] The underlying principles of the Imperial Guard and all Guardsmen is our loyalty to one another, and above all, our alliance. All Guardsmen pledge to remain loyal to the alliance, no matter the odds, for we all know that the Imperial Guard will never fall as long as we stand together. Through unity we shall ensure that our magnificent Imperium is defended from its enemies. [b][SIZE=5]III. Applying for Membership[/SIZE][/b] In applying for membership, you must recognise that the Imperial Guard is an alliance based in the Black sphere. Nations over 10,000 ns may be granted temporary exemptions from switching colours but anyone under must switch to Black sphere before applying. The application process is quite simple. Creating a new topic in the Sign Up board with the appropriate details will be sufficient for us to consider your membership application [b][SIZE=5]IV. Command Structure of the Imperial Guard[/SIZE][/b] [b]Warmaster[/b] The Warmaster is the supreme leader of the Imperial Guard, able to direct our alliance anywhere he/she desires. His/her powers and duties are numerous, and include, but are not limited to: * Only the Warmaster may issue a declaration of war on a foreign alliance. * The Warmaster shall remain Warmaster until he/she resigns. If such an event occurs, a successor shall be named by said Warmaster. * The Warmaster can veto any decision passed by the General Staff. * The Warmaster has the power to suspend or expel a nation from the Imperial Guard without the permission of the General Staff. * Only the Warmaster may authorise the use of nuclear warheads. [b]Removal[/b] If the General Staff feel the Warmaster is not acting in the best interests of the Imperial Guard, a vote can be cast in the Commissariat. If a 75% majority decides the Warmaster unfit to continue his leadership then the General Staff and former Warmaster will make a joint decision for a replacement. [b]General Staff of the Imperial Guard[/b] Effectively the Warmaster's right hand men within the alliance, the General Staff are the designated heads of each department within the Imperial Guard. The Heads of Departments are as follows: High Inquisitor - Ordo Xenos (Foreign Affairs) Lord General - Imperial Guard (Defense) Commissar-General - Commissariat (Internal Affairs) Master Munitorum - Departmento Munitorum (Economy) For appointments, the Warmaster will nominate a Department Head to a specific Government Department. Should the Officio Tactica start a debate about a Department Head and disapprove with a 75% majority, the Warmaster will nominate a new Department Head. [b]General Staff Succession[/b] If a Department Head is not able to do their job for a certain period of time, the Warmaster may replace said Department Head without notification. [b]Deputy General Staff of the Imperial Guard[/b] * Deputy General Staff are assistants to the General Staff. Each Department Head may appoint their Deputy with the Warmaster's approval. Inquisitor Lord - Ordo Xenos (Foreign Affairs) Marshal - Imperial Guard (Defense) Commissar-Captain - Commissariat (Internal Affairs) Prefectus Munitorum - Departmento Munitorum (Economy) * Deputies have the same mask as the General Staff, but report to General Staff for duties and responsibilities. [b]The Officio Tactica[/b] The Officio Tactica is the voice of the people within Imperial Guard. All member nations of the Imperial Guard may vote for up to 8 candidates in the elections which are held on the first day every four months. * There are 8 members of the Officio Tactica. * Senior government is not eligible to run for the Officio Tactica. * Members of the Officio Tactica are assigned as liaisons to departments in multiples of two. Each member's background history and specialities will determine where each liaison goes. If it's left undecided for more than 3 days after each election, the Commissar-General will decide for them. * Should a tie exist in a vote between the nominees for the Officio Tactica, the Warmaster will be the tiebreaker. Predetermined duties of the Officio Tactica: * Ratify new treaties proposed by the Warmaster in peacetime. * Listen to suggestions, comments and concerns of general Imperial Guard membership. [b]Offico Tactica Removal[/b] * A member of the Officio Tactica can be removed if the Warmaster or a 75% majority of the Offico Tactica agree. A 48 hour nomination and election period will be held if such an event occurs. [b][SIZE=5]V. Imperial Guard Law[/SIZE][/b] The rules of the Imperial Guard must be adhered to at all times in order to uphold her honour and integrity. Failure to abide by these very simple rules will result in severe ramifications against the perpetrator. Betrayal or embarrassment of the Imperial Guard is never an option. * While military prowess is of course encouraged within the Imperial Guard, no member nation may attack nations without prior consent from a commanding military officer. * Being a member of another alliance while in the Imperial Guard is strictly prohibited. * Nuclear Weapons may only be launched with approval by the Warmaster. * No member of the Imperial Guard may conduct espionage on any Alliance or pass classified intelligence to any Alliance or third party. * The use of in-game spies without prior approval from either the Warmaster or Lord General is prohibited. [b]Punishment Hearings[/b] * It is the job of the Commissariat to decide punishment of Imperial Guardsmen who break Imperial Guard laws. * These hearings will be held in the private area of the Commissariat, entitled 'Court Martial'. * The defendant shall be given the opportunity to defend his actions, the Commisariat shall take his testimony into account. * When a decision has been made the Court Martial thread will be locked and made public for all Imperial Guardsmen to see. * The Commissariat is the Judge and the Jury of the trial. * The Commissar-General can overturn any punishment decision if urgent situations require actions or the punishment is deemed detrimental to the alliance as a whole.[/QUOTE] [quote][center][IMG]http://oi55.tinypic.com/15ofc5w.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/fn4akm_th.png[/IMG] The residents of The imperial Guard and members of Sparta shall treat each other with as much respect and decency as they would their own. Advice, debate, discussion, and constructive criticism is not frowned upon, but all persons of the signatory parties shall show consideration by going through the proper channels when addressing concerns. [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/hx7p8x_th.png[/IMG] The armed forces of both The Imperial Guard and Sparta shall desist from any act of aggression or violence on each other either individually or collectively with other powers. Diplomacy, through proper channels, shall be used to resolve differences between the signatory parties. [IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/263xy1d_th.png[/IMG] Sparta shall provide The Imperial Guard with economic and armed support when requested, including providing financial resources through sending assistance rather it be in the form of monetary aid, technology, troops, or information. In the distribution of technology, Sparta and its members shall come first in the Government of The Imperial Guard's recommendations to potential clients for deals. Sparta shall promote the economy and resources of The Imperial Guard [IMG]http://i51.tinypic.com/vzcxtl_th.png[/IMG] Neither organization shall engage, nor condone or encourage a third party to do so, in espionage on each other. If either party receives any information relevant to the other they are to immediately notify them, revealing the nature, content, and the source of the information. [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/2wp466t_th.png[/IMG] Spartan members agree to defend all legal residents of The Imperial Guard through direct military action or financial assistance when requested. The Imperial Guard have the option to become militarily involved in any Spartan conflict. [IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/nbpwdh_th.png[/IMG] Sparta shall not regulate any internal or external developments of The Imperial Guard due to the latter's sovereignty. However, the Government of The Imperial Guard shall keep Spartan officials informed of developments, both internal and external. Advice in the coordination of foreign affairs shall be handed over Sparta, but final executive decisions will rest with the proper authorities in The Imperial Guard government. Sparta shall only have control of foreign affairs when The Imperial Guard engages in diplomatic dealing with organizations hostile to Sparta. [IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/2mpwokl_th.png[/IMG] Should either organization wish to end the above agreement, a notice must be given to the other signatory party. A forty-eight hour grace period shall be given before the termination of the agreement. [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/1pzfr6_th.png[/IMG] Automatic cancellation shall occur when The Imperial Guard disbands, in which former Imperial Guard residents will be directed to Sparta. Automatic cancellation shall also occur when The Imperial Guard achieves over 500,000 total nation strength over a period of at least five days. These agreements shall expire and be reviewed after sixty days from its announcement.[/center] [b]Signed for Sparta, King:[/b] Olaf Styke [b]King:[/b] Tulak Hord [b]Archephor:[/b] Lukapaka [b]Ephors of Philoxenia (Foreign Affairs):[/b] Unholy [b]Elders of Philoxenia Royal Emissary:[/b] Yerushalayim [b]Arch-Diplomat:[/b] El Coggins [b]Signed for The Imperial Guard Warmaster:[/b] Sparhawk [b]Ordo Xenos General Staff (Foreign Affairs) High Inquisitor:[/b] President Hiller [b]Inquisitor Lord:[/b] Emperor Leopold VI[/quote]
  14. [quote name='Davian Thule' timestamp='1285463222' post='2464730'] Need more Warhammer 40K/Dawn of War Alliances. [/quote] We have an Imperial Guard alliance but I would like to see other races too, especially a Chaos alliance
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